A sword cuts off the shackles, and the girl's heart is liberated.、、、

Wide sea diving, sky high the birds to fly



"Uh oh oh"

"Aaron and his gang have fallen!"

"This, this, this... Is this real? I am not dreaming!"

"What the hell is going on! Are A-Long and his gang really gone?

The excited and confused shouts of the villagers of Kokoa West who followed A-Long Paradise were heard one after another.

"Everyone, please listen to me……"

Fengche Ajian spoke loudly to calm the villagers

"Everything is true. Thanks to Nami's friends, Mr. Rowling, Ms. Thor, and Kuina-chan, Arlong and his gang will never appear again! We、、、I'm free now!"

Nojigo couldn't help crying with joy.

Oh, oh, oh, oh -




The villagers cheered louder.

The whole village was filled with excitement and joy.

At the same time, in front of the A'long Paradise building that was cut off

"Thank you...thank you so much, Mr. Rowling,���……"

Hot tears could not stop flowing down Nami's pretty face.

At this moment, after witnessing the scene of Rowling cutting off Along Paradise,

Nami felt her whole body lighten up, and her long-suppressed heart was liberated.

Her world was sublimated and became vast and boundless again.

At the same time, some inexplicable thoughts arose.

"Don't be polite, we are friends, and it is normal for friends to help each other!"

Luo Lin waved his hand nonchalantly.

"Just friends?"

Nami asked subconsciously, looking at Luo Lin with sparkling eyes, with some hope.

"What else?"

Luo Lin asked with a smile.

"Well, friends! Friends are good!"

The girl's bright eyes dimmed slightly.

"But we're friends, but you actually concealed your strength. If I had known you were so powerful, would I have been so nervous?"

Nami wrinkled her nose and changed the subject.

"I didn't hide it from you, I just didn't have the chance to show my strength, and you didn't ask!"

Luo Lin said with a smile

"Besides, if we are going to hide something, you should have hidden it from us first!"


Nami stamped her feet in embarrassment.

"I can't argue with you, so I won't talk to you anymore. I'm going to go find Thor and Kuina-chan!"



The dust settled on the Kokoyasi Village incident.

There was no need for Rowling to do anything about the next matter.

Under the organization of Fengche Ajian, the follow-up work of the incident was carried out steadily.

The first thing was to notify other villages in the surrounding area that were oppressed by Arlong's group.

The second thing was to collect and distribute the treasures left by Arlong's group.

As the biggest contributor to the defeat of the Dragon Pirates, Rowling naturally obtained the right to inherit the estate.

But Rowling had no interest in money. Money was enough. If it was not enough, he would just go and cast a rod.

Therefore, in the end, the inheritance of the Dragon Pirates would be evenly distributed to all the persecuted people based on the number of people.

All these things were coordinated and responsible by Fengche Ajian and Noki Gao.

As for Nami, all the villagers tacitly did not disturb her.

Because everyone knew how much Nami had worked for them in the past seven years. After finally being liberated, they just wanted Nami to play to her heart's content and make up for her unfortunate childhood.

On the other hand, as the host, Nami took Thor and Kuina to have fun.

The three girls were showing off the sweet local oranges.

Of course, Nami had invited Luo Lin to join them.

But as a qualified fisherman,

Luo Lin was determined not to be tempted by beauty.

He always stayed at the forefront of fishing.

The peaceful life in Kokoa West Village continued.


The sea outside, however, was gradually rising with waves.

Everything was caused by the scene where Luo Lin slashed A'long Paradise with a sword.

The scene at that time was recorded by a villager with a camera phone.

When visiting other villages to explain, this photo was often taken out and boasted about.

As time went by, reporters smelled the scent of the incident, and swarmed in to buy the copyright of the photo.

At the same time, they began to dig deep into the story behind the photo, and this digging was extraordinary.

The darkness of the long-term oppression of A'long's gang in Kokoa West Village and other places was revealed to the world.

At first, the impact of the incident was only in the East China Sea. Gradually, with more and more media reports, the incident continued to ferment and escalate.

The inconspicuous"little thing" that happened in an inconspicuous corner of the East China Sea then entered the eyes of bigwigs from all over the world.


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