I Became Invincible After Getting Rejected For 100 Time

Chapter 175: Future private army can be expected

Outside the northern area of ​​Zhongzhou City, on the northern wilderness, it is different from the southern wilderness.

In the north, there is a big camp of demon slayers, which is called the northern camp.

The northern battalion is one of the main forces of the demon slayers, with a total of eighteen troops stationed in the northern wilderness.

The northern camp is resisting the demon clan in the northern wilderness.

The wilderness in the north is even more vast. There used to be many human cities in this vast area, but now many of them have become barren cities, and even many of them are occupied by monster races.

wucuoxs/108556/"I have a book of ghosts and gods"

On the wilderness in the south, there are still human cities at a distance, and there are monster races in the wilderness.

But in the north, beyond the control of the northern camp, all of them have fallen into the hands of the monster clan.

The northern camp is facing the monster army, and there will be frequent battles.

But up to now, the two sides are at a stalemate, large-scale conflicts rarely occur, and local conflicts have never stopped.

And in the middle of the camps of both sides, there are many deserted cities, and this place has also become a training place for demon slayers, and even the younger generation of Tianjiao from all sides of the Great Zhou.

Lin Feng's destination was the dozens of deserted cities between the two armies.

Here, there are unwritten rules.

Be it the Yaozu or the Dazhou Human Race, the deserted city in the buffer zone is regarded as an excellent training ground.

Dozens of deserted cities are divided into three ranges. The outer third ring is mainly the place for Tianjiao to practice in the foundation building environment, the second ring is the alchemy environment, and the innermost ring is the world of the Nascent Soul environment.

The black market will not have a fixed location, and will appear in this buffer zone at an indefinite time.

In addition to hunting monsters, his goal is to visit the black market. It would be better if he could get the spiritual objects needed for the breakthrough of the other three types of four different attributes. , used to cultivate golden wither.

Outside the city gate of the northern district of Zhongzhou City, Lin Feng registered his personal information and soon left the city, heading straight for the wilderness.

He was on the road alone, and before leaving the city, Jin Qiao was taken into the space of the Illusory Sky Realm.

It is too eye-catching to bring gold wither.

After the golden wither recovered, the golden feathers all over his body were eye-catching, but the realm aura it exuded was still complete in the alchemy realm.

But Lin Feng's realm is only in the early stage of foundation establishment.

If this is to show off around with Jin Qiao, even if there are few people in the wilderness, it will cause a lot of unnecessary troubles.

Of course, the wilderness in the north is different from that in the south.

In the southern wilderness, besides the experienced Great Zhou Tianjiao, there are also many wilderness hunters.

But in the wilderness of the north, there are fewer wilderness hunters, and the most important thing is the experienced talents.

Because there are many wars in the north, even in the wilderness occupied by the northern camp of the Great Zhou, there are still many monster races, even some of the sixth rank, which is equivalent to the great monsters of the Nascent Soul Realm of human beings.

Because the living space is small, there are naturally fewer wild hunters.

Even wilderness bandits are rare in the north.

Stepping into the wilderness again, Lin Feng's state of mind has changed a lot compared to the last time.

The last time he set foot on the wilderness was to accompany Dong's firm to **** supplies. At that time, Lin Feng's realm was only at the Qi-entraining realm, and his strength was much weaker than now.

There are constant thrills and dangers along the way.

This time when he set foot on the wilderness again, Lin Feng became more confident, which was brought to him by his strength.

The current him dared to fight against the Nascent Soul Realm, not to mention that he was carrying a spirit beast that was perfect in the seventh rank but possessed the initial combat power of the Nascent Soul.

With such a combination, he really doesn't feel the slightest bit afraid in the face of a real Nascent Soul strongman.

On the wilderness where Lin Feng is now, the seventh-rank monsters are the pinnacle, and the sixth-rank is extremely rare.

After all, this is the area occupied by the Great Zhou Northern Camp, and it has not yet reached the default buffer zone of the training area.

Even if they went deep into the buffer zone before the big camp in the north, those deserted cities, because of the tacit understanding between the human race and the monster race, no existence above the Nascent Soul would step in.

Once you step in, it may be the beginning of a big battle.

