I Became Invincible After Getting Rejected For 100 Time

Chapter 189: 1 road massacre, unstoppable

Boom boom boom!

When the self-explosion sound came, Lin Feng was staggered by the explosion.

But the golden light on his body was shining, but his face was only slightly pale, and even the bits of flesh and blood didn't get on his clothes.

Lin Feng shook his head slightly, and crossed the No. 58 deserted city again.


It was exactly what Lin Feng wanted.

So what if the person who just made the move is already a mid-seventh-rank demon clan?

He has terrifying defensive power, and just a mid-level 7 demon clan self-detonation can't threaten him.

This saves him the effort to make a move, as long as he resists the wave of the opponent's self-destruction.

Then, in the deserted city No. 59, there were still no monster races.

In the deserted city of No. 60, two seventh-rank mid-stage monsters also brought more than a dozen eighth-rank monsters to kill.

With the lessons learned from the No. 58 deserted city, these monster races did not choose to self-destruct, which would not have the effect of delaying time.

They adopted another strategy, surrounding but not killing.

As soon as Lin Feng made a move, they ran away.

Unfortunately, their calculations quickly came to nothing.

Because once Lin Feng made a move, it would be too late for them to run away.

Especially the two mid-stage seventh-rank monsters were scattered, and it didn't take long for Lin Feng to kill them one by one with terrifying speed.

Then, No. 60 Deserted City was slaughtered.

Number 61 is still vacant.

In the deserted city No. 62, the five seventh-rank monsters also used a joint attack formation, but they were also instantly killed by Lin Feng.

No. 63 deserted city is empty.

In the deserted city of No. 64, Lin Feng hadn't arrived yet, but there were already ten mid-level seven monsters waiting for Lin Feng.

At this moment, no matter whether it is the Yaozu, or the Great Zhou Monster Slayer, the Northern Camp Tianjiao, they are all paying attention to all this.

Although Lin Feng showed terrifying strength before.

But this time, there are ten arrogant monsters again, all of them are mid-level 7, and they all have the will to die. Can he still kill them smoothly?

Before Lin Feng arrived, the No. 64 deserted city, headed by ten Yaozu Tianjiao, had already arranged a formation and waited for Lin Feng to arrive.

The formation is only a small formation, because the number of monsters is not enough to arrange a large formation.

And it's not a joint attack formation, and their joint attack formation will not be stronger than the ten wolf monsters before.

The arrangement is a phantom formation, a sleepy formation.

Not to kill Lin Feng, but to trap him and delay time.

Soon, Lin Feng's figure appeared near No. 64 Deserted City.

All the scouts who were waiting and watching, as well as the demon clan in the deserted city of No. 64 became nervous.

As soon as Lin Feng appeared, ten seventh-rank mid-stage demon clans headed by Huangcheng No. 64 turned their hands over one after another and took out a fiery red elixir.

This is a common elixir, and it is also equipped in the army of demon slayers of the human race, the burning blood elixir.

The price of bursting out with stronger strength in a short period of time is that the essence and blood in the body will be burned out, or even directly burned to death.

Seeing this scene, the human scouts hiding nearby couldn't help revealing their position and shouted angrily:


But no one cares.

Everyone's focus at the moment is on Lin Feng.

The opponent's purpose is obvious, that is to drag Lin Feng desperately, how should Lin Feng deal with it?

But seeing this scene, Lin Feng smiled:

"Elixir? Formation?"


In the next second, he flipped his hand, and hundreds of phantoms rushed out instantly, and surrounded the opponent.

Every phantom has almost the strength of forming alchemy.

Siege? It also depends on who besieged whom!

Lin Feng left behind a phantom, and walked away.

These monster races set up phantom formations by themselves, and took the Burning Blood Pill, leaving these phantoms is enough to deal with them. After the drug's effect time expires, even if they are lucky enough to survive, the phantoms can kill them at will.

Puff puff!

