I Became Invincible After Getting Rejected For 100 Time

Chapter 290: The broken bird opened its mouth, and the scuffle broke out

The priest beckoned, and the black-faced burly man hurriedly followed, also rose into the air, and followed behind the priest one step behind.

But at this moment, the black-faced strong man is somewhat worried.

Although the ability of this broken parrot has been revealed before this, the existences encountered before are not strong, and it doesn't matter much even if they are offended.

But now, these men and horses from all directions are not easy.

Needless to say, the three tribes of Youming, Liuding, and Yinyang.

This is one of the nine major tribes in the Yanhuo Canyon, and they are all powerful tribes. The relationship with the Great Sun tribe is subtle, with conflicts and cooperation.

In short, there are no absolute allies in this canyon, only absolute interests.

Moreover, the young master of the Great Sun Tribe got married today, and the teams of the three tribes who came to congratulate them were all led by experts in the Out of Aperture Realm in their respective tribes.

Out of Aperture Realm is a peak existence in every tribe, and there are only a few in each tribe. Even in the entire Yanhuo Canyon, apart from the old man Tianzhu, the Out of Aperture Realm is also a peak existence.

Such an old guy is powerful and distinguished, so he still wants to use this broken parrot to test him?

And other forces are not easy to mess with.

Although the people from the Great Sand Principality and the Great Luo Empire were not really the envoys of the major powers, the leading strength was also in the Out-of-Aperture Realm.

And that monster clan, the big monster headed by it has an incomparably majestic aura, and it is also a fifth-rank big monster, which is equivalent to the terrifying existence of human beings out of the body.

A total of six powerful forces came together, and each of them was so difficult to mess with. It was no wonder that the black-faced strong man was uneasy.

On the contrary, the priests of the Dari Tribe remained incomparably calm.

Hearing the voice of the sacrificial priest, the existences in the Out-of-Aperture Realm headed by the forces of the six parties glanced at each other, and in the next second they all stepped forward in unison and flew directly in the air. In the blink of an eye, they arrived at the gate of the Great Sun Tribe and stood opposite the sacrificial priest.


"The young master of the Great Sun Tribe is getting married, and our Yin-Yang Tribe has prepared a small gift to show our congratulations!"

"Hahaha, I heard that the young master of the Great Sun Tribe, the young hero, is very imposing, and I can finally meet him today!"

The three tribes of Youming, Liuding, and Yinyang who had left their bodies opened their mouths of congratulations.

On the other side, the out-of-body realms of the Dasha Principality and the Daluo Empire also spoke one after another, but what they said was bird language that they couldn't understand at all:



The two were extremely arrogant, and they still spoke the language of their respective countries here.

However, it is obvious that because this Flame Canyon is located at the junction of the three countries, basically the strong can understand the languages ​​of the three countries.

And the fifth-rank Xeon of the Monster Race did not hide his powerful aura, but he also bowed like a human being:

"Congratulations to the young master of the Great Sun Tribe!"

But as soon as the six strong men finished speaking, the priest of the Great Sun Tribe was still smiling and cupping his hands, ready to respond one by one, when a strange voice suddenly came from behind him:

"The old man with a grimace said: 'Congratulations, that **** Changhao is still married? He can't even be considered a man, and he is almost dizzy!'"

With a swish, everyone looked at the out-of-body-level strongman of the Nether Tribe in unison.

The old ghost of the Nether tribe's face darkened, and his aura exploded.

But it's not over yet, the next second, the voice came again:

"The old ghost of the Liuding tribe said: 'I congratulate your Chang family on cutting off their sons and grandchildren. Well, it's almost time, the eldest is gone, and the second is next...'"

The expressions of the group of people changed, and then they looked at the out-of-body-level strongman of the Liuding tribe.

Liu Ding Tribe's Aperture Realm was just watching the jokes of the old ghost of the Nether Tribe, but when he came to him in a blink of an eye, his face darkened immediately, and his momentum also exploded.

But at the same time, at this moment, the voice came again:

"The old man with a strange yin and yang said: 'Young hero? Heh, he is clearly a young bear! Extraordinary momentum? Is it because of extraordinary castration!'"

