I Became Invincible After Getting Rejected For 100 Time

Chapter 213: At the request of the director, beat me up!

In the huge conference room on the top floor of the Education Department, ten talented students from various colleges sat and waited in the conference room.


Director Chen Yong hadn't shown up yet, and the atmosphere at the scene was extremely strange. A group of young people were just at a time when they were lively and active, but at the moment they were quiet.

The weirdest thing is that the long conference table and the seats where many Tianjiao sit are very interesting.

There were nine Tianjiao sitting in the row on the right, and some people didn't dare to sit in the row on the left even if they didn't have a seat and moved a small stool and hung it on the corner of the conference table.

Because there is only one person sitting in the row on the left, Lin Feng.

As soon as this Foundation Establishment guy appeared, he beat up all the Tianjiao who were at the peak of the Alchemy Stage, and made everyone know him.

How could this be a Foundation Establishment Realm?

It is believed that he is the nine alchemy peak arrogance in front of the Nascent Soul Realm.

Including the elder brother who is also from the Night Watchman Academy, Yang Yang, who is at the peak of the alchemy realm, also collapsed when he saw Lin Feng.

Before that, he was the senior brother of the Night Watchman Academy, that is, the number one person under Yuan Ying.

When it comes to this monthly exam, no one can shake his position.

But when he went out to take the monthly exam, the name he heard most was Lin Feng's name.

At first he didn't care, but later, when some people even expected Lin Feng to come back to compete for the position of his senior brother, he noticed Lin Feng.

But when he thought about it, no matter how strong Lin Feng was, he was only at the Foundation Establishment level, so how could he possibly threaten his position.

But now he knows that Lin Feng is the real No. 1 person under Nascent Soul of the Night Watchman Academy.

No, to be precise, this guy is the invincible existence below the Nascent Soul, the number one person below the Nascent Soul in the entire Great Zhou!

The scene was extremely silent, and a group of arrogances at the peak of the alchemy state did not dare to sit next to Lin Feng, nor did they dare to start a conversation.

Naturally, Lin Feng didn't bother to say anything more, he just came to complete the task.

The old director, the mission left to him by his cheap master, participated in the competition for the number of places in the Reiki Secret Realm, and entered the Reiki Secret Realm.

After rushing back from the northern camp, he hurried and finally arrived at the Department of Education.

At this moment, footsteps sounded outside the meeting room.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Yong, whom Lin Feng had met once, arrived.

Lin Feng once met Chen Yong during the Immortal Examination.

At that time, Lin Feng was only at the Qi Entrainment Realm, but he learned a word from Chen Yong that strength equals justice.

Until now, he still remembers it fresh.

As soon as Chen Yong entered the meeting room, he frowned slightly, scanned the audience, and frowned even tighter:

"What's the matter? All of them are like eggplants beaten by Shuang?"

At the scene, apart from Lin Feng's indifferent face, the nine alchemy-forming peak players were not as expensive as the eggplants beaten by Shuang. They were all listless, as if they had lost all energy and energy.

Hearing this, a group of people got up to pay their respects one after another, but they were still sluggish and unable to cheer up.

There's no way, with Lin Feng around, they can't cheer up at the alchemy level.

Because they were all defeated by Lin Feng's move just now.

Confidence has been beaten away, so there is no energy left.

Chen Yong waved his hand, motioning for everyone to sit down, and glanced at Lin Feng, feeling extremely helpless.

He naturally knew the reason. He knew all about Lin Feng's appearance in the Department of Education, and his subsequent attempts to defeat the many alchemy-level talents.

Naturally, I also understand why these Tianjiao have this expression.

Chen Yong also sat down on the main seat, and then said:

"You are not in this state!"

"Although the number of places in the Spiritual Qi Secret Realm has been determined, the Nine Masters will gather next. Even if there is no competition for the number of places, there will still be open or covert contests between them!"

"As you are acting like now, can I expect you to honor the Department of Education?"

A group of people still bowed their heads and no one said a word.

