I Became Invincible After Getting Rejected For 100 Time

Chapter 317: Xiao Yueer has really changed

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Yue'er's eyes lit up, but she quickly covered it up.

Xiao Yueer continued to snort coldly:

"Don't dream, you are my enemy, the enemy who exterminated the family and ransacked the house, how can I help you?"

Lin Feng grinned:

"Enemies? That's okay. After all, the Xiao family is destroyed and I really can't separate it from me! I don't deny it, but what can you do to me?"

"Also, even if you don't know your situation in the family, I'm afraid you can guess some of it just by guessing. How much sense of belonging do you have to your so-called family?"

Lin Feng's two words made Xiao Yue'er's face constantly change.

Lin Feng didn't deny the hatred with her family, but at the same time, he was extremely arrogant, and he didn't take her seriously at all.

But she was at the peak of the Aperture Realm. If Lin Feng hadn't hidden a drop of Xeon's blood, Lin Feng would have been killed by her long ago.

But now that she was caught by Lin Feng, she was actually more and more shocked. Lin Feng's strength was really slowly catching up with and surpassing her.

As for the latter sentence, what Lin Feng said was correct. She didn't have much sense of belonging to the family, but she came from the Xiao family after all, so it was understandable to regard Lin Feng as an enemy.

Without waiting for Xiao Yueer to continue thinking wildly, Lin Feng said again:

"Don't talk so much, it's better for you and me to exchange benefits directly. You help me clean up the dead soldiers in these strongholds. After all, you are also a member of the Tiandaohui, and you are very good at this!"

"And I can promise you that after this incident, I will return to Zhongzhou City as soon as possible to help you find your body!"

This sentence completely made Xiao Yueer's Nascent Soul tremble.

Her Nascent Soul has been out of the body for so long, if it wasn't for the special spiritual power of the exercises, and if she had already made arrangements, her Nascent Soul might have dissipated long ago.

This time, Xiao Yueer didn't feel shy anymore, she didn't turn her head to look at Lin Feng, but she agreed:

"I can help you, as long as you dare to break the seal on me!"

Lin Feng pouted:

"Impossible, if love agrees or not, just 800 dead soldiers will be wiped out!"

That's what Lin Feng really thought. Eight hundred dead soldiers seemed like a lot, but they couldn't make too many waves in this Flame Canyon.

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If he really wants to change the current situation in the Flame Canyon, at least this power is not enough, and what he said before was nothing more than deliberately inducing Xiao Yue'er.

It can be seen that Lin Feng is about to leave the space of the fantasy realm, Xiao Yueer's face darkened, and she reluctantly agreed:

"This broken parrot has to help me!"

"This can be!"

Lin Feng grinned, agreeing to Xiao Yueer's latter condition.

With the help of the mind-reading parrot, Xiao Yue'er can grasp people's hearts faster, completely transform the 800 dead men in this stronghold, and control them in her hands.

As for the sealed body of Xiao Yueer's Nascent Soul, it's actually not that dangerous. After all, Lin Feng is still here, and with him in charge, the eight hundred dead men in this stronghold dare not mess around.

Soon, Lin Feng released Xiao Yue'er and the broken parrot from the fantasy space.

Whether it is Xiao Yue'er or the broken parrot, they are all suffocated in the space of the fantasy world. Even if it is just a bigger closed space at this moment, it is still better than facing each other all day long in the space of the fantasy world. Better than a thousand emotionless visions.

Then, Xiao Yueer took the broken parrot and headed towards the 800 dead men who were wounded by Lin Feng.

Lin Feng didn't bother to care anymore, he stepped aside and continued to adjust his breath.

In the previous battle, although his injuries have basically recovered, his breath is still a little disordered.

He has to quickly recover to the peak state, not only to meet the crisis that may come at any time, but also to have the opportunity to quickly complete the breakthrough of the alchemy state.

Time passed quickly, and Xiao Yue'er's means and abilities did not disappoint Lin Feng. Sure enough, not long after, he managed to tidy up the 800 dead men into obedience.

He also sent a bunch of training resources to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng has no shortage of resources for the time being. If these resources alone are not enough for the breakthrough, he doesn't want them, and returns them.

However, there was one thing left from the pile of things that were sent.

At this moment, Lin Feng is playing with it in his hand.

It was a bright red spherical object, and Lin Feng could feel the movement of the Five Elements Spirit Fire in his body when he held it in his hand and played with it.

And the most important thing is that Lin Feng can sense that there seems to be a ray of life in this spherical thing.

"This...is it the inner alchemy of some kind of monster?"

Rank 7 monsters are equivalent to the alchemy state of human beings, and like humans, they will also condense demon cores in their bodies. Lin Feng once killed monsters of rank 7, but he didn't have a chance to keep the demon cores.

But he still knew that the monster inner alchemy existed.

As soon as Lin Feng finished speaking, Xiao Yueer Yuanying, who had already tidied up the dead soldiers in the stronghold, floated over like a ghost:

"I've asked, and it's said to be the most common kind of beast in this volcano. It's called the Fire Spirit Beast, which is left behind after being killed!"

"It can be used for refining alchemy, and it is also very useful for the cultivation of fire attribute monks!"

Hearing this, Lin Feng glanced at Xiao Yue'er in surprise.

At this glance, Xiao Yue'er's pretty face turned red, and she became extremely indifferent in an instant and wandered away.

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows, then beckoned, and called a dead man to ask:

"Is this fire spirit beast common?"

This is a dead soldier in the Foundation Establishment Realm. At this moment, he is still afraid of facing Lin Feng, so he replied with a little trembling:

"My lord, you have to go deep into the magma to see it. We will only kill it once in a while. Even the elders in the magma dare not go down!"

The temperature of the magma at the bottom of the volcano is extremely high, even a strong person in the early stage of leaving the body in this stronghold may not dare to step into the magma.

Even if Lin Feng absorbed the fire spiritual power in the ancestral land of the Five Elements Tribe and the Great Sun Tribe before, he only fell to the bottom of the volcano instead of directly stepping into the magma.

Of course, the magma in the ancestral land of the Five Elements Tribe and the Great Sun Tribe is even more powerful because it contains rich fire power.

But even in this extinct volcano, the temperature of the magma that does not seem to have any fire spirit power is extremely high. With Lin Feng's strong physical body and recovery ability, he has to rely on the power of fire in his body to resist the high temperature, otherwise he may be burned by the high temperature of the magma. melt.

Listening to the words of the dead man in front of him~www.readwn.com~ Lin Feng's eyes flickered, and then he looked at the inner alchemy of the fire spirit beast in his hand again.

At this moment, he thought more.

Then, Lin Feng asked again:

"Do you have more of this inner alchemy in your stronghold?"

The dead man shook his head:

"Not many, only occasionally if we are lucky, we will encounter fire spirit beasts, and we will go to the market under Tianzhu Villa to exchange resources when we have accumulated a certain amount!"

Lin Feng nodded, and asked again: "Then are all these inner pills the same as the current one?"

"There seems to be some subtle differences. Even though they all seem to contain powerful fire-attribute spiritual power, there are still differences. What is the specific difference? I don't know the details if the strength is small!"

Following the words of the dead man, Lin Feng's eyes completely brightened.

Based on the inner alchemy of the fire spirit beast in his hand and the words of the dead man just now, Lin Feng already had a rough guess.

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