While doing it, Tianzhu continued to introduce:

"The strength must be well controlled, not too big, it will destroy the blank at once, and not too small, too small will not be effective!"

"And the force of the hammering is not constant, it has to be adjusted continuously according to the number of hammerings and the formation of the embryo!"

"As for the number of times of hammering, there is also a lot of attention. Under normal circumstances, rounding up to ten is the best! Because ten hammers can almost form a complete closed loop, so ten hammers make one exercise!"

"If you're just refining an ordinary Five Elements Spirit Shield, even ten hammers for this old man will be enough!"

"Of course, it is best to be able to hammer more times, the premise is that the embryo will not be damaged by hammering, and one's own cultivation can also support it. In theory, the more hammering times, the stronger the spirit weapon produced will naturally be! "

Before he opened his mouth, Tianzhu had already dropped dozens of hammers, and in the blink of an eye, he was approaching a hundred hammers.

At this moment, even if the shield is still a blank, it can actually be regarded as a spiritual weapon, and there is no big problem even if it is used directly.

If it had been placed before, Tianzhu would have stopped when it came to Baihammer.

After all, it's just refining a lowest-level Five Elements Spirit Shield, there's no need to pursue the limit.

But at this moment, he seemed to be stimulated. After a hundred hammers, it still didn't stop, and the clanging sound was still lingering in his ears.

He is also pursuing the limit.

This was really stimulated, stimulated by Lin Feng.

The first step is to process and purify the material. The purity obtained by Lin Feng is higher than him, and he even invented a method to switch to different different fires according to the characteristics of different materials.

This was something he hadn't even considered.

But when it came to the second step of shaping, Lin Feng became even more perverted, actually manipulating various materials to the extreme.

And it is achieved that every small component is the five elements, which is incomparably harmonious.

Even the blank that Lin Feng made has not yet been finalized, but it is extremely stable.

This is also something he didn't even dare to think about.

Refining a shield has actually achieved this level.

In comparison, the blank he refined was really just a rough blank, and Lin Feng was simply a work of art.

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang!

Tianzhu hammered tirelessly, and Lin Feng also started to use phantoms to study in the fantasy world.

In the space of the Illusory Sky Realm, there are also constant hammering sounds, and even occasional cracking sounds, which are caused by failures.

However, thousands of phantoms are constantly adjusting and trying. Every failure can provide Lin Feng with experience, and every success can further find shortcomings and make continuous progress.

Time passed quickly, and after more than 900 hammers were hammered continuously, the five-element spirit shield blank forged by Tianzhu even began to emit a shimmer, as if it had really become a spiritual weapon.

And fine sweat can be seen on Tianzhu's forehead.

This was unprecedented, but refining a D-level spiritual weapon, the Five Elements Spirit Shield, made him, a top forging master, sweat.

But it was just sweating. After all, Tianzhu had long been at the peak of the Aperture Realm, and his cultivation was strong enough to support him to continue training.

But after more than 900 hammers, Tianzhu was extremely cautious.

Because he didn't reach the limit, but this blank is almost reaching the limit.

If he wasn't careful, the slab would explode.

If it really exploded, it would be more than a simple failure, but a shame.

He doesn't want to be ashamed in front of Lin Feng.

Therefore, Tianzhu put all his heart and soul into the tempering, and at this moment he had no time to explain to Lin Feng.

Soon the nine hundred and ninety-nine hammers fell, and the light of the rough was already very conspicuous, but it also seemed to be on the verge of bursting at any moment.

This has obviously reached the limit of the initial body, but how could Tianzhu be willing to give up, he is still trying his best to adjust his strength, he wants to accomplish an unprecedented feat.

That is to refine a D-rank spiritual weapon and hammer it thousands of times.

After thousands of tempers, he wanted to forge a treasure of hundreds of trials.

Originally, he continued to refine according to the previous progress, and could refine the D-level five-element spirit shield into a C-level spirit weapon, but now he has increased the number of times of tempering. If this continues, this five-element spirit shield may have a chance to directly reach B-level. degree of level.

This is also a great challenge for a top craftsman like Tianzhu.

For the last few hammers, Tianzhu was extremely careful.

Almost every hammer has to be considered and adjusted for a long time, angle adjustment, strength adjustment, he painstakingly refining this Five Elements Spirit Shield, just to avoid being compared by Lin Feng.

Although he knew that Lin Feng's talent for refining weapons was not simple, he was absolutely unwilling to lose to Lin Feng.

This is his dignity as the world's top refining master.


Eventually, the thousandth hammer blow falls.

Tianzhu looked at the blank of the Five Elements Spirit Shield with great worry.

When he found that there were no cracks, Tianzhu heaved a sigh of relief, as if he was tired and paralyzed, he fell down and sat down, and the hammer of cultivation broke apart by itself.

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And the blank of the Five Elements Spirit Shield, which had been hammered a thousand times, was completely finalized, and there was no longer the feeling that it seemed to be falling apart.

In the next second, Tianzhu directly closed his eyes and began to adjust his breath to recover, without caring about Lin Feng.

Lin Feng was extremely conscious and continued to practice using phantoms in the space of the Illusory Sky Realm.

This time he didn't plan to do any fancy tricks, because it wasn't necessary.

The incomparable key to tempering this step, what Lin Feng needs to do is to be as perfect as possible.

Because the shaping step has laid an extremely solid foundation.

He manipulated it meticulously, every small component has achieved the ultimate, all achieved the mutual generation of the five elements, and even added diamonds and other auxiliary materials, and now it is extremely stable.

He just wanted to try to what extent he could do it, and whether he could break through the limit of Tianzhu's tempering.

After all, although the shaping is successful, it does not mean that his improvement in the shaping step must be correct.

This still needs to be verified through tempering and subsequent steps. Only when it is finally and completely completed can it be considered a real success.

In the Illusory Sky Realm space, a thousand phantoms are hammering, not only constantly adjusting the strength and angle according to different situations, but also trying the limit.

The limit of the blank ~www.readwn.com~ is even the limit of the material.

In Lin Feng's view, a real craftsman should bring out the limit of the material, and this is the top craftsman.

But as he practiced, Lin Feng suddenly discovered that there seemed to be some problems with the hammer blows cast by some phantoms.

According to Tian Zhu, falling ten hammers can just form a closed loop, so ten hammers make one refinement.

Lin Feng also believed in this before.

But now, he found that some of the phantoms seemed to vibrate after falling with one hammer, and actually produced the effect of two hammers with one hammer!

Lin Feng was stunned for a moment, then murmured in his heart:

"That's right, it's just a convention, because it's true in most cases, but it doesn't mean it's the truth!"

"Maybe you can try it. One drop of the hammer is equivalent to several hammer blows, so the number of hammer blows can be reduced, but the final effect is the same, or even better!"

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