I became stronger in Pirate Fishing: Dragon Maid at the beginning

Chapter 69 Thunder Dragon King Luo Lin ‘Devours’ Enel! ! ! [Subscribe]

The Island of Gods, Arpaiado.

A giant bean vine runs through the center of the island, towering to the sky.

Many ancient architectural relics stand in all directions on the white island clouds.

One by one... Figures dressed like "boiling sheep" stood there, bleating non-stop.

They were the Divine Soldiers who followed Enel to destroy their hometown Birka.

At the front of the Divine Soldiers stood the fat Divine Soldiers Daisama, who was as fat as a meat mountain.

Priest Shadley's brothers, Chuugo and Xiaowu, stood on the left and right, one body behind.

About a quarter of an hour later, the noisy Daoyun Ruins suddenly became quiet.

All the Divine Soldiers' eyes were fixed on the exit of the forest.

The former Sky Island God, Sky Knight Ganfor, led Pegasus Pierre out first.

Followed by Robin, Nami, Vivi, Kuina, Kalu, and Shukaku, the teapot sitting on Kalu's back.

"Hehe, this is really a grand welcome ceremony~"

Looking at the Divine Soldiers who were waiting in full battle array, Shukaku laughed, not surprised but happy.

"It should be my turn this time! Speaking of that god, what the hell is that? Which one is Enel? The fat man in the front? Or the bald guy pretending to be in the back!" Shukaku rubbed his hands, eager to try. "Neither! The broad man is the god soldier Dashan, and the bald man sitting on the ruins is the last and strongest priest"┼Sky livestock owner Ohu" Sky Knight Ganfor spoke solemnly. "Is he a swordsman?" Kuina noticed the cloud knife beside Ohm. "Yes, Ohm has the cloud shell that can spray iron clouds, which can make his knife as light as cloud and as hard as iron, and it can also be stretched and retracted freely, unpredictable, and should not be underestimated!" Ganfor reminded. "I know, I will be careful!" Kuina nodded calmly.

"Asshole Qinghai people"

An angry shout exploded.

"Did you do it? Kill our brother Shadley..."

"Did you kill our big brother?"

Chuwu and Xiaowu shouted in unison.

"He was unlucky and detonated the ball cloud. It was all his own fault. It has nothing to do with us!"

Nami rolled her eyes.

"How dare you say that, but it doesn't matter anymore. You have violated the highest law of this island by attacking the priests one after another. Only death awaits you! Everyone


With the order of the God Soldier Dashan, all the sheep of the God Soldier Team charged.

"Just in time!"

Nami equipped the air cannon.

Vivi clenched the bull charm.

Robin crossed his hands, and rushed out of the forest one after another.

Kuina held Ganjiang Moye's hilt with both hands.

The scallion sword of Run Duck Kalu glowed.

The fierce melee was about to start.


Without any warning.

A beam of terrifying blue light rushed out of the forest.

It pierced through the dense jungle and exploded in the bleating Divine Army.


Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Sharp wind-breaking sounds rang out one after another.

Warriors dressed in indigenous styles rushed out of the dense forest and fought with the Divine Army.

"Those are the warriors of Shandia, they are here too!"

Ganfor shouted out the identity of the 'reinforcements'.

"Sandia, the indigenous tribe of Gaya, so they must know where the Golden City and the Golden Bell Tower are, right!"

Nami's eyes lit up.

"Golden City! Golden Bell Tower! What do you want to ask this for?"

A hostile voice came, and the War Ghost Weber landed not far away.

"Sky Knight Ganfor, did you defeat the priest?"

Mantis Kamachili followed closely behind, raised his eyebrows and asked.

"No! It wasn't me! The three priests Shura, Shadli and Nirvana were defeated by these girls from Qinghai!"

Ganfor said.


"What did you say?"

"Are you kidding me?"

"Just these tender little girls, they defeated the priests?"

All the Shandia warriors were full of disbelief.

"Whether you believe it or not, the fact is so. I advise you not to judge people by appearance. Their strength is far above yours!"

Ganfor said calmly.

All the Shandia warriors knew Ganfor's character.

Seeing him so serious, everyone couldn't help but believe it.

"Qinghai people, are you here to seize the Golden Bell Tower?"

The War Ghost Weber took a step forward and locked the incineration cannon on his shoulder.

"Wait, Weber, now we have a common enemy. We can't fight each other at this critical moment. And to defeat Enel, their strength is indispensable!"

Ganfor also stepped forward, opened his arms, and blocked the muzzle of Weber's cannon.


The arrogant War Ghost Weber snorted coldly and immediately turned around and rushed towards the Great Mountain of Divine Soldiers.

"Hehe, that kid knows what's good for him, otherwise, he will be smashed to pieces on the spot!"

The teapot Shukaku snorted, and the Tailed Beast Bomb the size of a fingernail gradually dissipated.

