I Became Invincible After Getting Rejected For 100 Time

Chapter 172: 0 Hualin is really going to close


In the blink of an eye, Jin Qiao was submerged in the ocean of spiritual law!


Immediately afterwards, not far from Lin Feng, Jin Rong fell to the ground, and the entire cliff top shook violently.

But at this moment, Lin Feng turned over again, rushed over in an instant, and rode directly on Jin Qiao's neck, his fists were clenched tightly by him, and fell like raindrops:

"Little bird, dare to resist?"


Bare and covered with scars everywhere, Jin Qiao, whose breath was so sluggish to the extreme, still had no strength to fight back. Being crushed by Lin Feng like a violent storm, in an instant, there was only breath out and no breath in.


Also at this moment, a figure came across the sky in an instant, at an extremely fast speed, as if a lightning flashed across the sky.

It was still far away just now, but in the blink of an eye, it was instantly approaching the top of the cliff.

But before the figure approached, there was a roar of collapse:


The person who came was naturally He Lao.

He saw it from afar.

The top of the cliff was in a mess, and a large number of trees and rocks were turned into dust. The entire top of the cliff was originally undulating, but now it has been completely razed to the ground.

One can imagine how fierce the battle just happened.

But this is not the reason why he was shocked. What shocked him was that at the top of the cliff at this moment, Lin Feng seemed to be transformed into a **** and demon, riding on the naked and scarred Jin Qiao, and his fists fell like raindrops.

And that Jin Qiao had completely lost the power to resist.

He was dumbfounded.

He was also worried that Lin Feng would be killed by Jin Qiao, but this time, it was still a step too late, but it was not Lin Feng who was going to be killed by Jin Qiao, but Lin Feng who was about to beat Jin Qiao to death!

Hearing this sound, Lin Feng also stopped beating violently, but he quickly activated the Juling Dispatch General, directly arresting a part of Jin Yu's spirit body, and then stood up and retreated.

At this moment, He Lao took a step down and landed directly between Lin Feng and Jin Qiao.

At this moment, He Lao looked at the extremely miserable Jin Qiao, and was completely dumbfounded.

At this moment, Jin Qiao didn't have the mighty and domineering look before.

The whole body is bare, only some down feathers are still sparse.

There were bloodstains and even scorched marks on his body, as if the whole Jin Qiao had been beaten into a puddle of flesh.

All you need to do is to find a huge skewer to skewer this golden wither and you can grill it!

If he had come one step later, maybe this Jin Qiao would really have become a baked Jin Qiao.

Old He's face turned green, he waved his hand quickly, a green light flashed, and directly landed on Jin Qiao.

Only then did Jin Qiao recover a bit of breath, slowly moved his body, and hid far away, as if he was afraid that Lin Feng would violently attack it again.

But in fact, even He Lao didn't notice, but in Jin Qiao's small eyes, besides the fear of Lin Feng, there is also submission...

It had already been arrested, and its life and death depended on Lin Feng's thought, which was more effective than any beast control technique.

Then, Mr. He looked at Lin Feng in dismay.

Lin Feng also had injuries on his body. There were bloodstains on his fists and many places on his body, which were injured by Jin Qiao.

But this injury is nothing to the monk at all.

The situation was obvious, Lin Feng was completely crushed when he met Jin Qiao.

At this moment, He Lao not only collapsed, but also extremely complicated, and at the same time, he was extremely shocked.

What broke him down was that the result was beyond his expectation, it was not Jin You who hurt Lin Feng, but Lin Feng who hurt Jin You.

But the result was not much better than what he had expected.

Jin Qiao's status is equally noble, this is not a spirit beast of Baihualin, but a big monster of the monster clan who cooperates with Da Zhou, and even the only descendant of the elders of the monster clan in the Night Watchman Academy.

That is a top-level powerhouse, as terrifying as an existence at the level of the dean.

The opponent is just such a descendant, who stays in the Baihua Forest for foster care, and will become a top-level combat power after breaking through the sixth-grade transformation form.

In the end, he was beaten like this by Lin Feng!

What was shocking was that Lin Feng's strength actually exceeded his expectations.

This is definitely the combat power of the Nascent Soul Realm!

Jin Qiao has been beaten like this, and the top of the cliff has been razed to the ground. Isn't this the Nascent Soul's combat power?

At this moment, Mr. He was so complicated that he didn't know what to say.

He wanted to vomit blood.

What is it all about!

Soon, when He Lao raised his hand, another beam of light fell on Jin Yu, helping to treat the injury, and completely stabilized Jin Yu's injury, and then suppressed the shock in his heart and looked at Lin Feng.

The black lines all over his face:

"You are in big trouble, don't come back for this monthly exam, otherwise the dean will have difficulty keeping you, unless the old dean comes forward!"

This is not a threat, but it is true. The elder withered is very defensive, and he is a giant of the monster clan who cooperates with Da Zhou. Lin Feng has beaten his descendants like this, can he let Lin Feng off easily?

Unless Lin Feng directly moves out a stronger old dean.

But Lin Feng grinned indifferently:

"Then move out the master!"

He Lao was speechless, and then gave Lin Feng a hard look:

"It's up to you, anyway, this old man won't take the blame, you can handle it yourself!"

Then, he raised his eyebrows and said:

"Are you convinced now? In the past so long, many spirit beasts in Baihua Forest have been beaten by you once, do you know the difficulty?"

"These spirit beasts are also existences that would rather die than surrender, just beating them violently is useless!"

But when Mr. He just said this, Lin Feng grinned and asked:

"Mr. He, you said before that you can contract as much as you can take away?"


Hearing this, Mr. He's heart sank suddenly.


how is this possible?

Who is this kid scaring?

Soon, Mr. He calmed down:

"Yes, I said so!"

"If you really contracted all the monsters, then my Baihua Forest will be closed!"

"Okay, stop dreaming, admit defeat quickly, and follow the old man..."

But at this moment, at the same time as Lin Feng whistled, the detaining general in his mind was running, and he gave the order to gather the many spirit beasts he detained.

In the blink of an eye, several spirit beasts flew nearby.

He Lao's eyes widened in an instant, his breath suddenly stagnated, as if someone had hit him hard with a heavy hammer, and he was completely stunned.

I saw spirit beasts appearing one after another, and they all crawled down around Lin Feng with incomparable respect.

One hundred eighth-rank spirit beasts all surrendered.

But it wasn't over yet, and then another nine seventh-rank spirit beasts arrived, and they also prostrated themselves on the ground respectfully.

Even Jin Qiao, who had just recovered from his injuries, crawled down even though he was reluctant.


In an instant, Mr. He only felt a buzzing in his head, and his eyes went blank!

He was completely dumbfounded!

what did he see

In the entire Baihua Forest, one hundred eighth-rank spirit beasts and ten seventh-rank spirit beasts all surrendered to Lin Feng?

This doesn't seem to be the contractual cooperation in the art of beast control, but complete surrender?

How did this happen?

what is happening?

His head buzzed~www.readwn.com~ his whole body was shaking violently.

This scene completely exceeded his imagination.

Can anyone else do this?

Is this still beast control?

Let so many spirit beasts surrender?

Is it just a beating that made so many spirit beasts surrender?

It's impossible for a top beast master to do this!

How did Lin Feng do it?

But at this moment, Lin Feng's voice came again:

"Mr. He, it's fine if you don't take them all away. I'll take Jin Qiao away. I'll pass the test with the highest difficulty?"

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