I Became Invincible After Getting Rejected For 100 Time

Chapter 210: Battle for the number of places in the secret realm

In the Department of Education of Zhongzhou City, in a huge courtyard with an antique flavor, many arrogances gathered and were competing.

The spiritual realm is about to open.

Because the secret realm is not very stable, it can only accommodate a hundred people to enter at the same time.

This is the conclusion that Da Zhou has drawn for many years.

And this time it was opened in advance.

As for the reason, no one knows.

The nine divisions of the Great Week have allocated the places, and each division can be allocated ten places.

In addition to the ten quotas of the Wang family, the owner of the spiritual energy secret realm, there are exactly one hundred people.

This spiritual energy secret realm was originally formed by the Qi Palace after an old ancestor of the Wang family sat down. For unknown reasons, it did not dissipate, but formed a spiritual energy secret realm.

Afterwards, many strong men entered the secret realm before they died, and left their own cultivation in the secret realm.

Up to now, this aura secret realm has become a space of its own, in which there are various attributes of spiritual energy materialized.

Although it has been used for many years, it will recover every once in a while because the aura secret realm has its own space.

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This place has also become an important strategic location on the Great Monday.

Of course, because the secret realm is owned by the Wang family, the Wang family will occupy 10% of the quota.

The Wang family here refers to the Wang family of the Commercial Department of the Great Zhou Dynasty. It is somewhat related to the Wang family of Linhai City, but it is not close.

Every time the secret realm of spiritual energy is opened, after the Ninth Division has set a quota, they will arrange for Tianjiao to compete for the quota.

Even in the past, apart from retaining a few places, the Nine Divisions would also take out some extra places for the younger generations to compete with each other.

This time, it is the fixed quota of nine divisions, ten from each family, without interfering with each other.

Naturally, there is still competition within each division.

The Department of Education also has ten places.

However, the Department of Education can be regarded as a large department, with many cultivation academies under its jurisdiction.

The strongest are the top ten academies.

The two top comprehension academies in Zhongzhou City are the Monster Slayer Academy and the Night Watchman Academy, which correspond to the Monster Slayers and Night Watchers.

Then there are the Xiuzhen colleges named after their respective cities, such as Linhai College, Beiyuan College, Anping College, Xiongguan College...

At this moment, the competition in the Department of Education is the geniuses from the various colleges.

The monthly exams for all colleges have ended.

According to the notification from the Department of Education, each of the top ten academies has selected ten talents, and they will gather in the Department of Education to compete for the final quota.

This trip to the secret realm of spiritual energy is different from previous years.

In previous years, the entry of Alchemy Realm Talents was basically restricted, and naturally only the Core Formation Realm Talents were eligible to compete for places in the Secret Realm.

But this time, the restrictions were lifted, and the Foundation Establishment Realm was also eligible.

However, there is only one place for Foundation Establishment, so it was given to the Department of Education.

This is very strange, and no one understands why.

Because under normal circumstances, it is a bit wasteful to enter the secret realm of spiritual energy in the foundation building realm, and the massive amount of spiritual power of various attributes cannot be absorbed by the foundation building realm at all.

Only when Tianjiao enters the alchemy realm can he maximize the use of this aura secret realm. If it is weak, it will be a waste, and if it is strong, it will affect the stability of the secret realm.

But this time, there was an extra quota, the quota for the Foundation Establishment Realm.

And assigned to the Department of Education.

Therefore, the competition in the Department of Education should also be divided into two parts.

Among the top ten colleges, among the ten quotas allocated by each college, there is one quota for the Foundation Establishment Realm, and the other nine are for the Alchemy Realm.

That is to say, in the Education Department's Tianjiao competition, ninety Alchemy Realm Tianjiao will compete for nine places.

Nine Foundation Establishment Talents will compete for a spot.

At this moment, the competition within the Department of Education is coming to an end.

