I became Garp's twin brother

Chapter 150 Passionate BIGMOM

No, Uncle Kadi, I was just thinking, why didn't we take that big guy Kaido with us when we left? Besides, he can also fly!

Seeing Ka Di coming to her side, Xiao He trembled and quickly started to defend himself.

After listening to Xiao He's words, Kadi glanced at the former angrily, The latter is your goal, right?

Ignoring Xiaohe's big innocent eyes, Kadi turned around and lay back on the recliner with the Night Pearl in his hand.

Then, under the gaze of three small curious eyes, he spoke slowly.

He's too big for convenience!

When it came to this matter, Kadi felt a little helpless. At first, he thought that after having Kaido, he would be omnipotent in heaven and earth, with a blue dragon under his feet and a sharp sword in his hand.

That kind of scene is like the swordsman of the pirate world!

It's a pity that ideals are full.

After experiencing an experience of flying around in the sky on Kaido, Kadi decisively gave up.

The wind is so strong up there!

Not to mention the hairstyle, I can’t stand at all, it’s really unsightly!

As a result, Kadi's dream of becoming a swordsman came to an end again.

After explaining, Kadi shifted his gaze slightly and placed it on Nami aside.

Nami, how long is it from Ten Thousand Kingdoms?

Three more days, Captain!

After receiving the accurate answer, Kadi lay down again with his back on the beach chair.

Three days?

It’s not too far!

Xiao He had been clamoring before to see what a house made entirely of desserts would look like, and he happened to have nothing to do.

Originally I wanted to visit Whitebeard, but since he was on his way, Kadi decided to stop by Big-Mom for a walk.

After all, anyone who has watched One Piece will not want to see Whitebeard’s majestic and domineering posture!

And of course Carter is among them.

Although, regardless of his age, in terms of seniority, Whitebeard would still call him a senior, but that was the original Kadi's business, and he had never seen the real Whitebeard with his own eyes.

As for the red-haired guy, that guy is such a thief that Cardiff kind of hates him.

The Kingdom of Totland, also known as Ten Thousand Kingdoms.

A strange island group located in the New World.

Unlike other countries, this country has as many as thirty-four islands of various sizes within its territory.

Each island has its own characteristics, mainly composed of a kind of food or ingredients.

Almost half of the world's various races live on these islands.

And their ruler is Big-Mom, who is the same Yonko as Kaido.

The only female among the Yonko.

He even has the title of born destroyer.

In the center of the world, in the largest building on Cake Island.

In a dark room.

There was a constant clicking sound, as if someone was chewing something, which gave people an inexplicable creepy feeling.

Follow the sound and look.

At the end of the room, he saw a huge figure stretching out his fat arms and crazily stuffing something into his mouth.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a pile of desserts, each of which was the size of an adult.

The weirdest thing is that these desserts can also talk when they are stuffed into your mouth.

Mom is going to eat me, so good!

Eat me, Mom!


A woman who strikes fear into all the nations, including her children.

There was a crash!

At this moment, the door to the room was suddenly pushed open from the outside.

A figure rushed in.

Suddenly, Big-Mom frowned and his anger surged.

Perospero, I hope you can give me a perfect explanation. You know that mother hates being disturbed when enjoying delicious food!

Her face darkened, and her red bloodshot eyeballs stared closely at Perospero who had barged in. She exuded an aura of calmness, and the air in the whole room suddenly became oppressive. stand up.

At this moment, Perospero seemed to be targeted by something dangerous, and his long tongue, which was more than one meter high, was quickly retracted by him.

Pale and sweating profusely, Perospero trembled and hurriedly bent down to explain.

Mom, Perospero didn't mean it, it was Carty, Carty is here!


Upon hearing Perospero's explanation, Big-Mom's pupils shrank sharply.

At this time, she no longer cared about the small matter of Perospero breaking into the room without permission, and her mind was completely attracted by the word Cardi.



Why is he here? What is he doing here?

As if trapped in some kind of weird circle, Big-Mom kept mumbling words and kept repeating Kadi's name. She didn't even care when her favorite dessert fell to the ground, and kept mumbling with all her heart.

As if the devil was stunned.

After this scene was seen by Perospero who was standing below, a hint of panic immediately appeared in his eyes. This familiar scene could not be...

The next second.

He barely had time to react.


A strong aura spread rapidly from BIG-MOM's body, as if it were real, and everything in the room was destroyed in an instant.

Debris flew like a typhoon in the room.

In just a moment, the entire room turned into a garbage dump.

Perospero, who was the first to bear the brunt, rolled his eyes and a drop of bright red liquid inadvertently flowed from his nostrils, almost fainting.

Not only that.

outside the room.

