146 – EP.29 Fierce Battle-8

It would have been perfect if Leshef had been defeated by Tia’s shield, but unfortunately that didn’t happen.

The guy who decided that he couldn’t deal with it on his own called for help from the infected people around him.

If I had known it would be like this, I would have cut off his snout or vocal chords.

But it was already too late, and while Tia was beating Lesshef with her shield, I decided to deal with the approaching infected.

‘What is it? The spirit of all the infected… You’re close to the leader of the giant knights, aren’t you?’

The strength of the infected individuals was considerable as it was definitely Lesshef’s residence.

Although the condition was worse than that of the infected people I’ve seen so far, the tight posture and the eye for observing movements were markedly different.

As befits the final boss battle, even the soldiers are ignorantly strong.

I don’t know if I’ll be able to endure it, but I had to endure it anyway.

“Whoa… !”

Exhales a short breath and runs straight forward.

The one approaching the front is an infected person with a grotesquely large right arm.

Because the huge right arm that was thrown out was too much to block normally, I ducked diagonally to the right to avoid it and cut off the guy’s arm at the same time.

Completely cutting off failed due to lack of skill, but the infected left a definite injury that prevented them from attacking properly.

Considering this point, I spurred the ground with my heels and charged toward the deformed man’s abdomen.

The deformity-infected waved his weak left arm, but lightly bounced it off with a sword and naturally cut the guy’s neck in two.

The infected person, whose head had disappeared, collapsed and fell forward.

“Ugh… ?! This!”

As soon as I fell, the spear of another infected person behind me flew towards me.

I barely responded to the attack and ducked back to avoid the spear, but in this state I would be hit by a series of attacks.

With no choice but to surrender to gravity, he deliberately falls backwards.

Before my back touches the ground, I create an air cushion on the floor to safely bounce my body back and increase my distance from the infected.

It is said that he escaped a surprise attack by dying, but a spear has a longer range than a sword.

In the end, to defeat the spearman, I had to enter from my side, but I hesitated because his skill was unusual.

It was clear that if I rushed as recklessly as before, I would come out with only injuries and no gain.

‘If you don’t let them come within range, you will have no choice but to break through them by force… !’

It kicks off the ground once more and runs toward the infected.

This time, while running, check the future and measure the timing.

Just a step before reaching the range of the spear, my vision suddenly changed.

From the current scene to the scene two seconds later.

I appeared in front of the spearman’s nose and slit his neck so he couldn’t even fight back.

With this, for the second time, there are still many infected people to defeat.

Though, fortunately, I wasn’t alone in dealing with the infected when I saw a rupture coming from a space teeming with infected people far away.

This means that Freesia, who came earlier, is also struggling.

I wanted to support her right now, but first of all, I had to protect Tia from beating her up with a shield to prevent Leshef from doing anything strange.

“Enough… !!”

“Hee hee!”

– KANG! Kang! Kang!

Ignoring the sound of a child’s bloody laughter lingering in my ears, I ran towards the influx of infected people again.

Foresee and analyze everything that will happen within 5 seconds.

All attacks within it are avoided by twisting the body or leaping through time.

The infected’s sword strikes back, the arrow is sent back using the wind, and the sword is pierced into their exposed body.

The skillfulness of the infected people he was dealing with was certainly comparable to that of Knight Commander Melvin, though.

Their bodies, which seemed to be spliced ​​together, were lousy.

No matter how good a swordsman is, he is weak without a proper sword.

In other words, even if the infected’s skills are excellent, if their bodies don’t keep up, they will only fade.

‘Compared to the leader of the knights, I am infinitely weak….’

He kicks the infected’s ankles and throws his sword down while knocking them down.

Next, it creates embers in its empty hands and grabs the infected by the collar as it rushes from side to side at the same time.

Then, as seen before, I plant embers in their bodies and push them to the sides.

As soon as the two infected who were pushed back like that returned to the group, they ignited without a doubt.


The planted embers exploded and burned the surroundings with an explosion.

‘There’s an unusual guy inside.’

A huge infected person walking out of the smoke created by the explosion.

He was about 2.5 Meters tall and his rugged body stood out.

The skin and muscles must have been made of the soft flesh of the infected, but they looked strangely firm.

‘Deja vu is this?’

The strong man appearing out of nowhere in the explosion was a scene I had seen before.

The only difference is if the previous strongman was an infected person wearing armor with a height similar to mine.

This time, I was a naked infected person with an overwhelming physical difference that made my body shrivel.

It might be easier this way to injure.

However, if this side allowed even one effective hit, it had such strength that it would crumple like a can of soda on the street.

“Is this guy also remodeled by Leshef…?” .”

“Watch out! Because he is the first king of Rasvir Kingdom, and he is the one who has been promoted as the one and only dragon knight!”

Freesia’s cry came from far away.

I wondered if she could afford to give advice even after a fight, but when she turned to look at her, it wasn’t like that.