Therefore, Lin Feng, who now has the combat power of the Nascent Soul, can walk sideways in this wilderness as long as he doesn't try to provoke the army with his death.

This is also the reason why he dared to step into the wilderness alone.

In fact, even if it is an ordinary Foundation Establishment Realm Talent, there are quite a few who have practiced in this wilderness.

There are two purposes for Lin Feng to set foot on the wilderness this time. One is to complete the mission. Hunting monsters and killing strange monsters are all his missions.

On the other hand, it is natural to arrest the spirits after killing the monsters and monsters, and use them to cultivate the spirits of gold and ghosts.

Of course, looking for the black market is just incidental, this is uncertain, you can only try your luck, it is a hidden mission.

Soon, Lin Feng stepped into the wilderness and started hunting monsters.

In order to practice himself, he still didn't release the golden wither, but practiced by himself.

A ninth-rank monster was killed on the spot by Lin Feng's random spiritual power before it even had time to escape.

Then, Lin Feng also tried arresting the spirit. This is no longer arresting a part, but the whole.

Soon, a spirit body of a ninth-grade monster appeared in the palace of his mind.

Lin Feng found a place and began to try to use this monster spirit body to cultivate Jin Qiao's spirit body.

Running the spirit-detaining dispatcher, the spirit body of this ninth-rank monster beast was refined into a ball of pure energy, which was injected into Jin Qiao's spirit body.

In an instant, Jin Qiao, who was still in the space of the Illusory Heaven Realm, was suddenly startled and chirped.

Because of the suppression of part of Jin Qiao's spiritual body, Lin Feng could also sense Jin Qiao's thoughts through this spiritual body.

"A little bit stronger? Is it too little?"

Lin Feng nodded slightly, which is also normal.

After all, this is just a ninth-rank monster, and the golden wither used to cultivate the seventh-rank peak is naturally too weak, and it is not enough to fit between the teeth.

It is best to directly kill the seventh rank, or even the sixth rank, then the effect will be better.

The same should be true for the strange spirit cultivation.

Lin Feng is also preparing to continue killing monsters after nightfall, replacing all the suppressed monsters in his mind with black-haired monsters, and then come to raise the spirit!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng raised his brows slightly, feeling a little sympathetic to the one hundred gray boys who are still suppressed in the palace space of his mind:

"This has not yet played a role, it will be reduced to rations..."

Then, Lin Feng continued on the road.

Originally, he thought that no matter how small a mosquito is, it would still be meat, but because the effect of nourishing the spirit was so bad, he didn't even bother to kill the ninth-rank monsters when he saw them.

After killing them all, wouldn't people have no one to practice with later?

Lin Feng still has a sense of public morality, and he can't do anything wrong.

Lin Feng wasn't in a hurry, he saw the direction of the northern camp, and slowly went all the way up.

At the same time, he was also thinking about whether sending generals from Juling would be of any use to the monsters in the wilderness?

Now he can arrest the seventh-rank peak monsters, the upper limit of the number is unknown.

Because he has already detained more than a hundred spirit beasts in Baihualin, it feels like he can continue!

The same is true for Weird, he should be able to arrest spirits and black-haired Weird now, and the upper limit of the number is unknown.

Lin Feng felt a little hopeful.

Even if you only control one hundred seventh-rank peak monsters, plus one hundred black-haired ghosts, isn't that equivalent to having two hundred thugs who have reached the alchemy state at once?

With so many thugs~www.readwn.com~ attacking in groups, Nascent Soul Realm can kill them without even needing him to make a move.

Of course, many people must die.

Forget about spirit beasts, it's not worthwhile to kill them, but he doesn't feel bad if monsters and monsters are killed.

With longing, Lin Feng searched for seventh-rank monsters along the way.

It's a pity that, like the information he got, on the northern wilderness, because there is a northern camp sitting on the front line, even though there are many monsters in the wilderness from Zhongzhou City to the northern camp, they hide extremely deep.

He didn't meet a seventh-rank monster along the way, but he did meet eighth- and ninth-rank monsters.

Even he tried to kill the eighth grade to raise the spirit, but the effect was still very poor.

But just when Lin Feng was depressed that the monsters above rank seven were hiding too deeply, there was movement not far from him.

When he looked around, his eyes lit up: "A seventh-rank monster!"

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