Chen Yong was even more helpless.

It's luck, let alone misfortune, to have such an arrogance like Lin Feng.

Fortunately, Lin Feng still belongs to the Department of Education, but unfortunately, everyone's light will be overshadowed by him.

Then, Chen Yong simply ignored the other nine Tianjiao, but turned to look at Lin Feng:

"Lin Feng!"

Lin Feng stood up and cupped his fists:


Chen Yong nodded:

"Depart early tomorrow morning for the aura secret realm of Wang's mansion. You will lead the team from the Department of Education. Is it okay?"

Hearing this, Lin Feng was stunned for a moment: "I lead the team?"

Chen Yong rolled his eyes angrily:

"Who else do you think can convince the public?"

Lin Feng had no choice but to nod in response:

"Listen to the director's arrangement!"

Only then did Chen Yong continue:

"Actually, there is nothing to explain!"

"Just to put it simply, tomorrow all divisions will gather together, and you will only have one task. Give me a little more arrogance, a little more arrogance!"

As soon as these words came out, not to mention Lin Feng's face was stunned, so were the other nine alchemy-level talents.

Under normal circumstances, ten of them represented the Department of Education to enter the secret realm of spiritual energy. As an elder, as the head of the department, shouldn't he tell everyone not to conflict with the Tianjiao of other departments, and not to damage the image of the Department of Education?

Why did he make Lin Feng arrogant and arrogant when he opened his mouth, so he didn't tell Lin Feng clearly that if you see other people, you will hit me and beat me hard, just don't beat him to death......

A group of people looked at Chen Yong with bewildered faces.

Chen Yong smiled and said:

"Don't doubt your ears, you heard me right!"

"Not only Lin Feng, but the rest of you can do the same as long as you have the ability, just hit me, as long as you don't kill me, I will take care of any problems!"

"Especially the demon slayer and the night watchman Tianjiao, don't be relentless!"

Saying this, Chen Yong couldn't help showing a smile as if the plot had succeeded.

The nine divisions of the Great Zhou fought against each other. In fact, there were many contests in secret.

The Department of Education can't keep up with each other, competing for strength, naturally they can't keep up with the Department of Demon Slayer and Department of Night Watch.

Competing for financial resources can't keep up with the Commercial Department, and competing for intelligence can't keep up with the Intelligence Department...  

Originally, when it was established, the purpose of the Department of Education was to cultivate young talents for Da Zhou.

But by now, it's already out of shape.

The truly talented monster has long been specially recruited by the demon slayer and night watchman.

For a long time, the strength of Tianjiao in the Department of Education has always been much weaker than these two parties.

Every time the secret realm of aura is opened, it is basically the demon slaying division and the night watch division that make the most profit.

The Department of Education has always been in the middle of the situation.

But this time, because of Lin Feng, Chen Yong saw the hope of being proud.

Then ~www.readwn.com~ Chen Yong briefly introduced the secret realm of aura to the ten arrogances:

"The main body of the spiritual energy secret realm is actually transformed by the Qi Palace of the ancestors of the Wang family. Of course, there will also be many strong men of the Great Zhou who died in it before they died!"

"It has a self-contained space, which is divided into nine regions according to the attributes of aura!"

"You have two purposes after entering!"

"One is cultivation, absorb as much aura as possible to practice, the aura inside is all transformed by the spiritual power of the seniors, it is extremely pure, very suitable for absorption and refining!"

"The second is to seize spiritual objects. All kinds of spiritual objects will be born in the secret space over the years. You can keep these spiritual objects for yourself, or turn them in for other resources!"

"Of course, the distribution of spiritual energy in the nine regions is not even. The more internal the spiritual energy is, the richer it is. But you don't just want to enter the core, it depends on your chance!"

"Finally, a digression. After entering the Spiritual Qi Secret Realm, if possible, you can make some small moves to interfere with the other Tianjiao Divisions, especially the Demon Slayer Division and the Night Watch Division!"

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