After ninety Tianjiao's repeated contests, there are only ten Tianjiao at the alchemy level left on the field, and they are still competing to determine the ranking of the top ten.

These ten Tianjiao happened to have one of the top ten academies.

They are all the arrogance of the pinnacle of alchemy.

But the problem is obvious, one of them must be eliminated in the end, because there are only nine places in the alchemy realm.

In other words, there must be an academy that will lose the qualification to enter the spiritual realm.

This competition is not only a competition between the arrogances themselves, and the ranking is not only about their own ranking, but also about the academy behind them.

The Alchemy Realm is already very strong, and the Nascent Soul Realm is a step further, and they can all graduate.

Therefore, even if it was just a competition, not a life-and-death battle, the fight was very impressive and exciting.

Tianjiao, who had been eliminated at the scene, also stayed where he was and continued to watch the competition.

Generally speaking, the two most powerful are the Night Watchman and the Monster Slayer Academy.

As time went on, the final ranking became more and more clear.

The ranking of Tianjiao in the alchemy realm gradually surfaced.

First, from Monster Slayer Academy, second Night Watchman Academy...  

In the end, the top eight rankings were decided.

Only the ninth and tenth places left in the final ranking are the two top talents of the Alchemy Realm of Yandang College and Shuchuan College.

The ninth will be able to get the quota to enter the spiritual realm, and the tenth will be a regretful exit.

The key point of this battle is that not only all the arrogances on the scene are extremely nervous, but also the leaders of the various colleges who led the team to participate in the competition are so nervous that their palms are full of sweat.

In the meeting room on the top floor of the Department of Education, Director Chen Yong and the vice presidents in charge of each college are also watching the final competition in the courtyard below.

Originally, the conference room was still in a meeting, but at this moment, it became quiet, waiting for the last quota to be dusted.


In an instant, the final competition of alchemy realm on the ring below began.

The two Tianjiao, representing the colleges behind them, are also fighting for the last place in the spiritual realm. This is their anger.

It was even more intense than the previous stronger Tianjiao battle.


Just a few breaths later, there was a bang on the scene, and Tianjiao, the peak of the Alchemy Realm from Shuchuan College, fell into the ring with a pale face.

The results came out, the Ninth Yandang College and the Tenth Shuchuan College.

Tianjiao in the Alchemy Realm of Shuchuan College had no chance to enter the secret realm of spiritual energy.

There was a sigh of relief at the scene.

Some people sympathize with it, and some people rejoice.

In fact, except for a few of the top talents in the alchemy state, the gap between the other talents is not that big, it just depends on the performance on the spot.

But in the end, because of quota restrictions, some people will inevitably be eliminated.

Then, there were subtle exhalations in the meeting room.

The vice president of Shuchuan College lowered his head with an ugly face.

In the competition for the Alchemy Realm, Shuchuan Academy lost and lost the qualification to enter the Spiritual Qi Secret Realm.

But then, he quickly raised his head and looked at Chen Yong:

"Director~www.readwn.com~ We didn't get the quota for the Alchemy Realm in Shuchuan, so can we directly give us the quota for the Foundation Establishment Realm?"

Hearing this, several other vice presidents also looked at Chen Yong:

"I think it's okay. The Shuchuan Alchemy Realm didn't get a quota, and the Foundation Establishment Realm only got one quota, so there's no need to compete, just give it to them!"

"Deng Chuan, the genius of Shuchuan's foundation-building realm, is not weak, and even has the strength of the war-end alchemy realm. I don't mind giving it to him!"

"That's great. Everyone is from the academy. People from the Department of Education don't need to hurt their friendship because of the quota!"

"I agree too..."

But hearing this, Chen Yong frowned slightly:

"I was going to tell you about this!"

"The number of places in the Foundation Establishment Realm is only one in the entire Ninth Division. In fact, it was also won by my Education Division. To make everyone laugh, this is prepared by my old man for his disciples!"

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