I Became Invincible After Getting Rejected For 100 Time

Chapter 308: Light the tinder, the old ghost explodes

The two made up their minds, and Lin Feng raised his fingers and began to form a formation.

The internal fire of this volcano is rich in spiritual power, so it is no problem to arrange the formation.

And Lin Feng seems to have arranged a formation to block Chang Ji's old ghost. In fact, the main function of this formation is not to target the physical body, but the Nascent Soul.

Nascent Soul is immune to spells, so in this formation, he specially injected a lot of thunder attribute spiritual power to restrain Nascent Soul.

This is to prepare for the follow-up. He cheated this old ghost, so he has to escape.

Otherwise, it would be a big loss to be buried with this old thing.

Soon, the array was set up.

Although the old ghost is well-informed, he has never seen such supernatural powers as Fenghou Qimen.

In his opinion, Lin Feng just waved it casually and arranged a formation.

How effective such a formation can be, and his Nascent Soul is below, Lin Feng's formation is useless!

Soon, Lin Feng fell again.

But as Lin Feng continued to fall, the old ghost Chang Ji who stayed outside the formation had been paying attention to Lin Feng's progress even if he closed his eyes.

As Lin Feng gradually approached the bottom of the volcano, he began to get nervous.

This is to worry about Lin Feng, and also for fear that his plan will be in vain.

The deeper the fire kills, the stronger the firepower of Da Ri Jin Yan, even he didn't dare to go deep to the bottom at one time, but entered the bottom of the volcano step by step.

But now, Lin Feng is almost approaching the bottom of the volcano.

Just when Chang Ji was worried, Lin Feng finally stopped.

But at the same time, the old ghost Chang Ji was shocked beyond measure.

"Sure enough, he is a peerless evildoer, a born seedling of the way of fire!"

He couldn't help but sigh with emotion, Lin Feng's terrifying talent is the seedling of the natural way of cultivating fire seeds.

He was able to withstand the terrifying high temperature inside the volcano, and stepped into the bottom of the volcano in one go!

At this moment, golden magma was all in front of Lin Feng's eyes.

This is the magma formed after being melted by the spiritual power of Dainichi Jin Yanhuo.

The spiritual power of the Great Sun Golden Flame here is extremely strong, and the sparks of the Great Sun Golden Flame in the Qi Palace in Lin Feng's body are extremely active.

Without his control, this kindling has already begun to absorb the spiritual power of fire crazily.

Of course, Lin Feng also felt that some of these fire spirit powers seemed to be different from others.

Needless to say, this is the fire spirit power of the Changji old ghost Yuanying, which was partially refined by him, but at the same time he was assimilated by the fire spirit power inside the volcano.

This is to take advantage of Lin Feng's absorption of fire spiritual power to mix into Lin Feng's Qi Palace, and then use these spiritual powers to control Lin Feng when the time is right?

Lin Feng remained calm, pretending he didn't notice it at all, and allowed the fire spirit power that had actively drilled into his body to gather into the Da Ri Jin Yan kindling.

And as part of the spiritual power of Changji old ghost's Nascent Soul entered Lin Feng's Qi Palace smoothly, outside the formation, Changji old ghost's decayed body unexpectedly opened its eyes again.

There was a flash of light in his dim eyes.

"Good guy..."

He couldn't help but exclaimed.

At first, I thought that Lin Feng was just more evil, but now as Lin Feng absorbed the fire spiritual power into the Qi Palace, because of the fusion with the volcanic fire spiritual power, some of his spiritual power was absorbed by Lin Feng actively and passively.

At this moment, through the weak perception of the fire spirit power, he has already discovered the unusual things in Lin Feng's Qi Palace.

In Lin Feng's Qi Palace, the nine fires really gathered together, but currently only the Five Elements Spirit fire is lit, the Great Sun Golden Flame fire is being lit, and the others are still in a silent state.

But he originally thought that Lin Feng was just a coincidence, and his talent was monstrous enough, so he condensed the nine fires.

But now, seeing this, he knew he was wrong.

Although this fire has not been ignited, it is actually stronger than the fire of the Great Sun Golden Flame that he has cultivated for many years!

"Is this the real Da Ri Jin Yan tinder?"

"This kind of fire will not last even if the volcano is absorbed, this is the real fire..."

"Hahahaha, that's how it is, that's how it is. It's not that my fire is not strong enough, but that I wasn't a real fire from the beginning!"

At this moment, Changji's heart was full of turmoil, and he finally figured out what his fire problem was.

The kindling that he condensed, although far surpassing Lin Feng's kindling in quantity, is one heaven and one place in quality.

In front of Lin Feng's kindling, his kindling is not worthy of being called kindling at all!

This is the reason why Lin Feng can easily step into the bottom of the volcano just by building a foundation!

Relying on this real Dainichi Jinyan kindling!

That's all, after all, he sensed it before and had a guess.

What shocked him even more was Dao Ji in Lin Feng's Qi Palace.

This dao foundation was slowly turning like a cloud of chaos, which shocked him, who was once at the peak of the out-of-body state, but now he didn't know what state he was in.

This was a Daoji he had never seen before.

But it didn't prevent him from feeling the horror of this foundation and the majestic spiritual power within it.

In addition, there are two immortal artifacts in Lin Feng's Qi Palace.

Hunyuan Sword and Illusory Sky Realm both exist in this Qi Palace and are being warmed up by Lin Feng.

And the most shocking thing is that in Lin Feng's Qi Palace, there is an existence like a purple dragon, wandering freely.

This thing gave the old ghost Changji a sense of vastness as if he had seen the sky!

"What the **** is this?"

Chang Ji was horrified, and even his decayed body began to tremble.

This is caused by excitement!

"Heaven's favored son, heaven's darling, what is the identity of this bastard?"

"Isn't it the descendant of some unborn old ghost?"

"It doesn't matter, today everything is mine!"

"Occupying such a body, you can even give up this kind of fire!"

The old ghost Changji was so excited that he wanted to give up the way of fire that he had practiced all his life, and his previous plan of using Lin Feng's body as a carrier.

He even wanted to take everything from Lin Feng, and follow Lin Feng's path after forcibly taking everything.

This may be the most correct path.

Even ~www.readwn.com~ as long as this body is preserved intact, even if it is only in the Foundation Establishment Realm, I am afraid that the combat power will not be much weaker than that in the Out of Aperture Realm!


Just when the old ghost Changji was so excited and started to plan a new plan, at Lin Feng's place, the Great Sun Golden Flame sparked a strong golden light instantly.

With a bang, the Great Sun Golden Flame in his Qi Palace was directly ignited.

The second kind of fire was ignited, and Lin Feng's breath became stronger.

And as his big sun golden flame ignited, the surrounding high temperature and terrifying flames seemed to have no harm to him.

At this moment, before Lin Feng had time to get acquainted with the flame of the Great Sun Golden Flame, the originally quiet flame of the Great Sun Golden Flame exploded instantly in his Qi Palace.

A part of the flames actually split out of it, and when it was burning fiercely, it went straight to cover Lin Feng's Dao foundation.

This is to seal and suppress Lin Feng. As long as the Dao Ji in Lin Feng's Qi Mansion is controlled, Lin Feng will be a waste at the mercy of others.

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