I Became Invincible After Getting Rejected For 100 Time

Chapter 298: Honglian Yehuo, Lin Feng was exposed?

In the next second, Chang Shan made up his mind, and immediately said:

"Then follow the rules, duel!"

After the words fell, Chang Shan waved his hand, and a terrifying heat wave swept around in an instant.

Whether it was the guests on the high platform or the powerful people of various forces below the high platform, they were all forced to retreat a long way under this terrifying momentum.

In the blink of an eye, the high platform was emptied, only Lin Feng and Changhao were left on the stage, and of course Liu Hong, she was clinging to Lin Feng closely, afraid that if she left this dream, she would wake up.

And Chang Shan's voice fell, as if he couldn't bear to see his brothers killing each other, he closed his eyes with black lines all over his face.

But in fact, at this stage, closing his eyes is the same as opening them. He can clearly perceive all the movements on the field.

Lin Feng was also enveloped and sealed by his flames.

On the opposite side, Chang Hao's eyes were still blood red, and it seemed as if he could ooze blood.

Chang Hao's uncle, the strong out-of-body state of the Red Lotus Tribe came to Chang Hao in a flash, patted him on the shoulder, and said something in a low voice.

In the next second, the strong man of the Red Lotus tribe left the high platform.

Chang Shan, with his eyes closed, waved his hand, and the flame that sealed Lin Feng dissipated instantly.

"Let's get started, don't let people see the joke!"

Chang Shan said helplessly.

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Feng was about to step out, but Liu Hong hugged his waist from behind.

Seeing this scene, Chang Hao's teeth on the opposite side were about to be gritted, and many strong people from all sides who watched the excitement also sighed.

And Lin Feng patted Liu Hong's little hand lightly:

"Don't worry, it's fine, one finger is enough to deal with this trash!"

Hearing this, Liu Hong let go of her little hand, and obediently waited on the spot.

At this moment, Chang Hao, who was extremely furious, couldn't suppress his anger any longer. He raised his hand instantly, and a flaming spear condensed into shape and came straight towards Lin Feng.

And Lin Feng also made a move at this moment, but it was really what he said to Liu Hong just now, and he really only stretched out one finger.

Of course, in order not to expose his identity at this moment, Lin Feng did not dare to use any other means, but mobilized the spiritual power of the fire attribute, mixed with a trace of five-element fire spiritual power, and then used the magic sky to change the shape of the breath.

Therefore, this pointed out that there was actually a flame gushing out from between his fingers, directly meeting Chang Hao's flame spear.


When the explosion sounded, everyone on the scene was dumbfounded.

The flame that Lin Feng stretched out with a finger actually devoured the flame spear that Chang Hao cast in just an instant.

But before anyone was shocked by Lin Feng's strength, they saw a small dark red flame that looked like a lotus flower coming straight towards Lin Feng after Chang Hao's flaming spear dissipated.

"Red lotus fire?"

"Fuck, shameless!"

"Wan Duzi, Chang Rong is doomed!"

Almost at the same time, a strong person in the Leaving Aperture Realm saw the clues.

This small group of dark red lotus-like flames is exactly the kindling of the red lotus industry fire, and naturally it was given to Changhao when his uncle was talking to him just now.

This is the kind of fire controlled by the strong in the Out of Aperture Realm. Even if it is not the real Red Lotus Karmic Fire, it is still extremely powerful. How can a mere Foundation Establishment Realm be able to hold it?

Even Chang Shan was startled suddenly, opened his eyes and was about to make a move at the same time, but he hesitated for a second.

It is obvious that Changhao's strength is far inferior to Changrong's. If he makes a move to stop it, the result of the duel is self-evident...

Just for a moment, Chang Hao rushed towards Lin Feng with a grinning grin:

"Changrong, die for me!"


In an instant, the small ball of flame directly attached to Lin Feng's finger, and spread along Lin Feng's arm like a maggot attached to the bone in the blink of an eye.