In an instant, the ten arrogant monsters vomited blood one after another. I don't know if it was the effect of the medicine or because they were angry.

But they could only watch Lin Feng go away.

Until Lin Feng's figure turned into a small dot, in the formation, all ten monster clan's geniuses vomited blood again, their breath languished instantly, and even the formation disappeared in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Ying made a move.

With just a few breaths, the phantom dissipated, and only the corpses of many monster races were left on the scene.

City 64 was slaughtered, and Lin Feng himself didn't even make a move.

At the same time, the news of the fairy weapon that Lin Feng had mastered also spread.

"Immortal Artifact? This child's identity is definitely not simple!"

"Very good, then killing him will cause even greater losses to the Great Zhou Human Race!"

"Immortal Artifact? When Her Lady Queen kills him, won't the Immortal Artifact also belong to my demon clan?"

Yaozu paid more attention to him.

Not to mention the monster clan, even the monster-slaying Tianjiao side, countless people were shocked:

"The Foundation Establishment Realm masters the Immortal Artifact, who the **** is this kid?"

"Is this how the ten mid-stage seventh-rank monster races were consumed?"

"This is using a fairy weapon, what is the identity of this Lin Feng?"


But at this moment, Lin Feng still walked to No. 66 Deserted City, and No. 65 in front was still empty.

He is very close to No. 78, which is the last deserted city occupied by the monster clan. He has already circled a large circle, and he is about to complete the semicircle occupied by the monster clan on the third ring.

No. 66 deserted city, the mobs of the late seventh-rank stage are already mobilized.

But the result was still the same, Lin Feng's big five-element sword array gathered together and instantly killed the opponent.

No. 66 deserted city was slaughtered.

Along the way, even though the Yaozu tried all means, they still couldn't stop Lin Feng's footsteps.

In No. 68 deserted city, two late seventh-rank monster races, and in No. 70 deserted city, five late seventh-rank demon clan arrogances, still could not stop Lin Feng at all.

Lin Feng came all the way to slaughter the city, his momentum did not weaken, but became stronger and stronger, and his fighting spirit was also condensed crazily, getting higher and higher.


Until No. 72 deserted city, the last stop, No. 78 deserted city is not far away.

Lin Feng met ten late seventh-rank monster clans here.

The other party didn't use the formation or swallow the pill, but joined hands to kill.

The ten-headed seventh-rank late-stage demon clan is only a little troublesome for Lin Feng. His strength is powerful, but it is impossible to have no upper limit.

In his own estimation, he tried his best to deal with the Nascent Soul Realm, or the sixth-rank Realm of the Monster Race.

The ten-headed seven-rank late-stage demon clan can't compare with the Nascent Soul Realm, but it is also more troublesome.

Lin Feng could only transform his body into wind, and use his advantages in body skills to defeat them one by one.

After a few breaths, Lin Feng killed the ten seventh-rank late-stage monsters one by one on the spot.

The scene was full of blood, and the corpses of ten late-stage seventh-rank monsters were lying on the ground, and more than a dozen eight-rank monsters had already become cannon fodder.

The No. 72 deserted city was destroyed again.

But just when Lin Feng was about to leave, heading for No. 73 deserted city.

These soaring blood energy suddenly gathered~www.readwn.com~ Where the ten monster clan corpses were, a light appeared in an instant, and these corpses suddenly turned into strands of blood energy.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Feng was shrouded in an extremely thick blood light.

Lin Feng frowned suddenly:

"Sure enough, I knew it wasn't that simple!"

Although Lin Feng had expected that the other party would not come to die so easily.

But he didn't understand what the plan of the ten arrogants in the deserted city No. 72 was.

Until now, he understood that this was using their blood and their lives to besiege Lin Feng.

Still didn't think about killing Lin Feng, because it couldn't be done.

But it's just to trap Lin Feng, even if it's just a delay.

This is the plan of the other party.

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