I became stronger in Pirate Fishing: Dragon Maid at the beginning

Chapter 90 Kizaru Is Seriously Injured And Autistic! The Marshal And The Five Elders Are All Shocked

Thunder, Dragon, King, Secret, Righteousness———Red, Imperial, Thunder!!!

Above the sky, Luo Lin's big hand slowly pressed down.


The Thunder Dragon King roared in the world, and came down in the sea of ​​thunder.


The world was quiet at first.

The light of the explosion was more dazzling than the sun.


Under the power of the Thunder Dragon King's Secret, the entire Judiciary Island fell apart.


"The entire island was destroyed!"

The giants Cassi and Oimo widened their eyes like copper bells, and couldn't help but lose their voices in horror.



"You are worthy of it! Luo Lin!"

Blue Ogre Dorry and Red Ghost Brogy, the two giant captains looked at Luo Lin who had returned calmly with his back to the collapsed Enies Lobby, and laughed out loud in unison.

"Xiao Lin~ over there... do you need me to deal with it?"

Thor raised his eyebrows slightly, and keenly noticed a faint golden light breaking out from the red and black thunder net.

"No need, it's no longer necessary, go back!"

Rolin waved his hand calmly.

At this moment.

Enies Lobby, near the Gate of Justice.

Ten Marine War-class warships came in a crane wing formation.

They are reinforcements from Naval Headquarters Marineford.

The Buster Call mopping-up force composed of ten warships and ten thousand marines led by five Vice Admirals.

"It's true, the Gate of Justice...that Gate of Justice was actually blown up!"

The scarred face of Naval Headquarters Elite Vice Admiral Dauberman was full of shock.

"What kind of terrifying power can smash the Gate of Justice into pieces!"

Flying Squirrel, who is also an elite Vice Admiral, sighed.

"Ghost Spider, this is the man with a bounty of 1 billion... Did the traveler Luo Lin do it?"

The smiling tiger Vice Admiral Huoshaoshan, who always squinted his eyes, was shocked and couldn't laugh at this moment.

"I don't know, I didn't see the destruction of the Gate of Justice with my own eyes, but this matter is definitely related to that man and the maid beside him!"

Ghost Spider, who was temporarily marked as a Buster Call Vice Admiral and was waiting to join on the way, said gloomily.

"A bounty of 1 billion is a sky-high bounty in our cognition and the world's cognition. We think that the man may not be worth this bounty, but in fact, maybe we underestimated the man!"

Long-headed Vice Admiral Stolo Berry said faintly.

"Hey, look over there!"


"What on earth is going on!"

"Oh oh oh, it's Admiral! That's Kizaru Admiral!"

" Kizaru Admiral is fighting with someone!"

When the sight barrier of the Gate of Justice was passed, the marines on the warship saw the fierce battle of light and thunder in the sky above Enies Lobby.

But soon, the shining golden light converged and fell to the ground, and the terrifying Thunder Dragon King jumped out of the sea of ​​thunder and roared at the world.

"Hey, hey, hey, what on earth is that? Lightning? Thunder?"

Elite Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel was stunned and murmured unconsciously.

" Logia............ Thunder Fruit ability user! That traveler Luo Lin... He must be a Thunder Fruit ability user!"

Vice Admiral Ghost Spider gritted his teeth and said with absolute certainty.

"Is that really lightning? How can the color of lightning be black and red? I have seen Pirate King Roger take action at close range in New World before. The Conqueror's external sound of the top Conqueror's awakener is... Vice Admiral Huoshaoshan's Adam's apple rolled, and he felt dry mouth and tongue when he thought of that possibility. "What a joke, how could it be Conqueror's! Conqueror's can't be so scary, whether it is Pirate King Roger or Four Emperors Red-haired Shanks, it is impossible to do it!" Vice Admiral Dauberman denied it harshly. "Gudong, seniors, compared to that, what we should pay more attention to now should be the phantom of the giant dragon... Maybe that is the cause of the lightning phenomenon. In addition, could the giant dragon that attacked the holy land Mariejois a few months ago also be..." Thinking of that possibility, the horror on Vice Admiral Stolo Berry's face became even more intense. But soon, they did not have the leisure to think about these. In the five Vice Admiral and 10,000 marines watched in shock and horror.

Enies Lobby, one of the world's three largest institutions, fell apart and ceased to exist under the impact of the Thunder Dragon King.


"Enies Ace Lobby............ was sunk!"

"What kind of terrifying power is that!!!"

"Is this kind of power...... really something that humans can possess?"

"Monster! That's a monster!"

The panicked and terrified shouts of marines on various warships came one after another.

Suddenly, it seemed that a marine thought of something.

"Where's Admiral Kizaru?"

"Yes! Where's Mr. Kizaru?"

"Where is Admiral Borsalino now?"

"Hey, hey, hey, Admiral............ Admiral couldn't be......"

"Don't say such nonsense, Mr. Kizaru is our One of the top fighters of the Marines!"

"Oh, look over there, something seems to be coming!"

Accompanied by the noisy noises of the Marines, a dim golden light fell straight onto the deck of one of the warships like an arrow.

" Admiral! It's Admiral Kizaru!"

"Great! Really great!"

" Admiral... Mr. Borsalino is still alive!"

"Hahaha, I said, how could our top fighter of the Marines die so easily!"

When they recognized that the charred figure on the deck was Admiral Kizaru, some Marines shouted excitedly.


There were more Marines, and the shock and horror on their faces were even greater.


