Now dozens of Aperture Realm people lined up neatly, and only one Aperture Realm failed to stand in the queue within the time stipulated by Lin Feng.

At this moment, everyone looked at the past in unison.

The out-of-body person was even more nervous and trembling all over, looking at Lin Feng who had stood up from his chair in horror.

Lin Feng's face suddenly became serious:


"Mon... Mengshan!"

The out-of-bodied person replied tremblingly.

Lin Feng snorted coldly:

"Recruit Mengshan, if there is an order, he will be dealt with by military law! Die!"


In an instant, Meng Shan's whole body shook, and it began to disintegrate in the blink of an eye, turning into a cloud of blood mist.

The scene became strangely quiet again, everyone's eyes widened at this moment, but Tong Kong shrank sharply.

Did Lin Feng really control the rules here?

But he only came in for a while before the others. How could he completely control the rules during this period of time?

Or is it because he opened the temple that he has the power of life and death?

That's not right, Lin Feng is also an outsider, why does he control the life and death of the temple and seize the power?

And if he really controls the power of life and death, why bother?

There were dozens of Aperture Realm people present, and there were no people from the Five Elements Tribe. If Lin Feng's virtue could kill them, he would have killed them already. Why let them stand in line and kill people in a way that disrespects military orders?

At this moment, at the cost of one life, someone has already thought about it, and seems to have grasped the rules of this place.

Lin Feng probably didn't control the rules of this place, even if he controlled it, he only partially controlled it.

He is also bound by the rules.

Also, Lin Feng's identity may not be simple, otherwise, why would this rule come when he opened his mouth?

While the eyes of a group of people flickered, their spirits were also highly concentrated, continuing to pay attention to Lin Feng's every move.

wucuoxs/89741/"First Evolution"

After all, he is a strong person in the Aperture Realm, and he has already started to strengthen his mental power in the Nascent Soul Realm. Under the high tension at this moment, it may be difficult to make mistakes in the future.

At least they now know that Lin Feng's words are military orders and must be carried out.

Of course, Lin Feng may also have restrictions, and it is impossible to issue orders that make them commit suicide or the like.

But when a group of people in the Out-of-Aperture Realm were shocked and collapsed, Lin Feng's eyes flickered.

He was also a little excited.

Before, he thought that his military commander status was useless and just a false name, but now that he has been given the authority of the military commander, and after he really managed to deal with a Leaving Aperture Realm under military law, Lin Feng no longer saw it that way.

This identity is so useful.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Feng took a deep breath, and under the tense attention of many out-of-body realms, he spoke again, shouting with his lame password:

"Everyone has... Attention!"

No mistakes this time.

They are all a group of out-of-body objects, even if they are extremely nervous, this can still be done.

Even if the actions are not standard or standardized, as long as the order is carried out, it seems that Lin Feng has nothing to do with them.

Sure enough, Lin Feng did not make another move, but continued to speak:

"To the left!"


The team was neat and tidy, but one of them turned in the wrong direction.

This is an out-of-body-level strongman from the Nether Tribe, with gray hair and a rotten aura already on his body. It seems that he is about to reach his limit, and he actually went in the wrong direction under this nervousness.

In an instant, a group of people held their breath again.

Lin Feng was naturally not polite:


But this time, the old ghost of the Nether Tribe kept his mouth tightly shut and refused to speak.

He was still lucky, Lin Feng couldn't guide the rules without knowing his name.

But Lin Feng grinned:

"If you don't respect military orders, you will be punished by military law!"


In an instant, this old ghost from the Nether tribe exploded in full view and turned into blood mist, which was completely absorbed by the ground of the barracks, leaving nothing behind.

At this moment, everyone tensed up and looked at Lin Feng with hatred, but no one dared to say a word, and no one dared to relax their vigilance at this time.

Lin Feng was too ruthless, he was actually using such vulgar means to kill people.

A group of out-of-body realms, he used queue training to kill people.

They would rather die in a fierce battle than die so aggrieved.

But they have already entered the pit, and there is no way to get out, unless they also want to taste the power of the rules.

But before they continued to collapse, Lin Feng's password came again:

"Let's go!"

Now a group of people took a step in a uniform manner as soon as the command was issued.

Nobody made a mistake this time.

Even the ancestors of the Great Sun Tribe, when the Nascent Soul and the physical body were not fully integrated, they managed to do it, trying not to make mistakes in their steps.

Lin Feng was not discouraged, he watched the steps of everyone closely, and shouted the slogan:

"One two one..."

After walking out of the distance, seeing that everyone had made no mistakes, Lin Feng was not in a hurry, and changed his password again:

"Left and right..."

After walking for a while, seeing that he was about to reach the edge of the reserve camp, Lin Feng gave the password:



Everyone was in uniform, but at the last moment when he stood on his feet, the figure of the ancestor of the Great Sun Tribe swayed, his Nascent Soul and his physical body had not yet fully merged into one.

At this moment, he couldn't stand still, and he staggered out of the queue.

Lin Feng's eyes lit up instantly.

But before Lin Feng could speak, the old ghost collapsed:

"Lin Feng! This old man will fight with you!"


Before Lin Feng could ask for military punishment, the old ghost exploded on the spot and turned into blood mist and dissipated.

The scene was quiet again, and the faces of a group of people were extremely ugly.

The Great Sun Tribe was completely played to death by Lin Feng.

From the beginning when he infiltrated into the Great Sun Tribe, killed Chang Shan's two sons, sacrificed at the Out of Aperture Realm, and snatched Liu Hong, until now.

In just a few days, Lin Feng completely wiped out the Great Sun Tribe.

They didn't even know that the old lair of the Great Sun Tribe was gone at this moment, and Lin Feng arranged for Xiao Yue'er to bring the dead men and a group of fire spirit beasts to take it.

The Great Sun Tribe is officially extinct!

But Lin Feng shook his head:

"Why bother, I'm not even prepared to engage in military law. After all, I'm an old guy who is dying. You have to respect the old and love the young, don't you?"

Hearing this, a group of people turned pale and wanted to curse, but they dared not open their mouths.

Respect the old and love the young?

This **** was shameless to the extreme, but they still didn't dare to refute. A group of out-of-body realms were still standing upright, and they really looked a little disciplined in military training.

But at this moment, Lin Feng received another reminder, and another batch of new soldiers had registered.

He waved his hand:

"Rest where you are, I'll pick you up!"

Immediately afterwards, Lin Feng went straight to the gate of the barracks in a flash.

As soon as Lin Feng left, the group of people breathed a sigh of relief and went limp.

Even the old man Tianzhu's face was ashen at the moment, staring angrily at the direction of Lin Feng's departure.

Then someone spoke up:

" are you all planning to go on like this?"

"Then what else can we do?"

"Let's discuss, how to deal with this bastard?"

"First of all, you have to figure out the rules, and then you need to know Lin Feng's identity!"

"What we know so far is the order and prohibition. His order seems to represent the will of this temple?"

"Impossible, it should be because of his identity, the reserve army... Could he be the commander of the reserve army, so his words are military orders!"


"Who's going to test it out?"

But just now, they all lowered their heads, and no one said anything.

Who dares to try it?

Try it and it's real death!

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