"Forget it, don't worry about that stinking man. Our goal is to clear obstacles for the captain's journey. These scum will be left to Shandia. We will deal with the last priest and Enel!"

Nami shrugged.

All the girls had no objection.

At this moment when Enel had not yet appeared.

The girls' target naturally fell on the priest Ohm.

"Asshole Qinghai people, give me back my brother's life!"

Deputy Divine Corps Captain Chuuwu used the impact shell to knock a Shandia warrior away, and attacked with red eyes.


Nami raised her right hand and made a light 'bang' sound.

The next second.

The airflow at the muzzle of the air cannon continued to rotate and condense.

An air cannon shot out in response and hit Wu.

In an instant, Chuuwu's figure flew backwards like a kite with a broken string, and blood gushed out of his mouth.

The power of the system-enhanced air cannon was even greater than the impact shell.

The power of each attack was similar to the meat ball compression cannon of the Shichibukai Tyrant Bear.

In other words, this was a flat attack from a Shichibukai-level strongman.

Not to mention the divine weapon, even if the priest changed to the cannon, it would not be easy.

"Brother Chuuwu!!!"

Xiaowu, who was also a deputy corps captain, screamed in horror and slashed the shell without waiting for it to be released.

There was another light bang, and the invisible air cannon hit him.

"It's really worthy of being produced by the captain, this thing is really useful~"

Nami seemed to be addicted.

He held the air cannon and fired continuously.

One shot, one, without a sound.

"Hey, hey, hey, what on earth is that?"

"This power is really terrible!"

"Not only is it powerful, it can even fire continuously!"

"Not only can it fire continuously, but there are no side effects!"

"Sure enough, Ganfor was not joking just now!"

At this moment, all the warriors of Shandia believed Ganfor's words.

There would be no more doubts and underestimates about the strength of the girls.

"Nami, stop playing!"

Vivi waved her hand.

"Oh, here it comes!"

Nami responded repeatedly, and no one dared to stop her wherever she went.

"Go, Kuina, it's your battle next!"

Robin touched Kuina's little head.

"Well! I'll try my best!"

Kuina did not resist. During this period of time, Kuina has completely accepted Robin, her confidant elder sister.

Nami has also accepted Robin a long time ago, but Vivi is still a little unnatural when getting along with her.

"Why do humans always fight with each other?"

Looking at Kuina walking towards him, the bald priest Ohm, who is in charge of the "Trial of Iron" with a survival rate of 0%, asked with a compassionate expression on his face.

After saying that.

Without waiting for others to answer.

He answered again.

"If you want to stop the fight, you have to kill everyone!"

With his order, the big dog lying in the ruins suddenly rushed out.

Like a demon beast from hell, it charged and showed its sharp claws to Kuina.

"Wood Style Technique————Cage!"

Robin clapped his hands, and thick wood rushed out from the ground to form a dog cage, locking the big dog Shengjie tightly.


Kuina held Ganjiang in his left hand and Moye in his right hand, and jumped up to attack the shocked priest Ohm.

"Iron Cloud Sword!"

The priest Ohm, who had reacted, picked up the big sword beside him and swung it casually.

The sword, which was only one meter long, suddenly extended and turned into a big sword of dozens of meters, and slashed down towards Kuina.

Kuina did not dodge, Gan Jiang and Mo Ye crossed, raised them above her head, and took this blow that was enough to open up the earth.

"You let a little kid fight me, I was really underestimated!"

Solitary livestock owner Ohm shook his head and changed the subject.

"Even if the opponent is a child, I will not show mercy. The 0% survival rate of the Iron Trial will not change!"

Priest Ohm just finished his pretentious words.

The next second, there was a crisp sound.

Gan Jiang and Mo Ye, wrapped in Armament Haki, seemed to have turned into a supreme big scissors, cutting off Ohm's Iron Cloud Sword.


Priest Ohm's pupils shrank suddenly under his sunglasses.

"You talk too much!"

Kuina soared into the air on the ancient ruins.

Gan Jiang and Mo Ye's sword body glowed with red and blue.

"Two-sword style - Starburst Air Stream Slash!!!"

Swish swish swish!

The two-sword style sword skills exploded at a speed that the human eye could not catch up with.

Under Kuina's step-by-step pressure, formation officer Ohm was forced to enter a defensive posture.

The blade of the Iron Cloud Sword was cut off and stretched out.

After sixteen consecutive strikes, Kuina's offensive was temporarily suspended.

"Hehe, is this all you can do?"

The priest Ohm sneered, waved his hand, and the Iron Cloud Sword stretched out again.

"Then it's time for the next round..."

"Two-sword flow————Starburst Air Stream Slash!!!"

Kuina whispered faintly.

A new round of two-sword flow combo slash exploded.


Under Kuina's continuous explosive slash.

The Iron Cloud Sword of the strongest priest Ohm was completely cut off.