Swish, everyone turned their heads to look at the out-of-body realm of the Yin-Yang Tribe again!

The out-of-aperture strongman of the Yin-Yang Tribe also turned dark instantly.

But then, the voice came again:

"The blue-eyed guy said: 'Everyone in the Great Sun Tribe is strong and strong, it should be good to take them back and make them slaves!'"

"The bearded old man said: 'The bride should be fine, right? The young master of the Great Sun Tribe can't do it, I'll do it for you!'"

"The monster said: 'A bunch of scumbags, I will kill you with one hand at night!'"

Three voices came in succession, and the scene fell into an eerie silence.

Some people looked at the strong men of the Great Luo Empire with hatred on their faces, others looked at the strong men of the Dasha Principality with great anger, and many people looked at the big monsters of the Yaozu with murderous intent.

As for the priests of the Great Sun Tribe, their expressions were completely gloomy at this moment, as if they could drip water.


Of the six powers that came this time, none of them was a good thing, at least none of these six powerhouses was a good thing.

Everyone has their own ghosts, right? But so what?

This is the Dasun Tribe. The Dasun Tribe has been prepared since the news came out that the wedding ceremony will be held. If someone dares to make troubles, he will never return!

Especially the bear demon, I have been wanting to eat roasted bear paws for a long time......

But just as the priest thought of this, when the scene was still in an embarrassingly quiet stage, the voice sounded again:

"The priest said: 'These **** are not good things!'"

"At least these six **** are not a good thing!"

"Okay, are you all pregnant with ghosts? I really want to make things so that you will never return!"

"Especially the bear demon, I have wanted to eat the bear's paw for a long time!"

In the next second, everyone's eyes were focused on the priest of the Great Sun Tribe.


Which fifth-rank big monster of the monster clan exploded first, his blood was soaring when he raised his hand, his figure soared several times, and in the blink of an eye, he turned into a huge bear monster standing up to the sky, and his extremely huge bear paw covered the sky and covered the sun. The sacrifice of the Dari Tribe was photographed.

"court death!"

The sacrifices of the Great Sun Tribe were naturally popular. As soon as the words fell, a huge and incomparable flame rose from behind him. It really looked like a huge sun, directly meeting the palm of the bear demon.

But just as the two of them moved their hands, the others moved too.

The Nine Nether Tribe went out of the Aperture Realm and directly killed the strong man of the Dasha Principality:

"Maozi, I've wanted to kill you for a long time, take my life!"

The out-of-body-level strongmen of the Great Luo Empire turned into a gust of wind in an instant, and rushed towards the strong men of the Yin-Yang tribe:

"You killed Caesar, the pride of the Great Luo Empire, right?"

There are also strong men from the Liuding tribe who also shot out with a bang, and the target is the priest of the Dari tribe:

"The eldest lady of my tribe was destroyed by the young master of your Dari tribe, and you still want to get married smoothly? Dreaming!"


In an instant ~www.readwn.com~ a scuffle broke out on the scene, everyone had different goals, and everyone shot with extraordinary power.

In the blink of an eye, the void was exploding, cracks in the ground were criss-crossing, and even the entire Great Sun Tribe felt like an earthquake.

Many members of the Great Japanese Tribe and guests who were near the battlefield were instantly affected, and in the blink of an eye someone was directly killed innocently.

Even in the far away Da Sun Tribe, there were weak people who couldn't bear the terrifying fluctuations and died of vomiting blood in the blink of an eye.

But under such circumstances, not only did the broken parrot not feel dangerous, but it flapped its wings and flew straight up, screaming and began to read people's hearts:

"The sacrificial priest said: 'Procrastinate for a while, and wait until the leader leaves the pass, and no one will be left behind!'"

"The bearded man said: 'It's the right time to come today, and run away after grabbing the bride in the chaos!'"

"The bear monster said: 'Is it true that you are playing with me? Didn't you say that you can cooperate with him in acting and take the opportunity to take down the guy from the Yin-Yang tribe? Sure enough, human beings can't be trusted!'"


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