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Even the ten Great Zhou's Leaving Aperture Realm are dumbfounded at the moment.

Of course they knew about Lin Feng and Wang.

But in fact, everyone knew that the matter between Wang and Lin Feng was just a formality. Wang Fugui not only didn't want to do anything to Lin Feng, but also helped Lin Feng everywhere.

Otherwise, when Lin Feng was dealt with, it would not have been just for the strong family to take action, but Wang Fugui himself.

After all, they also knew a little about the founder of the Commercial Department, and this Xeon was particularly domineering and protective.

But at this moment, Wang Fugui, whose face was full of black lines, also became popular:

"Brat, it's inflated! It's good, let you know what it means to be tall and thick!"

At the same time as the words fell, Wang Fugui didn't even move his body, and with a wave of his hand, a huge palm formed directly in front of him, and squeezed toward Lin Feng.

This palm seemed to crush Lin Feng, just the power and influence looked incomparably terrifying, not to mention that this was not a show, but a real Wang Fugui's spiritual method.

Even if it's just a clone without the full strength of the deity, it's just a piece of cake for him to use the most extreme combat power under the current rules.

When the palm appeared, Lin Feng felt like he was being imprisoned in all directions, and he couldn't even dodge it.

But Lin Feng still didn't back down half a step, and also grinned:

"Then try!"

After the voice fell, there was a bang, and flames ignited on his body instantly.

At this moment, Lin Feng seemed to be transformed into a demon **** of hell, his whole body was blazing with flames.

When the flame emerged, it broke free from the confinement of Wang Fugui's palm with a bang.

But after breaking free, Lin Feng didn't dodge, but stepped forward to meet Wang Fugui's palm.

In the next second, the palms were clenched tightly!

But before the huge palm came into contact with Lin Feng, it was instantly turned red by the flames, and turned into streaks of green smoke and dissipated in the blink of an eye!

Seeing this scene, a group of people widened their eyes again.

Wang Fugui's majestic and powerful clone made a move, but was easily resolved by Lin Feng?

Has Lin Feng's strength reached such a level?

But Wang Fugui saw it more clearly.

His eyes were extremely bright, staring closely at the flames on Lin Feng's body:

"good stuff!"

"Come again!"

As soon as the words fell, Wang Fugui stepped into the air, followed by another punch.

The two rushed to the sky in an instant, and the battle broke out just like that.

But it was obvious that Lin Feng had been defending and did not make a move, but Wang Fugui was also very angry, and various means continued to emerge, constantly bombarding Lin Feng.

"This is the Divine Fire Armor!"

"So that's it, Lin Feng and Mr. Wang are testing!"

"It's such a powerful armor, it can actually withstand the bombardment of Senior Wang's avatar!"

At this moment, Liu Shan and the ten out-of-body realms of Da Zhou also understood.

Lin Feng was using Wang Fugui to help him test the strength of the armor.

As expected, it was worthy of being a fairy weapon. Now that Lin Feng was wearing the Divine Fire Armor he refined, he could actually block Wang Fugui's indiscriminate bombardment.

This is the most extreme combat power under the state of distraction, but there is still nothing to do with this divine fire armor?

Sure enough, not long after, Wang Fugui withdrew and retreated with a dark face, yelling:

"No more beatings, no more beatings, I want to get rid of this tortoise shell, the old man will teach you how to be a man!"

Lin Feng also walked over with a loud smile:

"Hahaha, senior was joking, this armor is already one with me, how do I take it off?"

The two of them fell to the ground one after another while they were talking.

Wang Fugui looked enviously at the God Fire Armor that was gradually disappearing from Lin Feng's body and murmured:

"Boy, don't provoke me, be careful to rob you someday!"

Even a powerhouse like him would be envious of this Divine Fire Armor.

Not to mention the strong defense, but also has a flame attack, the terrifying nine different fires even burned his attack to dissipate.

Lin Feng replied with a nonchalant smile:

"Senior want it? It's a pity that you can't use this thing if you give it to you!"

This is true.

Hearing this, Wang Fugui understood:

"Have you refined all the nine fires into it?"

Lin Feng nodded in confirmation.

Wang Fugui's face became even more ugly:

"Forget it, this old man really can't use it!"

He still thought that Lin Feng would help him get one, but now it seems unrealistic.

The key to transforming this sacred fire armor into a fairy weapon lies in Lin Feng's nine different fires.

While talking, the two of them lost the atmosphere of the tense situation just now!

This made Liu Shan and a group of Da Zhou Leaving Aperture Realm look confused, unable to adapt to the rhythm of the two of them at all.

Soon, the old and the young went to the side and sat down side by side.

Wang Fugui sighed as he looked at the empty Yanhuo Canyon.

He also didn't expect that within a short period of time, Lin Feng would turn the Flame Canyon upside down.

Now in the huge Yanhuo Canyon, apart from the Five Elements tribe, the other eight tribes and Tianzhu Villa were all destroyed by Lin Feng.

Not only the Daluo Empire, the Dasha Principality and the Dafan Buddha Kingdom, but also the Yaozu also suffered a lot this time, and many of them were buried in the Flame Canyon.

But this result is also very good, at least for Da Zhou.

Now, Da Zhou monopolizes the Flame Canyon, whether it is in terms of business, diplomacy or war, this is a great benefit to Da Zhou.

Thinking of this, Wang Fugui went on to say:

"Tonight, the army drawn by the Demon Slayer is coming!"

"People from the Department of Commerce, Department of Foreign Affairs, Department of Education and other departments will also arrive!"

"Especially the Department of Education, selected a lot of seedlings from major cultivation schools to join as military trainees of the Yanhuo camp!"

"I hope you can take some time to teach them ~www.readwn.com~ Even two or three days!"

Hearing this, Lin Feng agreed without hesitation:

"That's three days, starting tomorrow. During the day I will talk about some of my experience in cultivation, and in the evening I will talk about refining tools. Anyone who is interested can listen to it, don't force it!"

Wang Fugui also nodded and said:

"Then it's settled. Three days later, it's time for you to settle down. I'll send you back to Zhongzhou City!"

Lin Feng grinned:

"That's not necessary, I'm already preparing to set up a large-scale ultra-long-distance teleportation formation, and the Flame Canyon will no longer be a remote place!"

But hearing this, Wang Fugui frowned fiercely:

"Ultra-long distance teleportation array?"

"It's easier said than done?"

The ultra-long-distance teleportation formation is difficult to arrange. There are long-distance transmission formations between the main cities of Dazhou, but they rely on the large formations left over from ancient times, which have only been improved and maintained.

But none of the current formation masters can arrange such a powerful ultra-long-distance teleportation formation.

Moreover, those large-scale teleportation formations in Dazhou now also have great disadvantages, such as high consumption, and for example, they cannot be transmitted in large quantities, let alone large quantities of materials.

So the original Dong's firm had to form a caravan.

Today's commercial caravans are spread all over the major cities of the Great Zhou and even have exchanges with other big countries.

If there is an ultra-long-distance transmission array that can transmit large quantities of materials or even materials, it can greatly save manpower and material resources.

But hearing this, Lin Feng smiled:

"Did you forget about Xiao Yue'er?"

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