In the blink of an eye, Lin Feng was directly swallowed by the dark red flames.

The red lotus karma, even if it is not the real red lotus karma, is extremely powerful. It is fueled by the enemy's seven emotions and six desires. It cannot be extinguished at all. Unless there is a more powerful flame to swallow it, otherwise, Lin Feng can only wait to die.

But before he was burnt to death by the terrifying flames, Chang Hao had already rushed towards him like a shadow, and when he raised his hand, flaming spears condensed and directly charged towards Lin Feng.

At this moment, all the powerhouses around shook their heads and sighed, as if they saw the scene of Chang Rong dying in Chang Hao's hands.

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Even Chang Shan resisted the urge to strike and closed his eyes.

He didn't intend to save anyone.

Between the Red Lotus Tribe and his own son, he actually chose the former.

There was only one person at the scene who was worried about Lin Feng, naturally it was Liu Hong, her complexion also changed at this moment, but unfortunately she still had Lin Feng's seal on her body, so she couldn't move at all.

At this moment, Liu Hong's eyes were also red, but instead of roaring and struggling hysterically, a crystal tear flowed from her eyes, and a touch of determination appeared on her face.

As long as something happens to Lin Feng, she probably won't live alone......

But at this moment, Lin Feng saw Honglian's karma covering his whole body, and Changhao's all-out attack, but he still didn't panic.

He himself sighed inwardly.

Originally, I planned to do more things, but the situation didn't allow it!

If he doesn't make a move at this moment, he will die!

no solution anymore!

In desperation, the red lotus karmic fire in Lin Feng's body shook slightly, and the red lotus karmic fire that enveloped him dissipated immediately.

But for Changhao's uncle, the energy of the red lotus karma fire is not enough to ignite the red lotus karma fire at all, it's too weak!

Immediately afterwards, before anyone could react, Lin Feng waved his hand again.


In an instant, flames shot up into the sky and rushed directly towards Chang Hao who had come to kill him.

And he himself was going backwards crazily at this moment and was about to take Liu Hong to evacuate.

At this moment, even Changshan and the brother-in-law of the Honglian tribe, who were close to Chichi, had no time to react, because no one could have imagined that this was not the second son of the Dari tribe at all.

But Lin Feng ignored one person, the priest of the Great Sun Tribe, who was ordered to investigate Zhou Fu before, who was the traveling merchant that Lin Feng had previously disguised as.

He has obtained a lot of information.

Including that Zhou Fu didn't die, but went to the tribal stone building, and climbed to the windowsill to confess his love to the bride.

Then this week, Zhou Fu was taken away by the second son, and then the second son reappeared, so the current scene happened.

As soon as Lin Feng's figure moved, the priest beside him appeared like a ghost, and the probe caught his breath and locked on to Lin Feng instantly.

Lin Feng's complexion changed, and various thoughts in his mind changed rapidly, and he thought of many ways to deal with it in the blink of an eye.

But in the end, he gave up the idea of ​​resistance, and quietly transmitted Liu Hong:

"Don't worry~ www.readwn.com~ It's okay, just be patient for a while, I'll take you away!"

"Remember to be careful not to get stinky blood when you go back to the room later!"

While speaking, Lin Feng quietly sent a ray of spiritual power into Liu Hong's body, which was left in Liu Hong's body, so that Liu Hong could use it to break the seal when the time was right!

Immediately afterwards, the big hand of the priest at the Out of Aperture Realm grabbed him instantly, and in the blink of an eye Lin Feng lost the ability to resist and was directly suppressed.

A series of seals fell between the hands of the priest, suppressing Lin Feng in place.

It wasn't until this moment that Chang Shan and the brother-in-law of the Red Lotus Tribe reacted.

Chang Shan's aura erupted, and he was relieved to see that Lin Feng had been suppressed.

And the brother-in-law of the Red Lotus Tribe met Chang Hao who was blown away by Lin Feng and vomited blood.

Everyone on the scene stared strangely, unable to react at all, the incident was over.

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