I Became Invincible After Getting Rejected For 100 Time

Chapter 231: Is Lin Feng a demon cultivator of the Heavenly Dao Society?

At the same time as Master Ci Ning spoke, Zhou Qiang brought two other night watchman generals to kill him in an instant!

The three rushed forward, and the strange monster that Lin Feng had released before was directly exploded by the three of them, turning into green smoke and dissipating.

The next second, when they arrived at the scene, the three formed a triangle in the blink of an eye, surrounding Lin Feng and Ci Ning in the center.

Zhou Qiang glanced at Lin Feng in astonishment, and then he didn't even care about Qin Yinren who had woken up on the ground but was extremely weak, but turned his head and clasped his fists at Master Ci Ning:

"Master Abbot, the pagoda suppresses large cracks, do not move lightly!"

The Cliff Temple is special here because there is a Nine Nether Ground Fissure.

The weirdness, especially the powerful weirdness, did not appear out of thin air, but came from the seam of the Nine Nether Grounds.

Therefore, the cliff temple has a special status, because they guard this important ground fissure.

It was also because of this that Zhou Qiang could not help but suppress the pagoda when he came here.

He couldn't let Ci Ning use the pagoda.

This is the same as when Lin Feng provoked the Yaozu in Daheishan. The powerful Yaozu appeared outside the city of Zhongzhou, and some people almost used the fairy weapon, but they were stopped.

The reason is the same, there are also large ground fissures in Zhongzhou City.

This is also one of the main reasons for building a city in Zhongzhou City.

Hearing Zhou Qiang's words, Ci Ning's expression softened a little, and the golden light on her body gradually recovered.

But he still looked at Lin Feng angrily:

"Well, you are the general of the Great Zhou Night Watchmen, and it is also your duty to kill the demon cultivator of the Tiandaohui. Why don't you kill him?"

Zhou Qiang is in the Out-of-Aperture Realm, even if it's just a beginner, but this is also the strongest in the Out-of-Aperture Realm.

Zhou Qiang even brought in two peak Nascent Soul Realms. With such a lineup, if he makes a move, is he afraid that he won't be able to take down Lin Feng?

Junior brother Ci'en was already dead, and now he had just one thought to kill Lin Feng to avenge his junior brother!

Zhou Qiang and the others looked at Lin Feng impressively.

The eyes of all three are flickering.

At this moment, they had already confirmed that it was Lin Feng who killed the greedy wolf thief and the yellow shirt in the small crack in the cave.

He has this strength, didn't he see that the entire Cliff Temple was suppressed by Lin Feng alone?

Also, Ci'en was also in the Nascent Soul Realm, and had already been beaten to death by Lin Feng and exploded into blood mist.

And Qin Yinren is now in the cliff temple, all this explains the problem.

Lin Feng is the evildoer who shocked them before.

But now, Lin Feng was said by Ci Ning to be a demon cultivator of the Heavenly Dao Society?

The reason for Ci Ning to believe that Lin Feng is the demon cultivator of the Tiandao Society is also very simple, that is, the few black hairs around the temple just now are weird.


It stands to reason that the black-haired ghost should not appear around here, at least until the night gets darker before there is a possibility of weirdness appearing.

And under normal circumstances, there are many strong people in this cliff temple, and the Buddha's voice is so powerful that it is too late for the ordinary black hair to avoid it.

Therefore, those dark hairs before should be controlled by humans.

Thinking of this, Zhou Qiang took a deep breath, stared at Lin Feng and said:

"Those black hairs are really controlled by you?"

He didn't know whether he didn't want to believe it or couldn't believe it. In short, Zhou Qiang still had doubts that it would be the black-haired treachery controlled by Lin Feng.

If Lin Feng was a member of the Tiandaohui, he shouldn't have appeared in the Cliff Temple at this moment, but would have fled away with Qin Yinren long ago.

