"No, it seems that there is energy, but it is different from normal spiritual energy?"

Wang Fugui was very puzzled, and he didn't know what happened to Lin Feng in the secret realm of spiritual energy.

The only news they know is that the remnant soul of the old ancestor of the Wang family appeared, and it seems that Lin Feng was tested. If Lin Feng left the secret realm alive, it should be that he passed the test smoothly and got the inheritance.

But why does Lin Feng feel like an ordinary person now.

Naturally, he couldn't imagine that Lin Feng's nine Dao foundations were blown up, and the Chaos Dao foundation was recast.

After thinking about it, Wang Fugui was still a little worried, and was going to test Lin Feng.

If Lin Feng is really crippled, how different is it from dying in a spiritual realm?

But this possibility is almost impossible, because the news he got is that Lin Feng is still very strong, and even stronger than before, and has even swept the peak of the Nascent Soul Realm.

wucuoxs/42219/"Against the Cthulhu"

It's just that he wondered what Lin Feng's current state was like.

In the next second, Wang Fugui's figure disappeared.

It didn't take long before more and more strange things appeared near the ruined temple.

This is normal, Lin Feng is full of energy and blood, and settled in the ruined temple above the wilderness, it is easy to attract strange things.

This is what Lin Feng wanted, and he wanted to add more weirdness.

It's just that after a short time, a large number of strange monsters have gathered around the ruined temple, and there is even a yellow figure floating in the dark night.

This was naturally done by Wang Fugui. He drove away so many monsters, just to see Lin Feng make a move and understand his current situation.

These monsters swarmed, headed by that yellow figure, this is a powerful yellow-clothed monster.

The yellow shirt is strange, which is equivalent to the human Nascent Soul Realm in terms of realm, but it is actually stronger than the general Nascent Soul Realm.

But when these monsters swarmed in, the black-haired monsters who were wandering around the ruined temple suddenly let out a shrill roar, and then launched a charge against the group of monsters .

Even among the group of monsters who came to kill, there was a yellow-clothed monster, and these black-haired monsters were not afraid at all.

Seeing this scene at this moment, Wang Fugui, who deliberately attracted weird people before Lin Feng appeared, was dumbfounded.

He widened his eyes, looking at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

Under normal circumstances, these weirdos would not kill each other.

What's more, the powerful yellow-shirted ghost naturally restrains lower-level weirdos, and the black-haired ghost can only be slaughtered when he sees the yellow-shirted ghost, but what he sees now completely subverts his imagination.

The few black-haired ghosts who were wandering around the ruined temple took the initiative to attack the monsters who came to kill them, and they were not afraid of the yellow-shirted ghosts at all?

Before, he thought that the wandering black hair was attracted by Lin Feng's blood.

Looking at it now, these black-haired treacherous heads are basically guarding Lin Feng!

"Lin Feng...... When will he control Weiwei?"

Wang Fugui murmured in shock.

There are people who can communicate with weirdos, and even reach an agreement with powerful weirdos, but that's really just communication or an agreement.

Those who can directly control the weirdness are still a minority.

But now, he saw that these black hairs were not controlled by Lin Feng.

The news that Zhou Qiang and other night watchman generals returned to Zhongzhou City did not say that Lin Feng could control the weird things, even if he did, Wang Fugui would not know that he was not a night watchman.

That's why Wang Fugui was so surprised at this moment.


In an instant, the battle of Weird and Weird broke out.

A few black hairs are fierce and fearless, but they are still drowned in the center by the surging monsters in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, a breath rose from the ruined temple!

Lin Feng took a step forward, and raised his hand to launch a group attack spell with a bang, and the strange monsters turned into green smoke and dissipated.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Feng locked on to the yellow-clothed ghost, and as he took a step, his body turned into a wind, and he fell directly in front of the yellow-shirted ghost.

Crackling...... Boom!

The yellow shirt was also directly blown away.

With the appearance of Lin Feng, Wei Wei immediately fled in all directions.

Even the strongest monsters in yellow shirts were easily defeated by him. These monsters are not stupid, they will not stay any longer, and they collapsed in all directions in the blink of an eye.

Lin Feng didn't chase after him, and just hit a few black-haired ghosts.

Immediately afterwards, Ju Ling sent generals to be deployed by him.

A large number of black-haired ghosts were arrested by him, and the rest, including the yellow-clothed ghosts, were also forcibly detained by him after they were blown up, and turned into energy to nourish their spirits.

He also wanted to see if Yang Ling could train the black-haired ghost he controlled into a yellow-shirted ghost?

Therefore, after all the spirit energy was captured by him, it was fed to one of the black-haired treacherous ones he had arrested.

But before Lin Feng could continue, his hairs suddenly stood on end, feeling like he was being spied on. He immediately stopped the arrest, and looked back suspiciously at the dark night sky.

Even though the sky is very dark, there is no light on this wilderness, but he is already a foundation-building existence, so he can see it clearly.

But with his naked eyes, he glanced around and couldn't see any clues at all.

Lin Feng frowned slightly, and said loudly in the next second:


Immediately afterwards, he shook his head again:

"I don't know which senior it is, can you show up and see?"

When these words came out, Wang Fugui, who was hidden in the void, widened his eyes even more.

He just saw Lin Feng attack and kill a large number of strange monsters, and then he used Ju Ling to send generals. He saw this scene in his eyes. While being shocked, his breath inevitably fluctuated.

But it was such a small fluctuation that Lin Feng keenly caught the movement.

In desperation, Wang Fugui appeared.

The moment he saw Wang Fugui, Lin Feng's eyes flashed. Although he didn't know the other party, he could feel the powerful aura on the other party's body, which was as unpredictable as an abyss!

This is a top powerhouse, possibly even as powerful and unpredictable as his master Chen Nian!

Lin Feng hurriedly cupped his fists and bowed:

"Junior Lin Feng, dare to ask senior..."

Wang Fugui quickly restrained the surprised expression on his face, and then snorted coldly:

"Old man Wang Fugui!"

Hearing this name, Lin Feng frowned slightly.

I haven't heard of it, and I don't know him...

Seeing Lin Feng's expression, Wang Fugui's face turned dark. He is one of the top nine elders in the Great Zhou Dynasty, but few of the younger generations have indeed heard of his name.

After all, his main battlefield is in the shopping mall~www.readwn.com~ The main battlefield of the Commercial Department is clear of gunpowder, so naturally not many people know about it.

What's more, for a top existence like him, it is naturally impossible for ordinary people to know his name.

Wang Fugui coughed dryly, and then said:

"The Wang family of the Commercial Department!"

With such a reminder, Lin Feng naturally understood the identity of the other party.

Such a powerful aura is naturally the ancestor of the Wang family of the Commercial Department.

His face changed all of a sudden.

Before, I thought that the Wang family would be troublesome.

After all, Wang's spiritual energy secret realm completely dissipated after he entered it.

But this secret realm of spiritual energy was transformed by the Qi Palace after the ancestors of the Wang family sat down.

Can Mrs. Wang let it go with him?

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