I Became Invincible After Getting Rejected For 100 Time

Chapter 207: Survival from a desperate situation, the anti-killing begins

Just as Lin Feng approached the hurricane cliff, several attacks came suddenly.

Lin Feng's body was shining with golden light, and his figure was like the wind, but he still didn't completely avoid it.

With a loud bang, Lin Feng was directly overwhelmed by several spells.

Lin Feng, who was originally rushing up the cliff towards the top of the cliff, even flew out of Lao Gao under this wave of attack.

Lin Feng was still in the air, his face turned pale in an instant, several scars on his body were extremely conspicuous, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Even though he had put the Golden Light God Charm talisman on his body before, and he had activated the Golden Light God Charm defense, he was still injured by this blow.

If that's all it is, the most important thing is that as he rises, he can clearly feel the terrifying wind blowing from the top of the hurricane cliff.

Just in the blink of an eye, Lin Feng, who was just injured, turned into a blood man as if he had been scraped by a knife, with flesh and blood flying all over his body, which was extremely infiltrating!

Lin Feng frowned sharply, this hurricane cliff was indeed a jeopardy, not weaker than the ink sea, even worse.

It's just that the deeper the ink sea goes, the more corrosive it becomes, but the wind on this hurricane cliff becomes more terrifying as it goes higher.

Lin Feng hastily took out more than a dozen golden light charms and pasted them on his body.

But this talisman was also turned into flying ash by the strong wind in the blink of an eye.

The most important thing is that at the bottom of the cliff, the five monsters of the sixth-rank realm who just attacked have already chased after them, and another wave of spells came crashing down.

Lin Feng's face changed, and he could only helplessly continue to fly up into the air.

In an instant, the positions of both sides changed.

Lin Feng came to a higher place, and the strong wind was even more terrifying. Even if he used the golden light spell, it seemed like a drop in the bucket. In the blink of an eye, it turned into fly ash, and the flesh and blood on his body turned into a rain of blood. In the blink of an eye, only A whole body of bones.

Fortunately, at this moment, the five sixth-rank demon clansmen also arrived at the position where Lin Feng was just now and did not dare to continue to go up.

This scene is incomparably permeating.

Lin Feng seemed to be a skeleton monster, and the internal organs were clearly visible.

But he is still alive, even his aura is still steady, his fighting spirit is extremely crazy, and he frankly waved at the five sixth-rank monsters below, full of provocations!

The five sixth-rank monster clans were all extremely dignified, staring at Lin Feng viciously, but they didn't dare to go up to approach Lin Feng.

The five Yaozu Tianjiao were all shocked.

At this level, Lin Feng has become a skeleton, but he can still hold on!

How perverted is his recovery ability in order to be able to survive in the form of a skeleton under such high winds?

If they were replaced, they probably would have lost their skeletons.

At this moment, the five sixth-rank demon clansmen were at the place where Lin Feng was just now, but their flesh and blood were flying, and their bones were exposed.

In the distance, the battle in the void also stopped.

Feng Ying, Marshal of the Monster Clan, and Song Xianwu, Marshal of the Northern Day Camp, the Da Zhou Monster Slayer, each retreated, looking at Lin Feng in surprise.

They were all shocked.

Even though Lin Feng kept using defensive talismans, in fact, he mainly relied on his terrifying defense and recovery ability to resist the strong wind at that height.

This shocked the two powerhouses in the Distraction Realm.

Then, Fengying's face was extremely solemn, and she looked at the five sixth-rank Tianjiao of the monster clan:

"Go up and kill him!"

But hearing these words, the five demon clan geniuses lowered their heads with ugly expressions, and did not obey orders.

Just kidding, the position they are in now is almost their limit, keep going up, let alone chasing and killing Lin Feng, the terrifying strong wind alone can seriously injure them.

Seeing this, Feng Ying's face darkened, and she said with a cold snort:

"Go up! Kill Lin Feng at any cost, even as long as he is forced to a higher level, I promise to give you a chance when the ancestral land is opened!"

Fengying naturally knew that she couldn't force it, so she directly asked for benefits.

Hearing this, the five Tianjiao Tianjiao of the sixth-rank monster clan raised their heads, their eyes flickering with brilliance.

Obviously, that ancestral land is of great use to them.

But without waiting for the five monsters to react, Song Xianwu was also anxious, and directly roared:

"Where is the Ten Thousand Team?"

The battle in the buffer zone of the third ring also came to a standstill for a moment, and many demon slayers Tianjiao responded in unison:


Because most of the Yaozu ten thousand team was wiped out by Lin Feng in one fell swoop, so in this scuffle, Da Zhou Yaoren had an absolute advantage.

There are tens of thousands of talented people here, and the battle line has been pushed to the north of the buffer zone, the area occupied by the monster race.

But at this moment, when they heard Song Xianwu's voice, the Tianjiao of the Ten Thousand Team came out to respond.

Immediately afterwards, Song Xianwu said:

"The team of ten thousand people rushed to the hurricane cliff, the Nascent Soul Realm left the battlefield, and rescued Lin Feng!"


In an instant, the Ten Thousand Team began to act, even if they gave up the current results, they would go to rescue Lin Feng.

The five sixth-rank Tianjiao of Yaozu looked at Fengying suspiciously.

The Marshal of the Monster Race was ashen-faced, but she couldn't stop the 10,000-strong team of Monster Killers.

Because the Yaozu Tianjiao Ten Thousand Team, which was originally used to deal with the ten thousand team, has been almost wiped out by Lin Feng.

The 10,000-man team pulled out, and soon there were other monster-slayer troops to make up for it. The only regret was that they gave up the advantage of the current battlefield.

But as long as Lin Feng can be saved, the human race will win a big victory!

If it were her, she would choose the same way.

But at this moment, Lin Feng smiled, and he, who had turned into a bone, grinned:

"You don't need to save me, just take the opportunity to advance and take down the buffer zone, I can't die!"

After the words fell, Lin Feng soared into the sky again, unexpectedly rushing into a higher void.

In the blink of an eye, cracks appeared in his bones, and he was about to be completely destroyed by the terrifying hurricane. A light flashed in front of him, and his figure disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving only a mirror suspended in the void.

All the Yaozu and Dazhou Human Race on the scene stared wide-eyed.

Although he knew that he was carrying a fairy weapon, seeing him displaying it at this moment still surprised everyone.

"Space fairy..."

"Even if the space fairy can't last long, can it?"

"This frightening gust of wind has to be scrapped even if it's a fairy weapon~www.readwn.com~ Didn't you see that there were cracks on the mirror?"

But as soon as many exclamations came out, the next second, Lin Feng's figure emerged, and he was completely intact in an instant.

He actually recovered in such a short period of time.

That's all, and then another talisman appeared in his hand, and he pasted hundreds of golden light mantra talismans on his body at once as if he didn't need money, to resist the terrifying wind.

Immediately afterwards, there were other talisman seals in his hand, the talisman seals made by Xianshu Huafeng, which were instantly ignited by him.

In the next second, his figure transformed into wind, as if blending into the strong wind on the cliff.

His figure just dissipated in front of everyone's eyes, even the existence of the Nascent Soul Realm seemed to be difficult to capture his real body.

But at this moment, Feng Ying, the marshal of the Yaozu, changed his expression:

"Back off!"

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