"Hey, hey, hey, this... this... are you kidding me!"

"This... this kind of thing, how could it happen!"

"The top fighter of our Naval Headquarters was actually...

" Admiral Kizaru was actually...

All the marines opened their eyes wide, and their faces were filled with extreme shock, disbelief, and fear!!!

Admiral of Headquarters!

This title represents the supremacy of Marine!

The highest combat power of Naval Headquarters!

Almost equivalent to invincibility!

But now...

The highest combat power was beaten to death.

"What are you still doing here? Hurry up and get the ship's doctor here!"

Vice Admiral Doberman shouted sharply.

"Mr. Borsalino, are you okay?"

Vice Admiral Stolo Berry's voice was trembling.

Admiral Kizaru covered his eyes with one hand and did not speak. He did not want to speak and was unable to speak.

Are you okay?

It was simply asking knowingly.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that he was in a very bad state at the moment.

If he was not the user of the Logia Flash Fruit today.

If he had any other ability, he would probably have to die here.

Even if he escaped, his body was already seriously injured.

At this moment, he escaped from the sea of ​​red-black lightning with difficulty, and his whole body was burned black by the electric shock. His hands and feet were broken. The lightest left hand was only fractured, and the last right foot was shattered, and the flesh and blood were also in a mess under the lightning.

This was the most serious injury Admiral Kizaru had suffered since he was born.

It was also the first life-and-death crisis he had suffered since he was born.

With the ability of the Logia Flash Fruit, he had played tricks on rookie pirates who had just gone to sea countless times.

Even legendary giant captains like Blue Ogre Dorry and Red Ghost Brogy could only be walked around by him like dogs.


Retribution returned.

In the battle with Rowling today, his Flash Fruit was suppressed by Rowling's lightning from beginning to end.

Especially when the red-black thunder appeared, he was beaten without any ability to fight back.

Not only was his proud speed caught up, but his strength and attack were far inferior.


Even the long-distance charged light-speed kick was easily countered by Rowling, who kicked his leg in return.

The horror of this man far exceeded the world's expectations, even above the Emperor.

This battle, he lost!

Miserable defeat!!!

Naval Headquarters, Marineford.

Headquarters building, Marshal's office.

Blu blu blu~

The Den Den Mushi kept ringing.


Marshal Sengoku released the people and immediately connected to the phone minister.

"Marshal Sengoku"

Vice Admiral Doberman's voice came from the other end of the Den Den Mushi.

"Doberman, how is the matter with Fadao?"

Marshal Sengoku asked repeatedly.

Vice Admiral Doberman took a deep breath.

"Marshal, Enies Lobby Ace Hall has disappeared from the map forever!"

"Is that so? There is nothing we can do about it. After all, it is a Buster Call!"

Marshal Sengoku whispered.

"No! No! Mr. Sengoku! Enies Lobby was not razed to the ground by Buster Call's artillery fire, but was completely destroyed by that man's attack and flowed into the sea!" Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel screamed. After a moment of silence. "What? What did you say? Say it again?" Marshal Sengoku widened his eyes, stood up suddenly in shock, and his voice almost broke. "Mr. Sengoku, we have just arrived at Enies Lobby. The battle between Kizaru Admiral, who set out in advance, and Traveler Rolin destroyed the Enies Lobby Ace Hall. Kizaru Admiral was seriously injured and is currently receiving treatment." The experienced Vice Admiral Huoshaoshan narrated this terrible fact in the calmest tone possible. After listening to Vice Admiral Huoshaoshan's report, Marshal Sengoku fell back into his chair, his face full of dismay. Since the Enies Lobby incident report, he has been uneasy and has an ominous premonition in his heart. As expected, the ominous premonition came true.

The man who could blow up the Gate of Justice was even stronger than the highest combat power of Marine.

Being able to severely damage Marine Admiral and sink an island in such a short time, this is already the top level of the emperor!!!

Holy Land, Maria.

The Five Elders' Meeting Hall.

Since this morning, the Five Elders have been meeting here without disbanding.

Because today is a special day, there are battles in both Enies Lobby and Water City that they are concerned about.

Now, the battle report about Enies Lobby Ace Hall was delivered first.

"What? You said Enies Lobby was completely destroyed and no longer exists!"

Five Elders Marcus Mas opened his eyes wide, unable to believe the facts he heard.

"Nani! Kizaru... That Kizaru was seriously injured, and the highest combat power of Marine could not beat a newcomer!" Five Elders Nasjuro of Venus stood up suddenly and shouted.

"He is just a newcomer who appeared this year... How could he be able to compete with the Admiral or even... severely injure the Marine Admiral... Such a thing..."

Jupiter Five Elders Peter unconsciously murmured and shook his head, unable to accept this terrible fact no matter what.

"He severely injured the Admiral, the highest combat power of the Naval Headquarters, and sank an island in the battle. This level of combat power is undoubtedly the "Emperor" [It seems that we have underestimated that man so far!"

Saturn Five Elders Satan said faintly.

"The Alabasta incident report mentioned that the Crocodile of the Shichibukai level had no power to fight back in front of that man. Now it seems that it may not be an exaggeration. In front of the Emperor, Shichibukai is nothing at all!"

Mercury Five Elders Vochuli said in a deep voice.

"Five... Five Elders"

Just then, another World government intelligence officer came in panic and shouted.

"Water... There is news from the Water City... The Air Force Corps... The Air Force Corps actually... ..."


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