I Became Invincible After Getting Rejected For 100 Time

Chapter 238: Sensation in Zhongzhou City

The speed of news transmission in Zhongzhou City was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, the news that Lin Feng was captured by Wang Fugui spread all over the place.

Even the reason was found out, it was because of Lin Feng that Wang's treasure aura secret realm dissipated.

This is a big deal, the spiritual energy secret realm has cultivated countless talents, and even many strong people in Zhongzhou City have entered the spiritual energy secret realm.

Although this aura secret realm belongs to the Wang family, it is actually the treasure land of the entire Great Zhou, and the talents of all parties in the Nine Divisions have benefited greatly from it.

But this time, there was an accident during the trip to the spiritual energy secret realm. After Lin Feng entered, for some reason, it caused the spiritual energy secret realm to dissipate.

The news from the secret realm of spiritual energy has long been silenced by the nine elders, so it is naturally impossible for it to spread to the outside world, so now as the news of Lin Feng's arrest spreads, various rumors have been spread.

Not long after, news spread even from the Wang family.

It is said that Lin Feng took away the inheritance left by the Wang family's ancestors in the secret realm of spiritual energy.

Because of this, Wang Fugui, the current ancestor of the Wang family, was so furious that he personally took Lin Feng back and imprisoned him in the dungeon of the Wang family's mansion.

As for how to deal with Lin Feng, the ancestors of the Wang family didn't say anything, but judging from what the Wang family heard, Lin Feng would have to peel off his skin if he didn't die.

In short, Lin Feng's situation is probably really worrying. He destroyed the Wang family's aura secret realm, so he can't even pay for it!

It's all right for him to get the inheritance, this is his chance, but the most important thing is to get rid of the secret realm of spiritual energy, which is a big deal.

The news from the Wang family spread, and Zhongzhou City became a sensation again.

On that night, when Lin Feng came back one step earlier, Qin Yinren, who was recuperating at home, ran to the night watch department to find her father, Qin Shang, regardless of his injuries.

Qin Shang, the current head of the Night Watch Department, is a top-notch powerhouse in the distraction realm.

Qin Shang usually doesn't have much time to take care of his daughter, but he loves his only daughter a lot.

At this moment, in the director's office of the night patrol headquarters, Qin Shang is still dealing with official business.

Qin Yinren came to the office, Qin Shang could only put down what he was doing to meet Qin Yinren.

Before Qin Yinren could speak, he had already guessed what Qin Yinren was here for.

Even if he didn't pay much attention to his daughter's situation, he knew it clearly.

This girl has had her own opinions since she was a child, and unless it's a major issue that she can't solve, she won't find it on him.

And tonight, the most sensational event in Zhongzhou City was about Lin Feng.

About Lin Feng, although Qin Shang has never been in contact with him, he naturally knows a thing or two.

Lin Feng confessed to his daughter many times, how could he not know?

Therefore, as soon as Qin Yinren came, Qin Shang said directly:

"What about Lin Feng?"

Qin Yinren nodded.

Qin Shang shook his head:

"I can't help him! Don't meddle in this matter, you can't control it, and I can't control it either!"

"I've heard about the secret realm of spiritual energy. The disappearance of the secret realm has a lot to do with Lin Feng!"

"This aura secret realm has a lot to do with it. It's not just exclusive to the Wang family, it's also very important to me!"

After hearing what his father said, Qin Yinren said with red eyes:

"Dad, Lin Feng saved my life twice!"

As soon as these words were said, Qin Shang's face turned dark instantly.

He naturally knew that for the first time in Daheishan, Qin Yinren could escape safely because of Lin Feng.

The second time was naturally today, when Lin Feng rescued Qin Yinren from the greedy wolves and bandits from the strange hands.

Qin Yinren has just been sent back by her master Zhou Qiang, and her injuries are still not healed, so Qin Shang naturally knows it clearly.

Before Qin Shang could answer, Qin Yinren continued:

"I know you don't like him, but you said that the kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring. This is what you taught me. Now that the savior is in trouble, you want me to leave it alone?"

Qin Shang's face darkened again, and he was speechless for a while.

The father and daughter stared at each other for a long while before Qin Shang sighed:

"Girl, tell me, do you like him?"

In an instant, Qin Yinren's pretty face flushed, but finally he gritted his teeth and said:

"If I say I like it, will you save him?"

"Yes! If it's my son-in-law, it's different!"

Qin Shang replied with a wry smile.

At the same time, in the Su family's mansion not far from the headquarters of the Night Watch Division, Su Qingqing also hurried home from the academy.

As soon as she got home, Su Qingqing rushed straight to the backyard, the yard of the old man Su Xun.

Su Qingqing was still far away, and Su Xun heard the movement, and the next second, his figure flickered but disappeared directly in place.

He actually avoided his granddaughter.

But as soon as Su Xun's figure dissipated, Su Qingqing rushed in, but couldn't find Mr. Su Xun's figure anywhere, Su Qingqing immediately became angry, and shouted with arms crossed:

"Grandpa, you can hide from the first day of the junior high school but not the fifteenth day!"

"You're not coming out, are you?"

"I'll just say one thing, I've taken a fancy to that brat, if you don't care, your grandson-in-law will be killed, you can figure it out yourself!"


In the void, Su Xun almost vomited blood, and almost exposed his figure with a stagger.

"Fuck, Lin Feng, you bastard..."

Su Xun was so angry that he almost exploded on the spot.

Of course he knew that Lin Feng would be fine, Wang Fugui was in charge of Lin Feng's affairs now, how could he kill Lin Feng.

But this can't be said outside, it's a top secret, only the nine old ghosts know about it.

What made him angry was that Lin Feng, a **** confessing his love, actually teased his own granddaughter?

Su Qingqing roared angrily, but still did not see the old man showing up. In desperation, Su Qingqing stomped her feet and rushed to another courtyard in a hurry.

She was going to threaten her father.

The old man is unreliable, so he can only rely on his own father, so the argument is naturally the same.

The Su family is also a big family, not weaker than the Wang family, and the Su family can save Lin Feng's life even if they come forward.

On the other side, at the Night Watchman Academy, Dong Qingfang was very anxious after receiving the news:

"Lin Feng...you must be safe!"

The Wang Family~www.readwn.com~ Naturally, she also knew that it was a behemoth of the Great Zhou, one of the top big families, how did Lin Feng provoke such a powerful force as the Wang Family?

This was all captured and imprisoned by the ancestors of the Wang family. Can Lin Feng come out safe and sound?

Dong Qingfang is not like Qin Yinren and Su Qingqing who can find strong people to come forward to help. Her Dong family is a small business family and has a little reputation in the South Fifth District, but it is not ranked well in the entire Zhongzhou City.

But Dong Qingfang was not idle, and soon she also started to move.

First, I went to the principal Sun Ping.

Sun Ping is Lin Feng's senior brother, so he has to take care of this matter.

As a result, Sun Ping was not there at all.

In desperation, Dong Qingfang found several elders in the college who valued Lin Feng very much.

There is Huang Lao who guards the Yanfa Pavilion, and there are tutors for various homework......

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