I Became Invincible After Getting Rejected For 100 Time

Chapter 342: want to play? Stay with me to the end!

When Tianzhu started repairing the battle armor to earn military merits, Lin Feng was also quickly using the phantoms of the fantasy world to help comprehend various blueprints.

Time flies by.

The next day, it was business as usual.

Lin Feng continued to stay in his tent to comprehend the blueprints and practice refining weapons with illusions.

And Tianzhu didn't participate in intensive training anymore, and no one even knew where he hid.

As for Da Zhou, Da Luo, Da Sha, Da Fan and other powerhouses and Tianjiao, those who were judged to be in the blue camp also took a rest at night, and naturally ushered in the second wave of encirclement and suppression by the armored army the next day.

In the blink of an eye, the third day arrived.

Three days was the time for Lin Feng to train the reserve army.

In the following two days, Liu Shan trained hundreds of strong men from various tribes and Tianzhu Mountain Villa, and no one was killed for disobeying orders.

But Liu Shan also noticed that these guys seemed to be sincerely slowing down the progress of training.

They have all grasped a certain scale, which not only ensures that they will not be judged as not following orders, but also makes everyone less unified to a certain extent.

At the end of the training on the third day, when Liu Shan was about to go to find Lin Feng with a worried face, Lin Feng walked out of the tent by himself.

In the past two days, he didn't rest for a moment, either he was comprehending various armor blueprints, or he was using the phantom of the fantasy world to simulate and build armor.

Although the time was not long, there were a thousand illusions in the Illusory Heaven Realm, which was equivalent to him practicing countless times.

At least for now, he has been able to successfully complete various armors, including the red flame armor, by simulating the refining in the space of the fantasy world, and he can even improve it. Compared with the armor products in the original blueprint step performance is stronger.

It was rewarded to him. The blueprint of the General-level Divine Fire Armor has not been thoroughly understood, nor has he tried to refine it.

But now, he walked out of the tent, naturally because the time was up.

He has to look at the results, and even this temple will decide rewards and punishments according to the training situation.

If the training task is successfully completed and the order and prohibition are uniform, there may be a huge military reward.

And not only he has rewards, everyone should have them.

Similarly, if you still can't do it in three days, I'm afraid there will be punishment.

When Lin Feng walked out, Liu Shan hurriedly went up to meet him, cupped his hands, leaned close to Lin Feng and said in a low voice:

"My lord, the situation is not very good, these guys..."

Liu Shan explained the situation once, and after hearing this, Lin Feng probably understood the meaning.

This is what Lin Feng had expected, especially among these people were the leaders of the major tribes and the thirteen disciples of Tianzhu from Tianzhu Villa. These are old monsters in the Out of Aperture Realm, so they are not stupid.

Are you planning to use this method to trick yourself?

Lin Feng frowned slightly, and waved his hand:

"I see, let's gather and demonstrate first, there is still a little time!"

Hearing this, Liu Shan's face was full of sadness, but he still nodded according to Lin Feng's request, turned around and said loudly:

"Everyone listen to the password!"


Everyone line up quickly!

Then, Liu Shan began to practice:

"stand at attention!"


"Turn Left....Turn Right....Back!"

"Let's walk together..."

Liu Shan issued various passwords one by one, and hundreds of strong men of all realms were also waiting in line, carefully following the passwords.

After all, they are all monks, and in fact, this difficult training is not difficult for them at all.

Especially after many people were obliterated for disrespecting military orders, a group of people were extremely cautious and did not dare to make any mistakes.

But Lin Feng just took a glance and saw that these guys seemed to be uniform, but every time there were always a few of them, either their movements were not in place, or they were a little faster or a little slower.

It's fine if it's a scattered team, but even a small flaw in the neat and orderly team can be seen clearly.

But for this little flaw, even Lin Feng couldn't use the rules of life and death to punish them.

Because most of the temple will not support his punishment.