Centered on the room where BIG-MOM was located, within a radius of one kilometer, everyone who passed by seemed to have been severely injured, their eyes turned white, like dominoes.

one by one!

Plop, plop...

I saw him fainting and falling to the ground one after another.

Overlord color and domineering!

As expected of the Pirate Queen, her strength is simply terrifying.

the other side.

As the royal chef of BIG-MOM, Long Bread is preparing today's dinner for the former, and his petite figure is constantly jumping around in the room that is tens of thousands of square meters wide.

In the entire kitchen, there are nearly a hundred formal chefs, not counting the other support staff such as Dahe, who cuts vegetables, and a team of nearly a thousand chefs, all just to serve one person.

Chef, today's...

At this moment, one of the chefs was about to speak, but was stopped by the baguette with his hand.

Don't talk!

His expression was serious, and he looked past a piece of glass in the kitchen and out the window. That direction was where BIG-MOM was.

Is Lingling’s thinking disorder breaking out?


What is she shouting?


After hearing these two names clearly, Baobao's eyes suddenly widened.

The next second.

In the eyes of thousands of eyes in the kitchen, his short figure suddenly disappeared on the spot, knocked open the kitchen door, and ran away into the distance at high speed.

For a moment, everyone was dumbfounded!

No food was cooked, the chef ran away?

at the same time.

Located on an ice island southeast of Cake Island.

Wow, it's so delicious!

Xiaohe lay on top of the largest ice cream cone in Iceland, which is a landmark building, and licked the cream frantically, with both eyes forming crescent moons.

The entire ice cream is a hundred meters high, like a snowman placed in a cocktail glass.

Stand below.

Taotu worriedly looked at the top, Xiaohe, who was licking the ice cream with great satisfaction, couldn't help but yelled.

Xiao He, don't eat it, or you'll spoil your stomach!

I understand, Sister Taotu, take two more bites, just two bites!

Hearing Xiaohe's voice coming from above, Taotu turned around and looked at Kadi behind him with some concern, Captain, isn't it good for us to just barge in without saying hello?

After all, this is BIG-MOM’s territory!

Of course, Taotu did not say the following words. After all, she had already seen that the Four Emperors were nothing to her captain.

Of course, she couldn't guarantee that he would be the strongest man in the sea.

Who said you didn't say hello, right?

Kadi raised his eyebrows slightly, turned around and looked at the frightened Ice Cream Minister beside him, and smiled, with a very gentle tone, Well, if you don't mind if we eat some ice cream from you!

As he spoke, Kadi pointed at Xiao He who had just come down from above.

After hearing this, the Ice Cream Minister quickly waved his hands and shook his head, saying repeatedly, Of course I don't mind if I don't mind!

Looking at Kadi's pair of deep black eyes, his body felt an inexplicable chill for the first time, and his heart couldn't help but feel a little bitter.

This guy is a ruthless person!

According to my mother, even Kaido was beaten to the ground by him.

He said he didn't mind, but it was no use!

Seeing that the Ice Cream Minister was so hospitable, the smile on Kadi's face became gentler. He turned his head and extended his hand to signal to Peach Rabbit.

Look, everyone said they don't mind, Xiaohe, feel free to eat!

The latter sentence is for Xiao He.

Huh? Captain, is it true?

Xiaohe's eyes widened in surprise, and things like little stars appeared in his clear eyes, shining brightly.

Seeing Ka Di nod and receiving confirmation from Ka Di again, Xiao He suddenly jumped up on the spot.


“Finally I can eat all-you-can-eat ice cream!”

Long live the Captain!!!

Then, in the eyes of everyone, Xiao He's figure deftly disappeared from the spot again, and re-appeared on top of the largest snowman ice cream in the center of Iceland.

Looking at the two people in front of him, Taotu glanced at the ice cream minister Moscato, whose entire face was about to melt, and raised his forehead to express his helplessness.

How do you know that people don't mind?

Aren't you scared?

Wanting to complain about the captain and comparing his own strength with the former's, Taotu decisively chose to shut up.

The captain is too strong, that’s not good!

Half an hour later.


Xiaohe, who finally came down from the top, touched her slightly protruding belly and burped with great satisfaction, without any image of a lady at all.

This provoked Ka Di, who was standing aside, to see it with unspeakable disgust on his face.

So satisfying!

Uncle Cady, why don't we bring Moscato on board too? That way we can have ice cream and ice cream every day!

Looking at the unfinished oversized ice cream on top, there was a trace of reluctance in Xiao He's eyes, but when her eyes came into contact with the ice cream minister on the side, her eyes suddenly became brighter, and she hurriedly said.

Hearing this, Kadi couldn't help but feel moved. He rubbed his chin and looked at the ice cream minister Moscato next to him with a bit of fun. It seemed like a good idea!

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