I Became Invincible After Getting Rejected For 100 Time

Chapter 306: It's lively outside, but it's even more lively in Magic Sky

After the voice of the ancestor of the Great Sun Tribe fell, Lin Feng's eyes flickered slightly, in a state of contemplation.

The old ghost didn't urge him, and looked at Lin Feng with a playful expression.

At the same time, Lin Feng's consciousness has been immersed in the space of the fantasy world.

As soon as his consciousness entered, he heard a noisy sound in the space of the fantasy world.

The broken parrot is roaring again and again:

"The ugly woman said: 'The **** Lin Feng is still alive? What a disaster!'"

"The fat man said: 'I might as well die!'"

Obviously, Lin Feng was making waves in the Great Sun Tribe during this time, and was besieged by many out-of-body realms, and now he was forced into the ancestral land of the Great Sun Tribe and encountered the strange ancestor of the Great Sun Tribe.

He had a very restless life, but he was also very restless in this illusionary space.

The reason is that this broken parrot is here.

In addition to this broken parrot, there were Xiao Yueer, the elder of the Tiandao Society who had been suppressed before, and Zhou Fu, who was later captured by Lin Feng.

After the chaos of the Great Sun Tribe, Lin Feng sent the broken parrot into the space of the Illusory Sky Realm. It was obvious that this guy couldn't help but started to read his mind again.

This is the source of the trouble.

At this moment, Zhou Fu, a fat traveler, lay on the ground, covered his ears, closed his six senses, and tried his best to make himself think about nothing and do nothing.

As for Xiao Yueer, the elder of the Tiandao Society, Nascent Soul is constantly twisting, obviously enduring incomparable pain.

You can imagine how it feels to have a scary thing that can read your heart at any time, but you can't just slap it to death.

At this moment, feeling that Lin Feng's consciousness entered, Xiao Yueer's Nascent Soul Body was about to cry:

"Please kill me!"

That Zhou Fu also had the same death-seeking expression:

"My lord, you can kill me, I can't take it anymore!"

But at this moment, the broken parrot continued to interpret the two people's voices with a loud voice, but was stared at by Lin Feng.

The broken parrot quickly closed its mouth, trying not to dare to speak.

But in the next second, Lin Feng couldn't hold back anymore, and laughed out loud:

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Thank you for your hard work, Elder Xiaoyue, you can think carefully about how to tell me the information you know. With this broken parrot, you can tell me without breaking your oath!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Xiao Yue'er calmed down a little:

"I promise you, I can meditate on the information I know about the Tiandaohui in my heart, but you have to get this broken parrot away afterwards!"

Xiao Yueer has completely compromised.

She probably didn't expect that she would be forced to compromise with Lin Feng by a broken parrot.

But she really can't help it. If she continues to be harmed by this broken parrot, she feels that her Nascent Soul will not be able to support it anymore. Before Lin Feng returns to Zhongzhou City to find her body, she will disappear into the world .

Even Lin Feng himself didn't expect that throwing this broken parrot into the space of the fantasy world had an unexpected effect. Xiao Yue'er, who is a dead duck with a stubborn mouth, just compromised like this!

Lin Feng nodded, and then looked at the broken parrot.

The broken parrot was very witty, and immediately began to interpret Xiao Yueer's heartfelt voice:

"She said: 'I've finished explaining everything, when the time comes to find my physical body, Lin Feng will take away my aura again...'"

Before the broken parrot could continue, Xiao Yue'er's face was ashen, and she forcibly interrupted her unconscious voice.

Of course, she was worried that she would give everything to Lin Feng this time, and when Lin Feng found her body, he would use her as a cauldron to steal her aura. At that time, she would have no bargaining chips.

Xiao Yueer, who forcibly interrupted her thoughts, gave the broken parrot a hard look, and then closed her eyes, forcing herself not to think about messy things, but to match Lin Feng's needs to think about the Tiandaohui. Information.

Soon, the broken parrot began to interpret again:

"She said: 'The Heavenly Dao Society also has a stronghold in this Flame Canyon!'"

"It's inside an extinct volcano hundreds of miles east of the Great Sun Tribe!"

"This stronghold has never been used, and a large amount of cultivation resources have been prepared, and 800 dead soldiers have been secretly trained!"

"Among them, there is one elder in the Aperture Realm, one hundred in the Nascent Soul Realm, three hundred in the Alchemy Realm, and the rest are in the Foundation Establishment Realm!"

"This stronghold is not governed by any elders, and it can be mobilized with a password!"

Hearing this, Lin Feng's eyes lit up.

Although he has not yet escaped from the Great Sun Tribe, he still has to consider where he will go after he escapes.

Liu Hong, he can think of a way to send back to the Five Elements Tribe, but he can't go to the Five Elements Tribe himself, that would implicate the Five Elements Tribe.

He had to hide, the Tiandaohui base was just right, and the strongest was only an elder in the early stage of Leaving Aperture Realm.

This stronghold is different from other strongholds. It is a stronghold for cultivating dead soldiers, and it is not ruled by any elder-level existence, but requires a password.

As for the secret code, Xiao Yue'er naturally didn't know it, but Lin Feng couldn't help it, because he had a broken parrot that could interpret the voice of his heart.

You only need to read the heartfelt voice of an out-of-body elder in this stronghold to get the code.

This power was just used to deal with the Great Sun Tribe.

Then, the broken parrot continued to interpret, Xiao Yueer, as the elder of the Tiandao Society in Zhongzhou City of Dazhou, knows a lot of information.

Of course, the Tiandaohui is also extremely cautious, and the information that an elder has is not comprehensive, not to mention that with Xiao Yueer losing contact, I am afraid that the strongholds related to her have already evacuated and lurked.

Therefore, Lin Feng simply memorized the information obtained later, and handed it over to the Night Patrol Division of Da Zhou when he returned to Da Zhou.

Soon, Xiao Yueer explained all the information she knew about the Tiandaohui in this form.

Only then did Lin Feng nodded in satisfaction:

"I will do what I say, and I will calm down the broken parrot in the future, at least I won't let it read your heart again!"

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Hearing this, Xiao Yueer breathed a sigh of relief. In front of this broken parrot, she couldn't hide her secrets at all. Although she confessed herself and was interpreted by the parrot were both confessions, the final effect was different.

On the contrary, after taking the initiative to confess, Lin Feng could at least treat her kindly.

Then, Lin Feng said again:

"In addition to your physical body, don't worry, as long as you cooperate, I will let you go, but at least I don't bother to steal your aura!"

Lin Feng never felt that he was a gentleman, and he had thought about directly stealing the aura of Xiao Yue'er, the top furnace.

But now he is telling the truth~www.readwn.com~ As long as Xiao Yueer cooperates, although it is impossible to let her go, after all, the two are life and death enemies.

But at least Lin Feng won't shamelessly forcibly steal the other party's aura.

This is enough.

Hearing this, Xiao Yue'er's expression softened a little, and she was no longer as awkward as before.

Although Lin Feng doesn't have much contact with her, she knows a lot. This is a guy who promises a lot, and his promise is trustworthy!

But at this moment, Zhou Fu couldn't bear it anymore, he got up and asked timidly:

"My lord, according to the time, the wedding of the Great Sun Tribe is almost over, can you..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Feng grinned:

"Want to leave? No problem, I can let you go now, but you have to think carefully!"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Feng waved his hand, and the space barrier of the Illusory Sky Realm became transparent.

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