A situation where I am fighting more infected people than I am.

It looks a little heavy, but it doesn’t look dangerous.

On the contrary, it was me who became more dangerous.


Romulus, the first king of the infected approaching me.

The ground shook slightly with each step.

The commander of the Knights of Melvin wasn’t even like this…….

Certainly, Romulus was the owner of the physical ability to freely handle a shield weighing over 40kg with one hand.

And I have to fight him like that.

“I thought it was over with the final boss, but there is a lost boss.”

Of course, considering the fact that the first king was made an infected person, Leshef should have rated it higher.

“Thank you… !”

“Eight! Eight! The source of the plague, bats must disappear!”

I can’t help thinking like that when I see the god of plague being beaten by Tia.

Without going any further, I straightened my sword at the fact that I had to fight the masterpiece he created.

It feels like being weighed down by spirit, but it’s okay. Because I have fought against opponents worse than that.


When Romulus puts his hands together and slashes at me, I roll diagonally to the left to dodge his first attack.


Ignorantly strong power.

Romulus only stamped the ground with his clenched hands, but the traces of the hollow left in the ground were bare.

There was a 100% chance that his body would become like a dented can if he was hit with a real hit.

A sight worthy of hiccups, but he had to avoid Romulus’ ensuing attack.

It slides backwards on Romulus’ sturdy forearm, which sweeps away the surroundings, and dodges it.

I tried to block it by raising my sword in his fist, but seeing the future that I could never stop, I leaped my body to the future one second later.

It is impossible to defend, and it is impossible to let go.

Only evasion and attack were possible.

The avoidance is thoroughly done through future foresight, and when it is dangerous, it widens the distance by leaping in time.

Attacks use a sword to cut each time an angle comes out, or use fire and wind to gnaw Romulus’ body.

It was perfect in theory up to this point, but in reality it didn’t go my way.



Usually in cartoons and games, it is a national rule that a character with strong muscles moves slowly, but Romulus did not.

Not only did his arms and legs stretch freely, but he was as fast as a professional boxer’s jab.

An attack that can never be avoided unless you look into the future.

At the same time, it was so concise that even the gaps that should be revealed after the attack were not visible, and there was no superfluity.

How about the defense?

I tried to burn it with fire or cut the flesh with a blade to make a gap somehow.

The fire only slightly tanned his skin, and the wind did not leave deep scars.

Even because he was a corpse and infected with no pain at all, no matter how many times he attacked, there was never a gap.

In the end, only the sword made of Fatalite and Fenrir’s teeth could hurt him, but the conditions to wield the sword were not good.

In the first place, I had time to catch my breath in the fight with the knight commander, but now I didn’t even have time to catch my breath.

‘But let’s stay away from this guy….’

I couldn’t because Tia was in danger behind me.

In the end, I also had to constantly move and respond to Romulus’ apnea attacks.

“Haa… ! Ha… !”

I have no choice but to use my air manipulation ability to fill my lungs with fresh air and get rid of the useless air.

At the same time, it avoids attacks by reading the future.

My head starts to heat up as if it is overloaded.

This means that the time to compete is gradually approaching.

But sadly, there was no way to see the match.

Even if you want to use a tactic of giving flesh and taking bones like when you were the leader of the knights, Romulus’ fist has the power to take bones instead of flesh in one shot.

Moreover, Miho’s materialization ability was used once today, so I had to use it carefully, only once in the future.

‘I never thought it would be more difficult than any fight I’ve ever had.’

Thinking about it, I have received a lot of help from others.

Docheol got help from bicorn and yatta, starfish from wolves, Arachne and Rusben from my companion animals, and lastly from Hresbelg for sky whales.

However, this time is different.

It was my own solo stage, an ordeal that I had to face and overcome on my own.

‘Is this an opportunity to verify my skills… ….’

The corners of his mouth twitch in a good mood.

Twenty years of not knowing anything.

I, who had lived my life without knowing anything about fighting, got a pet and fought in constant trouble.

I got the ability by paying a price, and through this, I fought, trained, and overcame the divine beast, which was a symbol of fear.

It was only a year of experience, but I worked hard so that the year would not be meaningless.

To the extent that it would not yield even compared to the efforts of the Knight Commander Melvin.

And now I’m facing an enemy that I have to deal with with all my might.

I can’t help but be happy about this golden opportunity to know the results of my efforts.

The Knights Commander Melvin was certainly strong, but not to the point of pouring everything into him.

After all, my goal was Lesshef.

However, an enemy more significant than Lesshef is right in front of me, so I decided to do everything I can.


I close my eyes once and open them slowly.

My vision is slowly changing, and all things that do not work with common sense are conveyed through my skin.

Air, future, temperature, false world, line of time.

Now that the abilities of my precious pets are gathered in my body, I will never lose.

“Aww… ?”

“What are you doing? Come on quickly, tteokdae.”

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