Rogue Town.

The town of beginning and end.

Twenty-one years ago, the Pirate King Gol D. Roger was executed here, and the prelude to the Great Pirate Era was opened.

Today, this square where the Pirate King was once executed has become a famous tourist attraction.

Especially for pirates, this place is like a pilgrimage site.

After Roger was executed, many pirates stood on the execution platform every year and made bold statements.

This phenomenon was not curbed until Smoker took office as the director of the Rogue Town Naval Base.

For novice rookie pirates who don't know how to be domineering, the natural system is almost an unsolvable ability.

Thanks to Smoker's deterrence, the once chaotic town has now become orderly.

At this moment.

Execution Square

"Look, look, Thor and Kuina, that is the execution platform where the Pirate King Roger was executed.……"

Nami was like a tour guide, introducing Thor and Kuina non-stop.

Before coming to Rogue Town, she had obviously made sufficient preparations.

"The treasure of the Pirate King! The Roger Pirates conquered the Grand Line and gained great wealth! Everything was hidden by him on the final island! The legendary great secret treasure, One Piece, has not been found in the past 20 years!"

When talking about the great secret treasure, Nami's eyes sparkled.

"Great secret treasure one piece? Although I don't know what it is, Xiaolin will definitely find it if others can't find it!"

Thor said confidently.

"Maybe there is no need to look for it at all. I don’t know when I will catch the great secret treasure!"

Guina said seriously.

""Hmm, hmm, hmm."

Nami nodded repeatedly in approval.

If Rowling found it, it would be the same as if she had found it.

Thinking of the legendary huge treasure, Nami couldn't help but tremble with excitement.

After visiting the execution square, the three women split up and each looked for the target store.

Although the facilities on the Never Air Force are complete, it still needs some small things to embellish it.

This task is left to Nami.

Thor is wholeheartedly devoted to Rowling and serves him wholeheartedly.

After they separated at this moment, she went straight to the clothing store in the town to pick out various uniforms.

As for Kuina, as a talented kendo girl, she naturally wanted to go to the weapons store.

Although there is no shortage of weapons, it is also good to take a look and broaden her horizons.

In addition, she also needs to buy tools such as whetstones to maintain swords.

It took an hour in the weapons store.

Kuina finally bought what she needed.

She pushed the door open with satisfaction, and before she walked far

""Woo woo woo"

The crying of a little girl from the alley ahead attracted Kuina's attention.

As a righteous girl, Kuina certainly couldn't turn a blind eye to this.

When she learned that the little girl was separated from her parents, Kuina immediately took the little girl to the naval base in the town.

With the help of the marines, the girl's parents were quickly contacted and the incident was settled.

"Ah, she is indeed Dashiki's sister, as enthusiastic and capable as Dashiki!"

A middle-aged naval sergeant looked at Kuina with admiration.


Kuina was stunned.

Could this middle-aged uncle know me?

Who is Tashigi?

Maybe he recognized the wrong person!

Kuina shook her head, but did not dwell on this issue too much.

After the little girl was taken away by her parents, Kuina also left and prepared to meet up with Nami.

Not long after Kuina left.


The beautiful girl wearing square-framed glasses pushed the door open and walked in.

"Oh, Tashiki-chan, you are a little late. Your sister has just left. Ah, but I never knew that you, Tashiki-chan, actually have such a heroic sister!"The middle-aged naval sergeant said with emotion.

""Hey? What are you talking about? I don't have a sister!"

Dashiqi was confused.

""Ah, ah, ah, isn't that girl your sister? They look so much alike, as if they were cut from the same mold, and they're both swordsmen!"

The middle-aged naval sergeant was also shocked.

"A girl who looks like me?"

Dashiqi frowned and thought.

Suddenly, an idea came to her mind. She thought of the conversation with Nojigo in Kokoyasi Village a month ago.

At that time, Nojigo also mentioned that she looked like a certain girl, and even thought she was the sister of the girl named Kuina.

"Are they here?"

Dashiqi looked solemn.

"Notify Mr. Smoker immediately.……"



At this moment, at the port of Rogge, the crowd was bustling with people.

"Oh oh oh oh, make way, make way, let me pass!"

"What happened all of a sudden? What happened at the port?"

"Not sure, I heard that a fisherman caught a super big one!"

"Huh? Fisherman? You must be kidding. What's so interesting about this?"

"Hey, don’t underestimate this fisherman, it is said that he made a big noise!"

"Maybe a sea king has taken the bait, and the two sides are still in a standoff!"

"Wow, if I could see someone catch a sea king, I would be so proud of it in the future!"

People from all over Rogue Town who like to watch the fun kept gathering at the port.

"Mr. Smoker, what should we do? If this continues, there will be a traffic jam!"

A marine on the roof of the port warehouse spoke nervously.

"Let our people maintain order and don't let anyone get close to that side!"

Colonel Smoker, a chain-smoking colonel with two cigars in his mouth, gave the order.

He had arrived here an hour ago.

But he didn't contact Rowling immediately.

One reason was that he saw Rowling bargaining with the"big cargo".

Although he was not a fisherman, he knew what fishermen valued most.

The second, and more important reason, was that he wanted to observe Rowling's strength.

Another quarter of an hour later.

Oh, oh, oh - the crowd in the port burst into a shocking noise.

At the bow of the Never Air Force, Rowling held the rod with one hand.

One hook - the sky gate opened!!!

Crash ~

A small hill rose on the sea. Did the giant under the sea finally reveal its true face?

Just when everyone was full of expectations.

The next second.

The sudden turn sprained everyone's waist.

The fishhook that should have been hanging the giant was actually...、、、Empty!!! Is the giant off the hook?


Only Luo Lin knows that the giant has been successfully restocked

【Ding Dong】

【Lucky star shines, congratulations to the host for getting SS-level Pirate King Roger's top-level domineering Haki】


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