I Became Invincible After Getting Rejected For 100 Time

Chapter 346: Attack violently, armor retreats

After Lin Feng finished speaking, a hundred golden armors stepped out together.

Between the sound of Kaka, a hundred golden armors also formed a giant.

Although it can't compare with the silver armor and bronze armor giant in front of it in terms of size, its aura is extremely powerful.

When the golden giant appeared, the surrounding air seemed to be continuously cut by its powerful aura.

The golden giant clenched its fist slightly, and there were bursts of sonic booms, which were extremely frightening.

But the golden giant who just clenched his fist glanced at his own hands with empty eyes, but shook his head slightly.

In the next second, the golden giant transformed into a huge golden cannon.

The muzzle of the black hole turned around and locked onto Lin Feng in front of him.

This scene seems extremely inconsistent.

The diameter of the muzzle of this golden cannon is far larger than Lin Feng's height.

It looks like shooting a mosquito with a cannon.


But at this moment, the humming sound of the golden giant cannon sounded, and the energy quickly condensed in the barrel.


In the next second, there was a loud noise, and the muzzle was bright and blazing, instantly covering Lin Feng.


Lin Feng's tiny figure was directly blasted away by the golden cannon.

It was even directly blasted out of the barracks, smashed on the distant city wall, and embedded directly in the city wall in a big shape.

This cannon was so powerful that it was already out of the Aperture Realm, and it was so fast that Lin Feng was blown away before he had time to defend himself.

Even under his full defense, a large number of cracks appeared in his body at this moment, as if his physical body was about to explode.

This shot not only fooled Lin Feng, but also fooled Tianzhu and others.

Although they all guessed that the giant composed of golden armor would be stronger, they didn't expect it to be so outrageously strong.

Lin Feng's strength is not weak, but he was directly blown away and almost died.

Although a group of people wished for Lin Feng to die except for Liu Shan, seeing Lin Feng in such a state at this moment made them feel chills in their hearts.

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But at this moment, Lin Feng, who was directly embedded in the city wall, struggled slightly, Kaka's voice came, and he stepped straight out of the city wall.

At this moment, Lin Feng's eyes were also red, and his anger and murderous aura shot up to the sky.


In the next second, Lin Feng fell to the ground with a bang.

He clenched his fists tightly, squatted down slightly and hit the ground with a fist.


At the moment when the fist landed, all kinds of flames instantly ignited, and Lin Feng was bathed in the flames like a terrifying existence walking out of the flames of hell.

And the flames gathered on his fist in the next second.

It spread along the landing point, and the ground turned red in an instant.

Then, starting from this point, a straight red road appeared and went straight to the golden cannon of the military camp in the distance.

Along the way, there were still Tianzhu and other exiting realms, and they saw a red line shooting from the ground under their feet, jumping away one by one.

The golden cannon was also stunned for a moment, but it didn't dodge or defend itself. Instead, it buzzed again, and a bright light appeared in the cannon's muzzle again, and it was about to confront Lin Feng head-on.


It was fired again.

Lin Feng was bombarded by the cannon again and smashed against the city wall, and his newly recovered body shattered again.

But at the same time, his blow accurately hit the golden cannon.

In the blink of an eye, the golden cannon fell into the magma.

The magma seemed to be a huge mouth, directly swallowing the golden cannon, and countless magma exploded at this moment and rushed towards the golden cannon.


In the next second, the golden cannon was covered by magma, and it moved extremely slowly as if it was stuck in the mud.

But at this moment, Lin Feng had already struggled out of the city wall again.

Lin Feng stepped out of the body like the wind, and instantly came to the golden cannon. With a vertical leap, he jumped directly onto the golden cannon full of magma.

Standing on top of the giant cannon, Lin Feng clenched his fist, which was nothing compared to the size of the golden cannon, and instantly fell like raindrops!

pom pom pom.......

Under the continuous blasting hammer, the golden cannon was dented by Lin Feng in the blink of an eye.

Before the golden cannon could break free from the control of the magma, Lin Feng smashed down with his fist like a storm.


In the next second, the golden cannon exploded directly, forming hundreds of golden armors.

Most of the golden armor has been dented and obviously damaged.

Lin Feng is so fierce!

Everyone was so shocked that their mouths opened wide and they couldn't speak at all.

Even General Chiyanjia seemed to be dazed at this moment, and there was no expression under the hollow armored helmet, but the helmet was trembling slightly, which also showed that he was also shocked by the berserk Lin Feng.

But even so, Lin Feng's anger still persisted, he just exploded the golden cannon, and rushed out again in the next second.

With a wave of his hand, a spiritual method suddenly emerged, covering all the golden armors, and he himself rushed to one of the golden armors quickly and punched.

This change of scene scared Tian Zhu and the others to the ground.

What the **** is Lin Feng doing an assessment? This is the rhythm of directly and thoroughly blowing up these golden armors into fly ash.

And Lin Feng can do this kind of thing, he is such a ruthless person.


Lin Feng rushed out again, like a human-shaped cannonball, and the sonic boom caused when he rushed out was deafening.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Feng rushed in front of a golden armor, and a light burst from his fist, smashing towards the golden armor in front of him.

The golden armor didn't even have time to react, even before the fist landed, the terrifying air wave hit the golden armor's stomach crackling.

But before Lin Feng's punch landed, a burst of flame suddenly appeared between him and Huang Jinjia in the next second.

A blazing flame.

It was General Chiyanjia who quickly came to stop him.


In the next second, there was a loud explosion, and General Chi Yanjia stopped him for a while, but he was also blown away, and even the golden armor behind him was also blown away.

Peng... Peng!

There were two crashing sounds in succession, and the Red Flame Armored General and the golden armor behind him both collided with the city wall, and also embedded in the city wall in a big character shape.

At this moment, the scene became quiet again.

Everyone stared at this scene with wide eyes.

Everyone saw Lin Feng's toughness and was shocked in their hearts.

Even the Red Flame Armor was blown back by him?

What a fearless, scary guy.

In the next second, General Chiyanjia broke free from the city wall, and there seemed to be a pair of invisible eyes looking at Lin Feng under the hollow armor.

Immediately afterwards, there was a mechanical voice:

"Strength test passed!"

When the sound came, the red flame armor fell to the ground. With a wave of his hand, all the soldiers lined up and turned around and left the reserve army camp~www.readwn.com~ In just a few breaths, the reserve army camp Only Lin Feng and a group of people were left.

Immediately afterwards, a reminder came from Lin Feng's ear that the military rewards had arrived.

He successively defeated the black iron armored giant, the silver giant, and the golden cannon, and also knocked back the red flame armor with one punch, all of which were rewarded with military merits.

And the reward for military merit is very high, unexpectedly including the previous military merit, he is almost two million.

While Lin Feng was stunned, the others were even more stunned.

Just leave?

The red flame armor actually retreated like this with a group of strange armors?

Does this pass the test?

Many of them haven't even fought the Chi Yanjia yet, and they don't know whether to be lucky or not.

Everyone heaved a sigh of relief.

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