
Xiao Jinhan said again: "Well, Sixteen agreed."

"Why is your car in front of the nightclub?"

Tang Yaoyao: "..."

Does beauty have such a hot heart?

"It's not me driving."

After Qiao Yanzhi was silent for a few seconds, her voice squeezed from her teeth: "Take my daughter, and roll back immediately!"

Xiao Jinhan took the phone away from his ear a little.

Tang Yaoyao heard his mother's violent anger, and at this moment, he felt like he was caught for doing bad things.

I can't hide anything from mom.

But, why did the beauty go to the nightclub? ? ?

At this time, without sleep, I picked up the phone and got through Su Mei's call.




The phone went through, and after a while, I hung up again.

No one is connected.

She frowned. Could something be wrong?

Xiao Jinhan saw her worry and whispered: "She drives my car, no one dares to do anything to her."



But who did she meet?

At this moment, there is no time to think about her, and I have to go back to the old house.


An hour later, Tang Yaoyao and Xiao Jinhan arrived home.

Joe Rouge was waiting in the living room early in the morning.

Seeing the two coming side by side, his eyes were cold, and his heart was very heavy.

After Tang Yaoyao entered the door, he immediately showed a nice and sweet smile: "Mom, I'm back~"

Qiao Yanzhi was originally angry. Seeing her hippie smiling face, he was helpless and angry again: "Why didn't you go home after leaving Tang's house last night?"

Xiao Jinhan replied for her: "Because she asked for marriage."

Joe Rouge: "..."

She looked at such a well-behaved daughter, and at the son who was raised by one hand, her heart was mixed, and she couldn't help getting angry when she thought of them sleeping together last night.

However, aren't Yao'er and him happy?

Perhaps this is the heart of a mother, who is always reluctant to hurt her daughter a little bit.

"Mom, I told you before that I am serious about Sixteen."

Qiao Yanzhi glared at him: "You can sleep together if you are serious? Did you know that Yao'er's foot injury is still not healed, you, you..."

She couldn't say the latter words, but was distressed.

"Last night, we did nothing."

Qiao Yanzhi was startled, most of his anger disappeared.

"I won't do anything to hurt her, Mom, you can rest assured."

Qiao Yanzhi looked at the cute daughter beside him.

Tang Yaoyao nodded immediately: "Mom, he takes care of me very much. I am not injured. Don't think too much."

Xiao Jinhan said again: "Mom, why don't you have the wedding soon."

After he finished speaking, his Adam's apple rolled up and down for a moment, his lower eyes were hot that could not be erased, and his lips were raised: "I don't want to wait anymore.

This simple sentence explained his mood at the moment.

Don't want to wait anymore.

He wants to be the husband of sixteen.

Tang Yaoyao thought of another aspect, inexplicably, he opened the door last night, that **** and abstinent temperament appeared in his mind, his cheeks were a little hot, and a heart was beating.

Qiao Yanzhi asked: "Did you agree to his marriage proposal?"


Qiao Yanzhi asked again: "Do you want to marry him?"

"miss you."

When he said this, Xiao Jinhan's chestnut pupils deepened, and his eyes gradually softened as he watched her.

Qiao Yanzhi doesn't like to beat the mandarin ducks. What's more, the two children are in love with each other. If they get married, she doesn't have to worry that Xiao Jinhan will always abandon it.

At this moment, Fu Jiang came down from the stairs.

(Seeking monthly pass)

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