In addition to being criticized for manipulating strange monsters, the biggest evil deed of Tiandaohui is the arrest of Tianjiao from all sides.

And the Tianjiao evildoer captured by them has only two fates, either they are brainwashed by them to become a member of the Tiandaohui, or they are directly killed.

This is also the reason why everyone in Tiandaohui shouted for beatings.

Of course, not all members of Tiandaohui are Tianjiao and evildoers. There are also many who are dissatisfied with their current situation, or want to go further. These people will even take the initiative to approach Tiandaohui.

But Tiandaohui still likes to capture Tianjiao and evildoers to strengthen itself.

Therefore, from this point of view, Zhou Qiang really does not want Lin Feng to be a member of the Tiandaohui.

Lin Feng, who was only in the Foundation Establishment Realm, possessed the peak combat power of the Nascent Soul, which completely suppressed the Cliff Temple.

It would be a pity if such a proud man fell into the hands of the Tiandaohui!

As soon as Zhou Qiang said this, the eyes of the two Nascent Soul Realm generals who followed him moved slightly. Although they didn't say anything, they all understood Zhou Qiang's thoughts.

This is an opportunity to explain to Lin Feng, even if Lin Feng is really a member of the Heavenly Dao Society, Zhou Qiang probably wants to drag Lin Feng out of the vortex, depending on whether Lin Feng is on the road.

But hearing this, Lin Feng grinned and nodded without thinking, "It's me!"


In the next second, Zhou Qiang and the other three breathed out instantly, and they all moved towards Lin Feng to suppress them.

Lin Feng's answer already explained his choice.

It's okay for him to explain a sentence or two, but Lin Feng actually admitted it directly.

At this moment, Zhou Qiang and the three were all disappointed when their momentum exploded!

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Qiang looked at Lin Feng with a face full of disappointment:

"The thieves of the Tiandaohui will be punished for everyone, boy, I will give you one last chance to catch you without a fight, or you can wash your heart and revolutionize your life again!"

While speaking, Zhou Qiang waved his hand to make the two Nascent Soul Realm generals back away, and he wanted to deal with Lin Feng alone.

To put it bluntly, he still held a glimmer of hope, hoping that Lin Feng would change his mind in the face of such a crisis, and he also wanted to give Lin Feng a chance.

Such an arrogant person, even if the nine top elders came, I'm afraid they would feel compassion and would make the same choice as him.

But on the surface, he had to show his toughness towards the thieves from the Tiandao Society.

So while speaking, Zhou Qiang's aura exploded, and he rushed towards Lin Feng crazily.

But the strange thing is that Lin Feng is still unmoved!

The out-of-body state's imposing suppression was actually ineffective on him, which made Zhou Qiang's expression extremely complicated.

In the next second, Lin Feng looked at Zhou Qiang, but smiled and shook his head:

"Arrested without a fight? Why? Just because I killed Ci'en? He is the dark son of the Heavenly Dao Society!"

As soon as these words came out, Master Ci Ning beside him roared angrily:

"Lin Feng, stop spitting blood, my brother Ci En lost your life, and you still want to discredit him?"

Zhou Qiang couldn't hold back anymore~www.readwn.com~ The next second he raised his hand and pointed at Lin Feng:

"Stubborn, die!"

That's what he said, but when he pointed it out, there were auras of halos emerging around Lin Feng's body, as if a series of ropes were bound towards Lin Feng.

This is obviously a control spell, not a strong attack spell. Zhou Qiang still has hope, hoping to take Lin Feng away by force!

But before the spell fell, Lin Feng suddenly clenched his fist, and then punched out.


With the sound of explosions, Zhou Qiang's control-type magic binding fairy rope was directly broken and turned into nothingness.

Of course, Lin Feng's face turned pale for a moment, but he recovered in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this scene, Ci Ning and the other two Nascent Soul Generals at the scene also widened their eyes, and some even murmured in a low voice:

"What a strong body!"

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