I Became Invincible After Getting Rejected For 100 Time

Chapter 281: War bosses, fists work best!

As soon as Liu Shan made a move, the flames were soaring, it was the power of the fire that he had condensed for many years.

This is also the most powerful attack method of these tribesmen.

As soon as Lin Feng showed up, he expelled Lin Feng on the grounds of trespassing on the tribe's ancestral land as he had imagined before.

Of course, directly using fire to deal with Lin Feng was also intended to test Lin Feng.

The screen shown by the big tripod before showed that Lin Feng had mastered the Five Elements Spirit Fire Seed, but he still didn't believe it, so he wanted to verify it himself.

Unexpectedly, after Lin Feng sensed that it was Liu Shan, he didn't dodge or resist, and let Liu Shan's flame power instantly envelope him.

This time, before the flames fell, Liu Shan's expression changed.

It would be fine if it was before, but now that Lin Feng has condensed the Five Elements Spirit Fire Seed, how could he really kill Lin Feng?

What's more, this kid is still my daughter's sweetheart, if I really want to kill him, my daughter can fight him desperately......

But before Liu Shan could make a rescue, the next second, streaks of flames appeared on Lin Feng's body instantly.


The flames on Lin Feng's body seemed to possess spirituality, directly dispelling and even devouring Liu Shan's fire power.

But Lin Feng stood where he was, and didn't make a move at all, but he was unscathed.

For a moment, Liu Shan froze in place, watching this scene with a dazed expression.

He saw clearly just now that Lin Feng really condensed the fire, the five elements and five kinds of spiritual fire!

The picture he saw through Dading before was not wrong.

But what shocked him even more was how could Lin Feng be so powerful?

Even if he controls the Five Elements Spirit Fire Seed, he is only at the Foundation Establishment Realm. With the power of the Fire Seed at most, if he crosses a large realm, he will be exhausted with the strength of the Alchemy Realm.

But right now, with the power of the fire seed, how could he not be able to help him?

Liu Shan was both surprised and delighted, and at the same time, he was determined to keep Lin Feng.

The daughter's vision is indeed right, this kid is not a common man, but it's a pity that the two of them really can only be destined to each other...

For a while, Liu Shan was very complicated!

But before he could make a move, Lin Feng frowned and cupped his hands:

"Boss, where is Liu Hong now?"

Lin Feng didn't intend to explain what happened to him in his ancestral land. He didn't think that Liu Shantang's tribal leader didn't know about it.

small book booth

Obviously, Liu Shan was just deliberately finding fault.

If it weren't for Liu Hong's face, he would have been more than defensive just now.

Now, Lin Feng didn't bother to care about anything, and didn't want to take care of it. He just wanted to find Liu Hong and ask about the situation.

But being ignored by Lin Feng, Liu Shan became angry instantly, and roared again:

"Bold and lunatic, not to mention trespassing on the ancestral land, but also coveting my girl?"

Liu Shan was talking nonsense at all, and now he had only one thought, that is, to suppress Lin Feng first, and then choose a method to keep Lin Feng, that's a later story.

After the words fell, Liu Shan shot again, this time he didn't hold back.

He also saw clearly that Lin Feng was very strong, unbelievably strong.

To deal with this kid, I really can't hold back, or even go all out!

Therefore, as soon as he raised his hand, the sky above Liu Shan's head instantly burst into flames, as if it was going to burn through the sky.

In the next second, the monstrous flames gathered together, forming a majestic dragon in the blink of an eye.

hold head high........

With a roar, the fire dragon opened its huge mouth and bit Lin Feng head-on.

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng frowned even tighter in an instant.

Before the fire dragon approached, Lin Feng suddenly stepped forward and punched out.

With this punch, the five-colored flames above the fist spit out tongues of flame.


There was a loud bang, and the huge flame dragon, Liu Shan's powerful spell Fire Dragon Swallows the Sky, was just blown away by Lin Feng's punch, leaving only the sky full of fireworks.

Standing proudly in the void, Lin Feng looked at Liu Shan with burning eyes:

"Boss, I respect you as Liu Hong's father, and I don't want to be your enemy, but I'm not afraid of you. Let me ask again, where is Liu Hong?"

Lin Feng's aura erupted suddenly, his voice was like thunder rolling, with an incomparably powerful momentum, as if he was suppressing towards Liu Shan like a mountain.

But Liu Shan also exists in the out-of-body state, so his momentum alone cannot suppress him.

What shocked him was Lin Feng's terrifying strength.

To say that before Lin Feng still relied on the role of the Five Elements Spirit Fire Seed, but now?

Lin Feng blew up his spell with one punch. Is this only possible with the blessing of the Five Elements Spirit?

Before Liu Shan came back to his senses, Lin Feng's aura condensed to the peak, he stepped out again, and said loudly:

"I didn't want to make a move, but now it seems that nothing will work with fists!"

Because of Liu Hong, Lin Feng really didn't want to do anything to Liu Shan.

But now, it seems that what he said is useless, Liu Shan has his own ideas, and he is also a powerful person in the Aperture Realm, how could he listen to him?

Therefore, Lin Feng stopped talking nonsense, took one step and directly came to the top of Liu Shan's head and shot brazenly:

"Then let's fight!"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Feng seemed to be transformed into a **** of thunder, covered with terrifying thunderbolts, and the sky was instantly filled with dark clouds, lightning and thunder, and it was like the end of the world in the blink of an eye.


Waves of thunder thundered down, turning the entire ancestral land into a sea of ​​thunder.

If it weren't for the formation covering the ancestral land, the entire building would be turned into flying ash and dissipated under the terrifying thunder at this moment.

And that's just been spilled over.

And the target of Lin Feng's lightning method is Liu Shan!

In the next second, Liu Shan's expression changed drastically, and he rushed to deal with it.


When the sound of explosion sounded, Liu Shan's breath immediately became sluggish, and he backed away with a pale face.

In the next second, he opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood!

At this moment, Liu Shanzhen's face changed drastically, and he looked at Lin Feng who was walking again in horror.

At this moment, Lin Feng, in his eyes, is still a junior of the Foundation Establishment Realm, and a peerless arrogance who has condensed the fire of the five elements. He is a peerless demon god.

With one step down, Lin Feng waved his hand again, and a formation composed of sword energy suddenly gathered in front of his eyes!

Great Five Elements Sword Formation!


The Great Five Elements Sword Formation rushed towards it with a bang, before it fell down, they gathered together in the blink of an eye and turned into a big sword!


Lin Feng seemed to be transformed into a demon god, he grabbed the big sword~www.readwn.com~ and slashed at Liu Shan.

Liu Shantong's hole shrank sharply, and all his fine hairs exploded.

He is a strong person in the Aperture Realm, and facing Lin Feng who is in the Foundation Establishment Realm at this moment, there is also an extremely intense life and death crisis?

I can't believe it, I don't want to believe it, but this is the truth.

Even with this move, Liu Shan didn't dare to neglect the slightest, while the energy of the fire spirit in his body was running wildly, he even reached out to grab the ancestral land.

The ancestral land is the important place of their Five Elements tribe, and the formations are naturally under the control of the leader Liu Shan.

As soon as he grabbed it, terrifying flames flew directly from the volcano in the ancestral land.

Liu Shan, surprisingly, did not dare to fight Lin Feng head-on, but chose to directly use the energy of the ancestral land to deal with Lin Feng.


Also at this moment, a sword slashed down, facing a monstrous flame that Liu Shan grabbed from the ancestral land!

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