I Became Invincible After Getting Rejected For 100 Time

Chapter 241: The royal family was besieged

The Wang family's mansion in Zhongzhou City occupies a very large area and is located in the prosperous area of ​​Zhongzhou City. As one of the top big families in the Great Zhou Dynasty, this is also normal, not to mention that the Wang family itself controls the commercial department. Simply put, it is rich!

Early in the morning, the Wang family's mansion also seemed to wake up, and many clansmen and servants in the mansion began to get busy.

In the palace, there is a hall in the most central position, which is the place where guests are usually received and family meetings are held.

Early this morning, all the people in charge of the Wang family had already gathered in the hall.

The patriarch of this generation of royal family is called Wang Yi Ning, and he is also the head of the Commercial Department today.

At this moment, there are a lot of people in the living room. Except for a few people who were dispatched from various places in Dazhou and failed to come back in time, all the stewards of the Wang family in Zhongzhou City have arrived.

The first seat in the living room was empty, and the patriarch Wang Yi Ning sat on the second seat.

In the huge meeting room, there were quite a few people, and they were all discussing something in a low voice, but it still seemed very quiet.

Wang Yi Ning on the second seat, beside him was a middle-aged man dressed as a butler whispering in his ear: "The old ancestor is indeed closed, so don't let anyone disturb him!"

"The Lin Feng brought back by the ancestor last night was imprisoned in the dungeon in the backyard, but all the guards were dismissed by the old man!"

"I also checked, and the formation in the dungeon has not been activated at all!"

"In addition, the ancestors had people take a lot of things from the treasury last night. I counted them all, and they were all the resources needed for the cultivation of the Foundation Establishment Realm, as well as various attribute spirits needed to condense the golden core!"

What the housekeeper said was also the news that Wang Yining asked him to inquire about.

In the end, this made Wang Yi Ning, the patriarch of the Wang clan, bewildered.

"What does the old man mean?"

He grabbed Lin Feng and swaggered through the market, and then released the news that Lin Feng was imprisoned in the dungeon.

As a result, Lin Feng was in the dungeon, but no one was guarding him at all, he didn't even activate the formation, and even took a lot of resources from the treasure house, obviously these resources were given to Lin Feng.

The old man's brain circuit, as a son, the patriarch of the majestic Wang clan can't keep up.

The old man's high profile is completely inconsistent with his previous style.

He thought that the old man was going to be tough with the Department of Education and the academy this time.

As a result, it was unguarded and the formation was not activated, and a large sum of training resources was lost. Are you sure this is imprisoning Lin Feng instead of helping Lin Feng break through?

But at this moment, Wang Yining's Jade Talisman of Communication heard something.

Wang Yi Ning picked it up subconsciously, and his face became even more ugly all of a sudden.

The news was sent by Chen Yong, the director of the Education Department and the Patriarch of the Chen family, asking him how to deal with Lin Feng and asking him to talk about Lin Feng.

But just after checking the news here, he didn't even put down the Jade Talisman of Communication, and another message came.

The content is exactly the same, but with a different person, Qin Shang, Director of the Night Watch Division!

Immediately afterwards, the director of the Monster Slaying Division also sent a message, actually asking Lin Feng how to deal with it, and not without a threat:

"Yi Ning must be cautious about this matter. Lin Feng has contributed to the Demon Slaying Division and the Great Zhou. He has contributed a lot to the northern camp to have today's situation!"


Then, the Foreign Affairs Department, the Intelligence Department, the Criminal and Prison Department, the Construction Department, and the Administration Department sent congratulatory messages one after another, but the contents were all the same, asking him to carefully consider how to deal with Lin Feng.

In particular, one point has been mentioned, now that Tianjiao from the Nine Divisions of Zhongzhou City is not stable, and they are all waiting and watching. If Lin Feng is killed, there may be chaos in Zhongzhou City.

It's not a threat, and it's a threat.

Immediately, Wang Yining's face turned green, and he cursed directly:


"Do you really think my Wang family is easy to bully?"

"Made, who the **** is Lin Feng? Has such great energy?"

Everyone else is numb, a mere Foundation Establishment Realm Tianjiao......

It is true that Lin Feng is indeed too evil, but he has the combat power of the Nascent Soul at the Foundation Establishment Realm.

But even so, he was just captured by the ancestors of the Wang family, and all nine divisions came forward?

For a moment Wang Yining's head was as big as a bucket.

He didn't even know how to deal with it.

But here just received news from various departments, and then another servant hurried over:

"The head of the family is not good..."

Wang Yining was in a fit of anger, when he saw the servant rushing straight into the living room, he immediately became furious:

"Asshole, do you still understand the rules?"

But even though the servant was scolded, he still bit the bullet and said:

"Patriarch, it's really bad, our door is blocked!"

As soon as these words came out, Wang Yining's face turned greener.

Even the many high-ranking members of the Wang family in the living room stood up in unison:

"what's the situation?"

"Who ate the bear's heart and leopard's gall?"

"Blocking the door? How dare someone block the door of my Wang family?"

"It's against the sky, dare to block the gate of my Wang family?"

A group of people were furious, and the servant was also numbed, but still bit the bullet and replied:

"They are the pride of the Night Watchman Academy. There are about a thousand people. They are guarding the door. They want to ask the Patriarch for a letter of approval. How will they deal with Lin Feng from the Night Watchman Academy!"

But as soon as the words were spoken here, another servant rushed over and shouted from a long distance away:

"It's no good, the monster-slayer Tianjiao and thousands of people have also come, and surrounded my Wang family!"

In the next second, another servant even vacated directly in disregard of the rules:

"Patriarch, something is wrong. The night watchman Tianjiao and hundreds of people have also come. The streets in front of our house are blocked!"


In an instant, the faces of the senior members of the Wang family turned green.

Those who were still furious and cursing just now died down.

They can easily clean up one or two, but how come thousands of people came in the blink of an eye?

There is the Tianjiao of the Night Watchman Academy, there is the Tianjiao of the Demon Slayer, and there is the Tianjiao of the Night Watchman.

If you do this, you will not offend one force, but three major forces.

A group of people's scalps were numb, and they looked at the Patriarch Wang Yining one after another. Now the Patriarch and the Director of the Commercial Department can only make things happen.

But at this moment, Wang Yi Ning's scalp is numb, and his face turns green when he sees everyone:

"What are you looking at me for?"

"I can't help it either!"

But that being said, no one dared to refute him, but if he didn't show up, who else could show up on behalf of the Wang family?

Wang Yining turned to look at the butler with a dark face:

"Go and kneel outside the ancestor's retreat~www.readwn.com~ Please tell the ancestor clearly!"

The butler left in a hurry to find his ancestor Wang Fugui.

And Wang Yining also forced himself to calm down, and began to analyze and figure out the thoughts of his ancestors in his heart, and also weighed the pros and cons.

I was shocked in my heart, Lin Feng, one person really attracted the entire Great Zhou Jiusi?

Then, he also waved his hand:

"Talk about your opinions, I'm listening!"

The senior members of the Wang family were a little uncomfortable.

If it was before, they would definitely put forward their ideas in their original form, but now each of them is a little hesitant.

One mistake in this matter, even if the Wang family does not plummet, it will suffer a great blow.

If they are not handled well, they are the sinners of the Wang family.

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