A line of blood rushed out from in front of Ohm.

"I was beaten by a little kid......"


Oum, the air herder, was defeated!!!

"Oh, so powerful!"

"That little girl actually beat down the priest Ohm!"

"Even if Weber wanted to deal with that Ohm, it would definitely not be easy!"

"But...that little girl was almost crushing..."

The soldiers of Shandia were shocked and shocked.

On the other hand, the Divine Soldiers were completely desperate after seeing the priests and the Divine Soldiers being defeated one after another.

"How could this happen!"

"We are God's subordinates!"

"Who are those guys!"

"We can't win! We absolutely can't win!"

"For now, only Lord Enel can turn the tide!"

"That's right! Lord Enel, our supreme god, please lead us to victory!"

The few survivors of the Divine Soldiers all knelt in the direction of the giant bean vine.

The next second.

"Yeah hahahaha"

A crazy laugh exploded.


A flash of lightning.

A young man wearing bloomers, a white turban, long earlobes, and carrying a magatama thunder drum on his back suddenly appeared.


"Lord Enel!"

"Our God is here, and your death is coming!"

The survivors of the Divine Soldiers shouted excitedly.

"That's Enel! How did he appear? Is he a capable person?"

Robin's pupils shrank slightly.

"Yeah hahahaha, you can actually do this, I have to admit that you are very beautiful!"

Enel laughed in praise.

Even if the priests and the Divine Soldiers under his command were almost wiped out.

He still didn't care at all, let alone anger.

Because in his opinion, only the truly strong are qualified to be servants of God.

The priests and the Divine Soldiers were destroyed just because they were too weak.

"Weak guys have no human rights and cannot become followers of God, but you are qualified to follow me. Now kneel down and swear to submit to God!"

Enel looked down at the people in the field and spoke wildly.

"What an infuriating guy! Bang!"

Nami activated the air cannon without hesitation.

The powerful pressure cannon pierced through Enel's body.

However, there was no blood, and the wound was surrounded by lightning.

At the same time.

In another direction.

Sandia's strongest war ghost Weber pulled the trigger of the incinerator.

The blue gas high-temperature flame that was enough to burn everything to ashes hit Enel, causing a terrifying explosion.


When everything calmed down.

Enel, who appeared in front of people again, was still unharmed.

"Yes! There is no mistake! This guy's ability is the strongest type Logia Thunder Fruit!"

Robin said solemnly.

"Logia again!!!"

Vivi was shocked.

"Let me try!"

Kuina, who had mastered the armed color, was eager to try.

"Wait, Thunder Fruit is too dangerous. Even if you have armed color, you can't turn around and get close!"

Robin hurriedly stopped him.

"Yeah hahahaha, you are really a bunch of stubborn guys. In this case, let me show you the so-called power of God first!"

Enel laughed and pointed to the sky with one hand.



Heavy dark clouds covered the sky.

Electric snakes danced wildly in the depths of the clouds.

"Ten thousand thunders!!!"

Enel grinned cruelly and waved his hand down.

The next moment, countless thunders of different sizes and thicknesses fell on the battlefield.



The screams were endless.

Not only the warriors of Shandia.

Even the survivors of the Divine Army were not spared.

They were charred black under the bombardment of thunder, and some even died on the spot.

"Everyone, come together!"

Robin raised the horse charm, ready to activate the healing power at any time.

At this moment, a large shadow suddenly enveloped.

"Don't forget me!"

The teapot Shukaku swelled up in the wind, restored the giant beast form, and protected the girls firmly under his body, taking the bombardment of ten thousand thunders for them.

"Ah hey hey"

"Raccoon sauce, you you you..."

"You can actually grow bigger!"

"So handsome!"

Vivi, Nami, Kuina all said in surprise.

"Shukaku, can you handle it?"

Robin asked worriedly.

"What's the problem? Who do you think I am? This level of lightning is just tickling me!"

Shukaku said with a grin.

The earth element occupies a large part of his Chakra attribute.

Enel's lightning power has a great restraint on him.

At this moment.

Under the continuous bombardment of thousands of thunders, his body was almost paralyzed.

"Yeah, hahahaha, this is really unexpected. I didn't expect that there are creatures like you in the world. Come to God's command. I will give you this honor!"

Enel looked at Shukaku with interest.


The paralyzed Shukaku stumbled.

"Humph, you ungrateful guy!"

Enel snorted coldly and used the golden stick to hit the magatama thunder drum behind him.



"Thirty million volts---thunder beast!!!"

A giant beast composed entirely of lightning rushed out of the thunder drum.

Following Enel's direction, he rushed towards the guard.

Shukaku gritted his teeth and was about to resist.

At this moment.

"Thank you for your hard work, you did a good job!"

A faint voice sounded in everyone's ears.

The next second.

Under Enel's shocked gaze, the thunder beast with 30 million volts was swallowed up by a man.


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