I Became Invincible After Getting Rejected For 100 Time

Chapter 225: Strong shot, kill 1 piece in seconds

At the same time that the black hair was making a move, Lin Feng was still hugging Qin Yinren, and Qin Yinren was still leaning in Lin Feng's arms with great peace of mind, but the slight trembling of her eyelashes showed her inner worry.

Lin Feng grinned:

"Don't worry, it's fine!"

After the words fell, Lin Feng still didn't move, but raised his foot again and stomped it down.


In an instant, cracks appeared on the ground again, matching the black-haired ghosts with incomparable accuracy.

Just as he came into contact with the black-haired ghost, lightning suddenly appeared in the cracks.



Lei Fa exploded, and the black hair suddenly rose into green smoke, which disappeared in the blink of an eye.

And Lin Feng's figure instantly turned into wind, and he went straight to the stunned yellow shirt.

He still didn't make a move, he just kicked it out.



In an instant, the yellow-clothed ghost was also directly hit by a strange energy, and directly turned into puffs of yellow smoke and dissipated.

The scene fell silent again.

Several bandits including Tan Lang were trembling, but they felt powerless when they wanted to run, they couldn't move at all, they could only tremble in place.

"Ex...senior...forgive...forgive me!"

Tanlang broke down and begged for mercy while trembling.

At this moment, the muscles on Lin Feng's face twitched slightly, and he returned to his original appearance, looking at Tanlang coldly.

"Lin... Lin Feng?"

Greedy Wolf instantly collapsed.

He has never seen Lin Feng, but he has seen Lin Feng's portrait, because they were planted in Lin Feng's hands before Tanlang.

The second master, the third master, and one stronghold were all destroyed by Lin Feng.

He hated Lin Feng so much that he wished he could go directly to Zhongzhou City to find Lin Feng.

But now, he saw this guy who made everything go to waste before him again, but he didn't have the slightest will to resist.

Lin Feng's face was cold:

"Tanlang, we finally met, tell me who ordered you to attack me?"

"Say it, I can make your death a little easier!"

Greedy Wolf completely collapsed:

"It's none of my business, it's Tiandaohui, they want to kill you, I'm just cooperating!"

"Their contact person is in the cliff temple, it's really none of my business..."

Before Tan Lang finished speaking, Lin Feng stomped his foot again.


In an instant, the remaining bandits including Tanlang exploded into a cloud of blood without exception.

It was only at this moment that Lin Feng realized the horror of the dao foundation in his body turning into a chaotic dao foundation.

He can use all the previous spells, regardless of their attributes.

And because of the chaotic energy, it is even more powerful.

At this moment, he can deal with the Huangshan Gui who is equivalent to the Nascent Soul Realm, and he can destroy it at will.

Of course, it also has something to do with whether the yellow shirt is not the most peak existence.

But this is also very perverted.

You know, before Lin Feng, it was not so easy to deal with the existence of the Nascent Soul Realm.

In the next second, Lin Feng quietly activated the spirit arresting general, and it was still working. Dozens of black hairs were strangely arrested by him.

//114956/ "King Kong is not bad Dazhai Lord"

The realm of the yellow shirt is too high for him to control, but it can be used as nourishment to nourish the spirit.

After doing this, Lin Feng looked at the ninety-nine shivering ordinary people again and shook his head;

"It's okay, you are safe!"

But even after hearing this, a group of ordinary people were still as if they were frightened, and they didn't even dare to raise their heads, let alone flee the scene directly.

Lin Feng was helpless, and didn't bother to take care of it anymore, and left the cave in a flash with Qin Yinren in his arms.

After leaving the cave, Lin Feng carried Qin Yinren on his back.

He wanted to spend some spiritual power to heal Qin Yinren, but he finally gave up.

Because he has no spiritual power now, his body is full of chaotic energy, and he is worried that Qin Yinren will not be able to withstand the impact of this chaotic energy.

Simply put Qin Yinren on his back.

Walking out of the cave, the sky has darkened, and night is about to fall.

And the fire in the valley was bright, and the cheers in the cottage could be heard from a long distance away.

A group of bandits were still waiting for Tanlang to take Qin Yinren back to get married, and they also ate and drank with Zhanguang.

Lin Feng's face was still extremely calm, and he took Qin Yinren behind his back and took a step forward, heading straight for the village.

Immediately afterwards, there was an instant commotion in the cottage, the sky was instantly covered with dark clouds, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, and then there was another pouring rain that covered the entire cottage.

Soon, all the fires were extinguished, and the sound of roaring and fighting came immediately.

But these movements didn't last long before they stopped.

Lin Feng still carried Qin Yinren on his back and walked away from the cottage.

Behind him, the entire cottage was completely silent, leaving only corpses, and blood mixed with rainwater slowly flowing throughout the entire cottage.

In Tanlang Village, everyone was summoned this time, and it happened that Lin Feng took it all at once.

And Lin Feng turned into the wind with Qin Yinren's body on his back, and he didn't care about the nightfall, so he looked for the direction and headed towards the Zongduan Canyon.

On his back, Qin Yinren was completely relieved and fell asleep.

Naturally, Lin Feng was going to the Cliff Temple to settle accounts.

Not to mention Tanlang's confession before, the person contacted by Tiandaohui is in the Cliff Temple, and Lin Feng himself feels it.

When he was in the Cliff Temple, he felt a wave of malice.

He didn't dare to act rashly before, because he was too weak at that time, and it would be very troublesome to meet strong people in the alchemy state.

But now, Lin Feng has no fear in this wilderness.

Tiandaohui is very powerful, but how strong can a spy left in this cliff temple be.

Lin Feng's figure was like the wind, moving forward quickly in the night.

Encountered strange monsters on the road, but they can be easily eliminated.

Not long after, he stepped into the vertical canyon with ease.

The last time he was in this canyon, not only did he find someone in the Cliff Temple who was hostile to him, but he also encountered the Monster Queen Ten Thousand Monsters here.

Stepping into the canyon again this time, Lin Feng's mood is completely different.

Now he is fearless and unscrupulous.

His figure approached the cliff temple so quickly.

In an instant, several monks rushed out of the cliff temple, all of whom were at the peak of the Foundation Establishment Realm. Each monk was holding a stick~www.readwn.com~ and stared at Lin Feng approaching with incomparable dignity:

"Who is coming?"

If it had been changed before, Lin Feng would come down and politely explain the situation to everyone in the Cliff Temple, and then find a way to find out which hidden member of the Tiandaohui from among them.

But now, Lin Feng didn't have that much thought, he crashed down like a cannonball at the entrance of the Cliff Temple.


When Lin Feng landed, he set off terrifying waves of air, which caused several monks to retreat.

This is the reason why Lin Feng didn't want to kill them, otherwise, he would not only blow them back, but directly blow them up and turn them into blood mist.

Lin Feng landed on the ground, walked straight towards the temple without saying a word.


Also at this time, several monks dressed in cassocks and covered in golden light came out of the temple, and surrounded Lin Feng in the blink of an eye.

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