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Lin Feng didn't care about the injuries on his body at all. At this moment, he only had killing intentions, and killed all the Leaving Aperture Realms.

In the blink of an eye, he caught up with another strong man at the peak of the out-of-body state at a rapid speed.

Knowing that he couldn't run away, the expert at the peak of the out-of-body state turned his eyes with tears, and the blood all over his body instantly burst into flames in the blink of an eye:

"Lin Feng!

! "

This peak out-of-body-level powerhouse was also like a madman, burning his blood like a sun, turning around and killing Lin Feng as if turning into a sun.

But Lin Feng was still extremely calm, and he walked up to him without any delay.

It's just that when he raised his hand, the Great Five Elements Sword Formation suddenly condensed, and in the blink of an eye, it gathered into a lightsaber, which was stabbed by him.



In an instant, a mushroom cloud exploded where the two collided, enveloping both of them.

But in the next second, even Lin Feng, who was wearing the red flame armor, could see that his face was pale, and the blood on the corner of his mouth was clearly coming out of the mushroom cloud.

But behind him was a corpse falling from the void.

Which peak out of body powerhouse was suddenly killed by Lin Feng with one blow.

At this moment, a transparent hole could be clearly seen in the abdomen, and even the Nascent Soul in the Qi Mansion was pierced by Lin Feng's blow, and he couldn't die anymore.

Seeing this scene, countless people were terrified.

Even if Lin Feng was able to resist one or two encounters at the peak of the Out-of-Aperture Realm before, it was at best a resistance, and it was absolutely impossible to kill him easily.

But now, kill in one move!

The gap between before and after is too great.

Sure enough, Lin Feng, who broke through the alchemy state and even condensed the purple alchemy, his strength has improved too much.

He is completely different from him who was at the peak of the Foundation Establishment Realm before.

Seeing this scene, all the powerhouses outside the Yanhuo Canyon were shocked by Lin Feng's terrifying strength, and they couldn't recover for a while.

And Tianzhu and others who were fleeing quickly in front of Lin Feng were almost divided into three echelons.

The one at the front is naturally Tianzhu who runs the fastest.

Afterwards were ten peaks of the Leaving Aperture Realm, and after that came scattered existences below the peak rushing in all directions.

At the same time that Lin Feng killed so many out-of-body realms, these people almost rushed to the edge of the trap created by Lin Feng.


A group of people frantically attacked the formation, without the slightest will to turn around and fight.

But even Tianzhu couldn't break through this powerful trap for a while.

After all, this formation was arranged by Lin Feng using the remaining fire power of the Nine Great Tribes, and it is not so easy to break through, not to mention that he did not arrange it at will, but started to arrange it inside the volcano of the Five Elements Tribe before.

In order to prevent these guys from escaping, he refined the array, so that the fire spirit beasts had been placed in the volcanoes in the ancestral lands of the major tribes in advance.

Even if there would be fluctuations in the arrangement of the formation, but because the movement of Lin Feng's breakthrough was too great and the vision was too shocking, no one paid attention to the fluctuation of the formation.

Therefore, at this moment when the formation emerged, Tianzhu and the others almost collapsed.

In the next second, Lin Feng rushed out and went straight to Tianzhu.

Behind him, Da Zhou Leaving Aperture Realm, Liu Shan, who had slightly recovered their human form, and the four giants, as well as the dead man Leaving Aperture Realm also came again.

Even if they are all at the end of their strength, they can't help Lin Feng, but at least they can hold back those guys who want to escape.

At this moment, Tianzhu roared angrily:

"Come on, join hands to break the formation!"

As soon as the words fell, the ten Aperture Realm peaks who were closest to him also quickly turned around and rushed towards Tianzhu.

Whether it's breaking the formation or resisting Lin Feng at this moment, they are actually not suitable to disperse.

Scattered and shrouded in a trap, they were easily defeated by Lin Feng one by one.

Together, they can join hands to resist one or two.

In the blink of an eye, before Lin Feng could reach him, ten out-of-aperture peaks plus Tianzhu gathered in one place, and everyone frantically attacked the trapped formation.


There was a loud explosion, and a gap was actually torn open by them.

But with such a delay, Lin Feng was also killed!

Before they could escape from the gap in the trapped formation, Lin Feng raised his hand and unleashed a series of spiritual techniques.

The five thunderbolts fell suddenly, covering everyone, countless sword qi shot from the Great Five Elements Sword Formation, and one hundred and eight thousand dharmas covered the entire area, and there were tornadoes raging around, and the golden light seemed to wipe everything away!

This time, Lin Feng really went all out with all his firepower, and as soon as he made a move, he met the eleven Xeons including Tianzhu.

Tianzhu and the others had no time to escape, so they had no choice but to fight hard. Various spiritual methods suddenly appeared, and they met Lin Feng's attack!


There was another terrifying explosion, and the battle scene was almost turned into chaos in the blink of an eye.

But if you look carefully, you can find that Lin Feng has used all means, completely attacking and has no defense, and the same is true for Tianzhu and other eleven people on the opposite side.

In an instant, it was a lose-lose ending.

Even though Lin Feng was covered by his special red flame armor, and even had powerful defenses such as the golden light magic spell, he was beaten to the point where blood flowed from the gaps in his armor under this wave of attacks.

On the opposite side, Tian Zhu and others were also having a hard time, and were injured one after another.

Even Tian Zhu's face was pale, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding.

Lin Feng's strength was fully revealed at this moment.

One person faced eleven strong men, and it turned out that they all ended up losing!

And among the eleven there is Tianzhu, who is half-distracted~www.readwn.com~ It's just a trick, Tianzhu and others are even more frightened.

It's a pity that Lin Feng at this moment has blocked the gap in the trap, and they couldn't escape even if they wanted to.

Tian Zhu and the others went completely crazy:

"Lin Feng!

! Are you really going to kill them all? "

"You are forcing us to work hard!"

"Bastard, if you want to kill us, you have to die too!"

A group of people roared, but Lin Feng didn't care. At this moment, he stared at the most powerful Tianzhu while waving his hands, and another attack came crashing down.

When Lin Feng waved his hand, countless thunderbolts condensed into one strand, and the Great Five Elements Sword Formation condensed into a sword, and more than 108,000 methods gathered into a spell.

In the blink of an eye, all the attacks were directed at Tianzhu.

Seeing this, the other ten out-of-body-level peaks all suddenly moved their eyes and were about to flee.

Tianzhu collapsed, raised his hand and pointed out, the flames greeted Lin Feng's attack and roared angrily at the same time:

"Idiot, can you run away?"

Hearing this, the ten out-of-body-level peaks came back to their senses.

Yes, how could they escape!

At this moment, the only gap in the trap was blocked by Lin Feng.

They can turn around and break through from other places.

But at this moment, the ten out-of-body-level people from Da Zhou in other places have also arrived, and they are quickly killing the remaining out-of-body level people of various tribes.

Even if the ten of Da Zhou are at the end of their strength, they can kill them, but once they are dragged back and Lin Feng kills them, they will have the same result.

Now it's better to continue to help Tianzhu and attack Lin Feng, maybe before Lin Feng can kill Tianzhu, they will grind him to death!

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