I Became Invincible After Getting Rejected For 100 Time

Chapter 263: Demon Thunder Jue, Fenghou Qimen

"Yin Ren, Qing Qing, Fang Fang..."

"I like you guys!"

Lin Feng lived up to expectations and confessed directly.

After many socially fatal confessions, Lin Feng's face was already blushing and his heart was not beating.

And in order to ensure that the confession was rejected, it happened that all three were here, so he directly confessed to the three at once.

In the next second, everyone on the scene was stunned.

Those who knew Lin Feng at the scene naturally knew that he confessed his love many times, usually one-on-one, but this time he confessed to three at once?

This is really never making a choice, you want everything!

Those who don't know Lin Feng have only heard about his deeds, and now they have finally seen it with their own eyes.

Sure enough, he was a confession maniac, and he confessed to three beauties at the same time, which is probably only Lin Feng's ability to do it.

And the three women who were confessed to each other blushed instantly, wishing they could find a crack in the ground and get down.

If they had confessed their love to one alone, they might all be very moved, but now that Lin Feng actually confessed to all three of them at the same time, it turned into their death all of a sudden.

Qin Yinren blushed, rushed up in anger, and stared at Lin Feng fiercely:

"Lin Feng!



And Su Qingqing's body was even more breathless, clenched her fists tightly, and gave Lin Feng a hard look, then turned her head to look at Wang Yining, the head of the Wang family who was also stunned above the sky:

"Patriarch Wang, can I join this life-and-death challenge?"

She wanted to kill someone, even though she knew she was no match for Lin Feng at all.

And Dong Qingfang's pretty face was flushed, and she also stared at Lin Feng complainingly:

"Did you confess that?"

She has seen Lin Feng confess his love many times, and she also looks forward to Lin Feng's confession to her.

But that was a separate and sincere confession, not treated as a child's play by Lin Feng like now!

"Hahaha, I'm a dying person, so I'm not allowed to play around?"

Lin Feng laughed happily, and then heard the reminder that the reward has arrived.

The reward for Su Qingqing's confession has long since ended, and the Golden Light Curse is the limit, and there is no reward for continuing to confess her confession if she is rejected.

As for Dong Qingfang, she has not been included in the category of rewards for confession rejections so far, and naturally she has not been rewarded.

The only reward came from Qin Yinren, who was also the first person Lin Feng confessed to.

"Confession of Qin Yinren was rejected, reward the Yao Lei Jue!"

"The host, please continue to work hard. The next time you confess to Qin Yinren and you are rejected, you will be rewarded with the Water Thunder Art!"

"The next time you confess your love to the Queen of Ten Thousand Demons, Hu Ling'er will reward you with eight wonderful skills and magical machines!"

"The rewards of Yao Lei Jue and Fenghou Qimen have been adapted to the current world and can be claimed!"

Lin Feng confessed his love to Hu Ling'er, the Queen of Ten Thousand Monsters, twice in the Northern Camp. The first time he confessed, he rewarded Tong Tianlu. After receiving it, he mixed into the Monster Race Camp to do things.

The second time he confessed to Hu Ling'er, he rewarded Fenghou Qimen, but he was forced into the Hurricane Cliff, then escaped from the cliff, and hurried to Zhongzhou City to participate in the exploration of the secret realm of spiritual energy.

Then the spiritual realm collapsed, Lin Feng returned from the chaos, and then met Qin Yinren.

At that time, Qin Yinren was in a state where Lin Feng couldn't confess, not only because there were not many audiences, but also because he didn't have the opportunity to confess, and because if he confessed, Qin Yinren at that time might easily agree.

Therefore, Lin Feng kept holding back, and now, he finally confessed his love again.

This time, Qin Yinren who confessed to Qin obtained the Yaolei Jue, but he never received the reward for confessing to Hu Ling'er last time, Fenghou Qimen.

Taking advantage of everyone's stunned effort, Lin Feng received the reward, and in the next second he took a step forward, soaring into the air, his body transformed into wind, and rushed towards the black pine forest.

Until now, a group of people who were stunned by Lin Feng's death confession came back to their senses:

"I'm going, I almost forgot that today is a life-and-death battle between him and Wang Tao, the strong Wang Tao!"

"The heart is so big, it's this time, and I have to confess my love before I leave!"

"Worthy of confessing to a madman, he really lives up to his reputation!"

"The battle of life and death is finally about to begin!"

At this moment, everyone put away the thoughts that were confused by Lin Feng's confession just now, and looked at the black pine forest.

Even if you can't see the details clearly, you can feel the movement.

And above the sky, Wang Yi Ning, who saw Lin Feng stepping into the black pine forest, shook his head slightly. He was also dumbfounded by Lin Feng's confession just now, and then Wang Yi Ning also became nervous all of a sudden.

The life-and-death challenge has begun, and he has to keep an eye on it, or something will happen.

He was not worried about Lin Feng, but worried about his own celestial arrogance, Wang Tao.

But at this moment, after Lin Feng stepped into the black pine forest, he put away his magic spell and began to stroll in the pine forest again.

While walking, his mind was all on the reward he just got.

The Yao Lei Jue is also a kind of thunder method, which has been integrated into his Five Thunder Correction Method, which has brought the strength of the thunder method to another level.

However, the effect is still not so obvious.

But Lin Feng is not in a hurry, Qin Yinren still has a chance to confess his love.

The next reward will be the Water-Thunder Jue, and the next time the Cloud-Thunder Jue...  

After this incident, you can take some time to catch Qin Yinren to collect rewards a few more times. Anyway, the current Qin Yinren has already despaired of him, so he probably won't agree to it all at once.

When multiple rewards are integrated into his lightning method, and finally synthesized into the general outline of lightning method, then his lightning method will make another qualitative leap. At that time, thunder method may once again become his most powerful killer!

As for Fenghou Qimen, which he didn't receive before, after adapting to the current world, Lin Feng sensed it, and the effect was also very heaven-defying.

Fenghou Qimen, after adapting to the current world, its specific function is to crack and display seals, organs, and formations.

This is a good thing, Lin Feng immediately began to use thousands of phantoms in the magic sky mirror to practice Fenghou Qimen.

After the cultivation is completed, any seals, organs, and formations in this world are just decorations in front of him?

At critical moments, this Fenghou Qimen can exert a miraculous effect. Although it is not as commonly used as Tongtianlu and Juling Dispatch General, it is still an excellent good thing!

But at the same time Lin Feng was thinking about this, his hairs exploded in the next second. When he stopped abruptly, a blood-red long knife slammed down on the top of his head.

He almost forgot that he was here to accept the challenge of life and death~www.readwn.com~ And now, he has walked into the black pine forest, and in front of him, the nine masters of the Nascent Soul Realm of the Wang family are connected with each other, obviously using their Qi machines. Using the method of joint attack, this **** long knife was their joint attack.

With this knife, black traces appeared faintly even in the void, as if it had been cut through by this knife.

If it wasn't for the surge in Lin Feng's perception, the knife might have fallen on him before he could react.

No, even if he has a strong perception ability, the long knife has already fallen by the time he senses it.


When the explosive sound came, Lin Feng only had time to defend.

Golden lights flashed on his body, and he was chopped off in the blink of an eye.

But at the same time, after blasting his defense, the **** long knife was also directly scattered by this terrifying wave!

The defense alone has actually broken through the joint move of nine Nascent Soul Realm peak powerhouses?

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