"Can you wipe out the entire bandit den, at least the Nascent Soul Realm?"

"When did such a peerless evildoer appear in my great week?"

As the backbone of the Great Zhou, Zhou Qiang, the night watchman's general, is naturally very dear to all the talents of the Great Zhou.

However, there are only a few Tianjiao in Yuanying Realm in the Great Zhou Dynasty, and they are all in key places, so it is impossible to leave at will.

And it is impossible to do this under the Nascent Soul Realm.

There are even more bosses above the Nascent Soul Realm. Unless it is the nine top bosses of Dazhou who make the move, otherwise, it is impossible for them not to receive the news in advance.

But recently, the nine top bosses were all in Zhongzhou City, and they seemed to be overwhelmed by something. The nine of them locked themselves in the conference room for a long time and didn't come out.

Zhou Qiang couldn't figure it out, and couldn't figure out which evildoer did it.

Also at this moment, a figure quickly rushed towards Zhou Qiang, wearing the uniform of a night watchman general, and his aura was the peak existence of Nascent Soul Realm.

The two sides made eye contact from a long distance away, and both saw the look of horror in each other's eyes.

"General Zhou, Huang Shangui has been killed. There is indeed a Nine Nether Seam opening in the cave, and it has been sealed!"

The person who came was also a general, but he was obviously not as high as Zhou Qiang in terms of strength or status, so he was the first to report.

Hearing this, Zhou Qiang frowned again:

"Huang Shigui was also killed? So it's the same person who wiped out the bandit's den?!"

After Zhou Qiang's voice fell, the night watchman and general strongman on the opposite side also glanced at the bandit dens on the scene with flickering eyes. He was also moved, and then responded:

"It should be. There are the corpses of the leader of the Tanlang bandit, Tanlang, and other bandits in the cave. Judging from the fluctuations in the battle, the person who made the move didn't take much effort to kill the yellow-clothed trick first, and then killed the bandits!"

"Oh, by the way, there are hundreds of ordinary people who have fled in all directions. I found one person and asked about the situation!"

"The girl of the Qin family is fine, she was taken away, she is said to be a young man!"

Hearing this, Zhou Qiang breathed a sigh of relief.

The scene in front of him was shocking, and he was also very curious about the young evildoer who suddenly appeared, but the most important thing now is to find Qin Yinren, which is their most important purpose.

Not to mention Qin Yin's special status, the most important thing is that she is also a peerless talent. She has grown to the level of alchemy in a short period of time, which is also the pride of the night watchman.

Now that it is confirmed that Qin Yinren is not dead, he can breathe a sigh of relief.

At this moment, the Jade Talisman of Communication on Zhou Qiang's body shook.

Immediately after he sensed it, his face changed drastically:

"The Cliff Temple has been attacked, let's go!"

In the next second, the two of them went straight to the cliff temple in the distance.

At the same time, in the Cliff Temple, Lin Feng's voice fell, but there was no response.

Daohui Anzi had probably restrained his aura to the extreme that day.

Even the other party didn't dare to show any malice towards Lin Feng, for fear of being sensed by Lin Feng.

Back then, Lin Feng sensed the other party's existence with his strong perception ability. Now that he has created the foundation of chaos, his sensing ability is stronger, and he can sense even a little bit of malice.

But until now, the other party has not shown the slightest sign.

But Lin Feng is not in a hurry, the other party is not in a hurry, and he is not in a hurry. He is sure that the other party is still in the cliff temple, and that is enough.

Seeing that Lin Feng didn't come to destroy the temple, but just to find someone, the monks in the cliff temple also heaved a sigh of relief.

But a group of people were extremely collapsed and confused, who in the cliff temple provoked this killer?

Even the masters headed by the Six King Kong said with an ugly face:

"Little... this senior... I don't know who you are looking for?"

He originally wanted to call Lin Feng a little friend, but in this world strength is respected, so he immediately changed his name to call Lin Feng a senior.

There is nothing wrong with this, the strength is the respect, and the strong are the seniors.

Lin Feng didn't care about the address of the other party, and looked back:

"I don't know the name, I haven't seen what it looks like, but I'm sure he must be inside the Cliff Temple!"

As soon as these words came out, the master's face became even uglier, and so did the other monks.

This was nothing short of a disaster for their Cliff Temple, and they even suspected that Lin Feng was just looking for trouble.

Don't know the name, haven't seen it, but insist on finding the person he's looking for in the temple?

Isn't this just looking for trouble?

It can be seen that none of the monks who had seen Lin Feng's strength dared to speak, they were all stalling for time, waiting for the abbot to leave the customs.

The abbot, Master Ci Ning, was in the late stage of the Nascent Soul Realm before, and now he is in retreat to break through to the completion of the Nascent Soul Realm. Once he leaves the customs, Lin Feng will no longer be rampant.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Feng didn't care about the aggrieved and hatred of many monks, but continued to look at the leader King Kong:

biququ/html/54513/"The First Minister of Ming Dynasty"

"Master, who else in the Cliff Temple has not arrived?"

It's very easy to find the other party. In the absence of meeting, the other party can hide himself very well without showing any malice.

But as long as he meets him face to face, unless the opponent's strength is far superior to Lin Feng, otherwise, even if he just shows a little guilt, he can lock the opponent.

Hearing this, the master frowned slightly, then shook his head:

"Except for a small number of mortal believers, and the two abbots and brothers who have retreated in the pagoda, nothing!"

Lin Feng frowned, as if he had already locked the target.

He has sensed the many monks gathered in the square, even though they all have malice and hatred towards him.

But it was completely different from the feeling he had felt in the cliff temple before.

He can be sure that the other party is not in this group of people.

Master Ci Ning is also impossible, because he has met Master Ci Ning before.

Then there is only one person left, Master Ci Ning's junior.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng grinned:

"Master Abbot's younger brother???"

As soon as Lin Feng finished speaking, the tower in the backyard of the Cliff Temple shone brightly in the next second.

At this moment the sun has set, and the sky is gradually darkening, but under the light, the entire cliff temple is still as bright as day.

Seeing this light emerge for a moment, many monks' original expressionless faces gradually appeared, and some even had tears in their eyes!

The abbot is finally about to leave the customs.

They had been aggrieved for so long, they were so crushed by Lin Feng that they couldn't lift their heads up, and even the formation protecting the temple was broken. Now the abbot is finally about to come out.

Can an arrogant guy like Lin Feng continue to be arrogant?


In an instant ~www.readwn.com~ the light on the pagoda in the backyard was extremely intense, and the original aura of the Nascent Soul Realm suddenly increased to the extreme.

The Nascent Soul Realm is full of breath!

Master Ci Ning, the abbot of the Cliff Temple, has obviously completed a breakthrough.


Sure enough, in the next second, accompanied by the sound of the Buddha's name, a golden figure appeared in an instant, and then came straight to Lin Feng.

I don't know if this golden figure is due to the miraculous skills he cultivated or because of the golden cassock on his body, it is extremely dazzling.

As soon as he appeared and went straight to Lin Feng, there was a golden light gathering, which turned into a huge palm in the blink of an eye, and slapped directly on the top of Lin Feng's head:

"My cliff temple has nothing to do with the world, junior, why did you come here to play wild?"

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