Chang Shan's body was broken, and his aura dropped completely. Even if he recovers with the best elixir, he will probably fall to the realm, at least to the middle stage of the Aperture Realm.

Falling down a small realm is an unbearable pain for the Leaving Aperture Realm, and it is not known whether it will be able to practice again.

This time, the Great Sun Tribe lost too much.

It was so big that everyone began to sympathize with the Dari tribe.

Fortunately, at this moment, the old man Tianzhu is still there, and no one will add trouble.

Chang Shan collapsed without saying a word and quickly returned to the Great Sun Tribe.

And the powerhouses of all parties are also complicated. Even if the Great Sun Tribe declines suddenly, they will not be happy.

The old man Tianzhu was still looking at the place where Wang Fugui's figure dissipated, and his muscles were throbbing with anger!

Just now Wang Fugui used his strength to suppress him.

The so-called respect is for the same strength.

Although he has different identities, the status of the number one refining master is noble, but it doesn't mean that these top existences are afraid of him!

In the next second, Tianzhu snorted coldly:

"From now on, our Tianzhu Villa will stop supplying all weapons to Da Zhou!"

"Also, Lin Feng is included in the unwelcome list of Yanhuo Canyon, and anyone who sees him can expel him!"

This is his revenge for Wang Fugui's suppression of him just now.

But even if these two rules were established, Tianzhu was still angry.

He was just incompetent and furious.

Lin Feng is now in hiding, and he has already offended all parties in the Yanhuo Canyon. Needless to say, all parties will take action against Lin Feng.

As for breaking the confession, it is a bit threatening, but not too great. Da Zhou also has his own craftsman, but there is no craftsman who can refine top-grade spiritual weapons.

Soon, the old man Tianzhu also disappeared.

The powerhouses from all sides also left separately.

The scene was completely quiet, only the fluctuations of the previous battle were still slowly dissipating, and a new volcano was created after the explosion of the fairy weapon, and magma was erupting.

But the entire Yanhuo Canyon seemed to have calmed down, but in fact it was not peaceful at all.

At this moment, all the forces are discussing this matter, discussing how Lin Feng and the Great Sun Tribe will react next, and how all parties will react.

It didn't take long before the market below the Tianzhu Mountain Villa in the center of the Yanhuo Canyon had already formed a team of strong men and began to search for traces of Lin Feng.

No matter what the purpose of these teams is, they have appeared anyway, and there are more than one, and each team has at least one out-of-body-level existence.

Because Lin Feng's strength is too strong, he will die if he encounters the Nascent Soul Realm.

Not long after, news came from the Five Elements Tribe that the leader of the Five Elements Tribe, Liu Shan, was leading a team to search for Lin Feng after breaking through the mid-stage.

Although the Five Elements tribe pretended to follow the old man Tianzhu's call to search for Lin Feng, in fact their purpose was well known.

Wasn't Lin Feng making trouble in the Great Sun Tribe because of Miss Liu Hong of the Five Elements Tribe?

Now that this battle is over, the Five Elements Tribe has become the biggest winner.

The eldest lady of the Five Elements tribe returned to the tribe safe and sound, and the leader Liu Shan calmly broke through the middle stage.

Moreover, some people have discovered that the Five Elements tribe has been shrouded by a powerful formation, and is no longer the weakest small tribe before.

At least, the powerhouses of other tribes can no longer harass the Wuxing tribe at will.

And the Great Sun Tribe is the worst.

After the leader Changshan returned, he announced the blockade of the tribe and would no longer participate in the dispute.

In fact, everyone knows that Changshan is here to heal his injuries and is also helping his ancestors solve problems.

It is impossible for him to just forget about it. Once news of Lin Feng spreads, he will definitely show up again, maybe even the ancestor of the Great Sun Tribe will show up in person.

At this moment, Lin Feng's figure was inside an extinct volcano.

He didn't go deep, because continuing to go deep is the stronghold of Tiandaohui.

This stronghold was well hidden, even though Lin Feng had already entered the volcano to hide, he still didn't find any aura fluctuations.


If Xiao Yueer hadn't heard it mentioned, he wouldn't have thought that there was actually a stronghold of the Heavenly Dao Society hidden inside this worthless extinct volcano.

Lin Feng dug a hole in the volcanic wall below the crater and began to heal his wounds.

And the broken parrot had already been awakened by him, and Zhou Fu had also been released by him while taking advantage of the chaos.

Now the broken parrot is carefully flying down the inner wall of the volcano.

Lin Feng's order was for it to read the voice of the heart, but the most important thing is that there is no one in sight at the moment, so whose voice should it read?

But this broken parrot didn't dare to resist Lin Feng's words, so it could only obey obediently.

Here, Lin Feng quickly began to heal his injuries.

The golden light spell was activated, and a large number of medicinal herbs were taken out by Lin Feng.

It's not that Lin Feng has never experienced a life-and-death crisis before, but this time the crisis is even worse than before.

He even exploded the Hunyuan sword, and Lin Feng felt a pain in his flesh.

Of course, he also heard the words of the old man Tianzhu.

Originally, I planned to follow Tianzhu to learn how to refine weapons, but now it's all over, it's completely impossible!

But Lin Feng was in pain, and Wang Fugui was even more in pain.

At this moment, Wang Fugui, who was sitting cross-legged in the void outside the Yanhuo Canyon, was also full of pain:

"Boy Lin Feng, the old man pointed at you to connect the line of Tianzhu, now it's all over, I'm going to break my confession!"

Wang Fugui shook his head, and then began to take out the messenger jade slips to send a message.

He sent back the situation here, and at the same time asked all parties to send Tianjiao from the Aperture Realm into the Flame Canyon.

What he said before was not a joke.

The powerhouse of the Great Zhou has not died yet, how could it be possible for Lin Feng to be besieged by all parties alone.

Don't you want to talk about the rules, so let's talk about the rules. Da Zhou usually doesn't like to talk to this small Flame Canyon, and he doesn't want to offend Tianzhu.

But now, since this is already the case, Da Zhou is naturally not easy to bully.

But as soon as the news from the Yanhuo Canyon came back, the eight Xeons from the headquarters of the Night Watch Department in Zhongzhou City gathered together with different attitudes.

He was frightened by Lin Feng before, and he quickly threw Lin Feng out with black lines all over his face:

"Let me just say, this guy won't be honest, no, the flames of the Flame Canyon are about to be pierced by him!"

But Su Xun laughed out loud:

"Hahaha, good I really saw him right, this is what the strong should do!"

Someone also said unhappily:

"Flame Canyon? Tianzhu? What a fart, if it wasn't because of his special status and not easy to provoke, he would have been destroyed long ago. He was originally from my Great Zhou, and now he still wants to sever his relationship with my Great Zhou?"

"Tianzhu is nothing, but the key is that all parties are watching. If he is attacked, all parties will take the opportunity to make trouble!"

"Don't be intimidated, didn't Fatty Wang say, if you follow the rules, then follow the rules!"

"That's right, isn't it the Out-of-Aperture Realm? I have a lot of big weeks!"


So, soon several top powerhouses in Da Zhou also made a decision.

Send ten Aperture Realm to the Flame Canyon.

Most of them are young and strong, not very old, but they are very strong, and they are even the backbone force drawn from the army of the Monster Slayer Division and the Night Watch Division.

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