Wang Fugui, the founder of the Commercial Department and one of the top bosses of the Great Zhou, appeared.

He tore apart the space where the entrance to the spiritual energy secret realm was originally located, but he couldn't find the entrance to the spiritual energy secret realm at all.

He was completely bewildered.

"It shouldn't be, why did such a big change happen?"

He couldn't figure out what happened in the spiritual realm.

The secret realm of aura is opened almost once a year, and this has never happened many times.

If there is a difference, this time it is just that he gave his descendant Wang Chuan a drop of blood essence.

Because the blood essence of the ancestors has the same source as this spiritual energy secret realm, bringing the blood essence into it can activate this spiritual energy secret realm to a certain extent and gather more spiritual energy.

His plan is to help Lin Feng and others absorb more spiritual energy for cultivation.


In the next second, Wang Fugui turned his head to look at the ninety-nine arrogances:

"Tell me what happened inside!"

Wang Chuan and the others were still in shock. When they heard the question, they quickly replied:

"Reporting to senior, after we entered the secret realm, Junior Brother Wang Chuan took out the blood essence of Wang's ancestor, and then summoned a phantom of a remnant soul!"

As soon as these words came out, Wang Fugui's eyelids twitched.

This is the first time he has heard of the phantom of the remnant soul.

In the past, some descendants of the Wang family brought the blood of their ancestors into the cave. Some were able to control the secret realm of spiritual energy and absorb more spiritual energy, and some were able to use the blood essence to comprehend the cultivation path of their ancestors...

But it's the first time I've heard of the remnant soul phantom of the ancestors being summoned directly.

These Tianjiao went on to say:

"After the phantom appeared, it ignored everyone and appeared in front of Lin Feng!"

Wang Fugui and the person in charge of the Ninth Division stared even wider.

This remnant soul was obviously aimed at Lin Feng.

What follows further confirms this point.

"Then, the phantom of the remnant soul used the spiritual energy in the secret realm to form a Nascent Soul Realm existence, saying that it wanted to test Lin Feng!"

"The first Nascent Soul figure was blown away by Lin Feng!"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the group of people at the scene became weird.

Both puzzled and shocked.

What is puzzling is, what is the purpose of the remnant soul of the old ancestor of the Wang family? Why did he use the combat power of the Nascent Soul Realm all of a sudden to test Lin Feng?

What was shocking was that the existence of Nascent Soul Realm was blown away by Lin Feng.

This guy's combat strength is really too terrifying.

"Seeing that Lin Feng destroyed the existence of the Nascent Soul Realm, the remnant soul seemed even more excited, and then condensed a stronger existence at the peak of the Nascent Soul Realm to attack Lin Feng!"

"Even the spiritual energy of the nine attributes condensed to besiege Lin Feng!"

"Lin Feng tried his best, but he still couldn't do anything about the existence of nine paths, and was suppressed by nine figures!"

"Afterwards, we were all forcibly driven out of the secret realm!"

A group of Tianjiao briefly introduced what happened.

But after listening, Wang Fugui was still in a daze.

"This remnant soul is really the remnant soul of our ancestor?"

"What the **** is he going to do?"

He didn't understand why the ancestors of the Wang family left behind this spiritual energy secret realm. To be honest, he didn't know what it was for, but after so many years, it had indeed played a great role.

How many arrogances in Dazhou have benefited from it.

But this time the accident was unexpected.

Then, Wang Fugui took a deep breath and waved his hands:

"Okay, it's all gone, and today's matter is forbidden to spread!"

Wang Fugui dispersed everyone, waited alone in the backyard, and began to contact other people at the same time.

Unexpected changes happened in the spiritual realm, but in his opinion, Lin Feng may not necessarily die.

Even though the remnant soul of the old ancestor of the Wang family had been attacking Lin Feng from the very beginning, it was obvious that he didn't really want to kill Lin Feng.

First of all, Lin Feng and Wang's lineage have no intersection, and it is even more impossible to offend Wang's ancestor, who has been dead for countless years.

Secondly, if the other party really wanted to kill Lin Feng, there was no need to test it out slowly, as long as he directly summoned the existence at the peak of the Nine Dao Nascent Soul Realm to make a move.

But in the end, when the others were kicked out, Lin Feng was only suppressed, not directly killed.

Thinking of this, Wang Fugui was slightly relieved!


At the same time, in the chaos, there is no light, no darkness, no direction, and a cocoon-like thing moves slowly in this chaos.

It can be seen that the surface of this cocoon-like thing has been densely covered with a large number of cracks, and it seems that it will disintegrate at any time, completely merging with this chaos.

And inside the cocoon, a figure sat cross-legged on the ground. This person's face was pale, his eyes were tightly closed, and his body trembled slightly.

The top of his head was in a chaotic state, with various energies intertwined and colliding with each other.

Every time he collides, he will be shocked suddenly, his face will turn paler, and his breath will become more sluggish.

But he was able to hang his breath all the time, without losing his last vitality all at once.

Beside him, there was a phantom with only one head left, staring at him with scorching eyes.

"Little guy, chaos seems to be disordered, but it is actually orderly!"

"For countless years, many amazing and brilliant people have tried to imitate the order of chaos and create the foundation of chaos, but no one has ever succeeded!"

"At this point, the old man can't help you much, but your foundation is extremely solid!"

"The nine major attributes are complete, and the Dao foundation is natural. Now the old man will help you break up the Dao foundation and turn it into a disordered state. You are not dead, and this is more than half of the success!"

"Next, what you have to do is to establish order in this disorder, sort out this chaotic energy, and establish order!"

"The old man is going to dissipate soon, the last thing that can help you is to use this aura secret realm to turn into a cocoon to protect you, remember only one month, success or failure depends on it!"

"As long as you can establish a little order in this disorder, maybe you can get out of this chaos!"

"Otherwise, even if the chaos here is only the chaos in the cracks in the blue star space, it's not something you can walk in the foundation building!"

The voice fell The phantom slowly dissipated, completely disappearing.

But Lin Feng still didn't open his eyes, he was still enduring the chaotic spiritual energy impact in his body, and he was still trying to keep himself from being killed by the sudden impact.

But in my heart, I have scolded the so-called ancestor of the Wang family countless times.

He had no grudges in the past and no grudges in the present, so he couldn't understand why he came across such an unreasonable old thing after entering the secret realm of spiritual energy.

Even if it was just a remnant soul, it almost made him fly away.

As for the inheritance of chance, it's bullshit.

The crisis in front of him, not to mention the chaos outside the cocoon, even the situation in his own body may directly kill him.

But now is not the time to be discouraged.

Lin Feng really started to try to sort out the chaotic energy according to what the old man said, in an attempt to establish a sliver of order.

But this is easier said than done?

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