Seeing this, Lin Feng smiled:

"Interesting, do you want to play? I will accompany you to the end!"

After the voice fell, Lin Feng didn't care about it. He directly found a chair and sat down, watching everyone's rehearsal seriously.

It seemed that he was afraid that one or two of them would be watched by Lin Feng, so those with flaws were always being replaced.

It can be said that apart from the Tianjiao of the Five Elements Tribe, the other tribes, and the Tianzhu Mountain Villa, all have flaws in rotation in an incomparably tacit understanding.

Lin Feng didn't say a word, quietly waiting for three days to arrive.

And everyone is looking forward to it.

Using this method to deal with Lin Feng was mentioned by Tianzhu before.

No one promised before, and no one dared to try.

But later, Lin Feng no longer took care of the training, but let Liu Shan take full responsibility, so these guys secretly adopted the old man Tianzhu's method.

Hence the current situation.

Time passed quickly, and soon three days came.

There seems to be a pair of eyes secretly watching the training of the reserve army in this temple.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded:

"The three-day training of the reserve army is over. Although it is effective, it is not obvious. Punish it!"


In the next second, a mysterious wave swept across.

Lin Feng was still sitting on the chair, but suddenly he felt a wave of energy hit him.

This energy is not weak, at least it can easily obliterate any existence at the peak of Foundation Establishment.

But Lin Feng's defensive power is not limited to the peak foundation?

He can even endure a blow from a strong person in the out-of-body state!

And before this energy reached his body, he heard a prompt from the temple:

"Ten points of military merit can be consumed to offset this punishment!"

But Lin Feng didn't even think about it, and just ignored the prompt.

Immediately afterwards, the wave swept across, but Lin Feng didn't even move, as if it was just a gust of wind.


But at this moment, there were continuous explosions among the crowd.

Everyone looked suspiciously, but they were horrified to find that all the arrogances of all parties below the foundation establishment stage and below the foundation establishment stage turned into blood mist and exploded.

There are also quite a few people in the Alchemy Realm whose breathing became disordered and blood spilled from the corner of their mouths, and they were also injured, and even those in the Nascent Soul Realm staggered a bit, as if they were also affected by this fluctuation!

In an instant, everyone on the scene was stunned.

Even Lin Feng was stunned for a moment, then laughed:

"Hahaha! Interesting, so interesting!"

As Lin Feng's laughter came, everyone's faces were ugly.

The arrogance of all parties, those below the Foundation Establishment Stage, are all dead at this moment, and there is not one left.

Why didn't they understand that Lin Feng's status was special, he was punished, but everyone in the reserve army would also be punished at the same time.

Because just now when these Foundation Establishment Realm Tianjiao exploded, they also felt the mysterious wave sweeping by.

That is a terrifying wave that can easily obliterate the foundation-building realm, but their existence above the foundation-building realm is naturally not a problem.

This is something they did not expect.

But they are also somewhat fortunate that the punishment of this temple is not based on the real strength of the punished object, but based on the realm.

Otherwise, at this moment, I'm afraid I have to accompany Lin Feng to die.

No, it may be that they are all dead, but Lin Feng has nothing to do with it.

Because they also received a reminder just now~www.readwn.com~ they received it at the same time as the wave swept past, and they could actually pay for their lives with military exploits.

Everyone at the scene received it.

The military merit of buying one's life is also related to the realm.

Lin Feng was only at the Foundation Establishment Realm, and every time he resisted his punishment, he only needed ten points of military merit.

But the old guy who has left the body needs tens of thousands of military points.

The faces of a group of people were so ugly that no one expected this result, and everyone lowered their heads.

Even Liu Shan didn't dare to say anything with a dark face.

Several Tianjiao of his Five Elements Tribe also died, and all of them died at once.

But this was not decided by Lin Feng, but by the joint efforts of various tribes, and it was only in the end that he was tricked.

But a group of people died down, but Lin Feng didn't.

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