I Became Invincible After Getting Rejected For 100 Time

Chapter 184: Don't follow, you'll die

The entire No. 48 deserted city was wiped out again, corpses were strewn all over the ground, blood flowed into rivers, and blood energy gathered and rushed straight into the sky.

And this scene was also seen by Zhou Tiancheng and others who came after him.

At this moment, even Zhou Tiancheng's scalp was numb.

Lin Feng's face was expressionless, as if killing a god, countless monster lives were harvested with his hands raised!

At this moment, even Zhou Tiancheng's body trembled, his pores exploded, and his scalp became numb:

"Is this a butcher?"

There are three deserted cities occupied by monster clans one after another, and all of them are killed without leaving one!

It's him, who has been in City 45 for many years, and has had countless conflicts, but he has never killed the Yaozu like this.

He was even a little scared, a little scared, this is really a butcher.

In the next second, Lin Feng turned his head and glanced at the five people, and then walked towards City 49 in an extremely calm manner.

At this moment, Zhou Tiancheng and the others came to their senses.

Zhou Tiancheng said loudly:

"Senior brother Lin Feng, can you bring us with you?"

Originally, it was to dissuade Lin Feng from continuing, because the monster clan's counterattack might be ushered in soon, but in the end, the words turned into a request to join!

When Zhou Tiancheng's words came out, not only his own blood boiled with enthusiasm and fighting spirit rose wildly, but also the other four Foundation Establishment Talents around him did the same.

Everyone is as imposing as a rainbow, and their fighting spirit is extremely crazy.

Even the eyes that looked at Lin Feng were full of admiration.

Isn't what Lin Feng did just what they wanted to do but couldn't do?

Even before Zhou Tiancheng didn't care about Lin Feng at all, he just regarded him as someone who came to be gilded, and just arranged for someone to greet him, and arranged to do odd jobs in No. 45 city.

But now, Zhou Tiancheng blurted out all those who wanted to dissuade Lin Feng, and planned to follow Lin Feng.

They are also teenagers, and their blood is boiling like Lin Feng's, so they naturally yearn to slaughter the city like Lin Feng!

But hearing what they said, Lin Feng stopped and looked back.

Looking at the sincerity in the five people's eyes and feeling the fighting spirit in them, Lin Feng also took a deep breath, as if deeply infected.

But in fact, for Lin Feng, he is really just training himself, even if he hates the Yaozu, this is a racial barrier after all.

But he doesn't have as much hatred as these Tianjiao who have been on the front line for a long time.

In the next second, Lin Feng suppressed the impulse in his heart and shook his head:

"No, people will die!"

What Lin Feng said was the truth.

He knows what he's doing.

Massacring a city, a massacre that doesn't stay, he is spreading hatred.

Soon, the Yaozu will react, and even directly break the rules, letting Tianjiao of the second ring or even the first ring step into the third ring to deal with him.

He massacred the city, this hatred has reached its peak, and his immortal demon clan will never let it go.

He is fine on his own, but he can find a way to escape if he can't do it. This wilderness is so big, if he uses the Illusory Heaven Realm, finding him is like going to heaven.

But it's different with these five Tianjiao.

Not to mention whether it will develop into a large-scale conflict, even if you can't beat them and want to escape, you still have to worry about these five people. Isn't this a drag?

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Zhou Tiancheng and the other five blushed.

They looked down on them before, thinking they were the little guys who came to be gilded, but now it's reversed, and it's their turn to look down on them.

But that's right, Lin Feng's method of massacring the city has completely exceeded their strength.

And it's really dead.

They really want to say that they are not afraid of death, but they will drag Lin Feng down if they keep up.

For a moment, the five of them looked at each other with shame.

Lin Feng didn't say any more, turned around and continued on his way.

And as soon as he left, Zhou Tiancheng and the five of them looked at each other, and in the next second, they all fell to the ground without communicating, and sat down cross-legged on the spot in an extremely tacit understanding.

Immediately afterwards, breaths rose from the bodies of the five people.

This is obviously to complete the breakthrough on the spot.

They had to break through to the Alchemy Realm, otherwise they would not even be qualified to follow Lin Feng.

Even Lin Feng himself didn't expect that his appearance actually made these Tianjiao make different choices.

These Tianjiao have been able to break through the alchemy realm a long time ago, but they chose not to break through in order to defend the deserted city, because the rules of the third ring are below the foundation establishment realm.

As for Lin Feng, it didn't take long before he saw another deserted city occupied by the monster clan, city No. 49.

But still a long distance away, the numerous demon clan geniuses in the city dispersed in an instant, turning into silhouettes and shooting away in all directions.

Lin Feng's appearance sounded like a death-defying bell. How could there be any eighth-rank monsters still in the city?

The so-called offensive and defensive battle in the deserted city in the buffer zone became a joke because of Lin Feng's appearance.

With him around, who else can stop him from massacring the entire Third Ring Road?

However, he didn't break the rules, he was really only at the Foundation Establishment level.

Lin Feng is simply a bug.

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng shook his head helplessly. Naturally, he didn't go after him, it was unnecessary, and he was not a bloodthirsty person.

Even if he catches up, as he thought before, even if these monster races are weak, there are a lot of them. If they spread out and flee, if he can catch up to one or two, can they all stay?


Lin Feng didn't care about the fleeing monsters, crossed the No. 49 city, and continued on, the next stop was the No. 50 city.

He is not in a hurry, he is also waiting.

Give the Yaozu time to react ~www.readwn.com~ Let the other party assemble a stronger Yaozu.

His opponent is the seventh-rank monster clan, or even the sixth-rank monster clan.

After the seventh rank is defeated, the spirit can be suppressed as your pet beast, and after the sixth rank is killed, it can be used as the ration of the pet beast.

Lin Feng's plan was well thought out.

Of course, it's just a plan, and the plan will never keep up with the changes, and he doesn't expect to be able to follow his thinking completely.

At this moment, in the northern camp of Dazhou in the rear, Marshal Song Xianwu called a meeting of eighteen generals under his seat.

Everyone at the scene heard what happened on the third ring road in the buffer zone, and everyone was shocked.

In the early stage of foundation establishment, one person massacred the city, and the corpses of the demon clan in the deserted city were scattered all over the field and blood flowed into rivers.

This is something that hasn't happened in many years.

The most important thing is his realm, and it is a person.

What kind of strength is needed to do this?

Everyone was terrified, and at the same time, many people were extremely excited:

"Such a proud man should stay in our northern camp!"

"Don't dream, such a proud man is something our camp can keep!"

"Good guy, cruel and ruthless enough!"

"Peerless evildoer, it's a pity that you are still too young and too impulsive to think about the consequences?"

While everyone was discussing, Song Xianwu waved his hand, and the scene fell silent instantly.

At this moment, Song Xianwu also received more news. For example, another deserted city was destroyed by Lin Feng, and even the deserted city occupied by the demon clan Tianjiao directly collapsed.

What's more, the Yaozu camp is also rapidly dispatching troops, and many arrogances in the second and first rings occupied by the Yaozu are also taking action.

The entire buffer zone of the northern camp seemed to be in disarray, turning into a mess.

Song Xianwu rubbed his eyebrows fiercely, and said in a deep voice with a headache:

"Okay, stop yelling, I just asked you to come here for one thing, how to deal with it next? Let's talk about it!"

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