170 – EP.32 Exciting board game -8

Ten minutes before lunch break ends.

I was able to return to the classroom like a break time.

However, I was not ready yet, so I was stomping my feet in front of the door.


This time, it’s like ignoring Miho’s favor and going somewhere else.

What face should I look at and what words should I start talking about her, who is engulfed in her jealousy and anger?

She couldn’t get a sense of anything, so her mind went blank in the desolate situation.

It might not be a bad choice to hold on until class starts.

If that happened, in the end, Miho’s favorability would be left at the lowest level.

I’d be an idiot if I squandered the opportunity Cor had reminded me of.

In the end, we have to raise Miho’s liking as much as possible for the remaining 10 minutes.

As the saying goes, “It is better to be beaten first,” I opened the classroom door wide.


What greeted me as soon as I opened the door was not Miho’s cold smile, but a cool breeze.

The wind blows through the window and blows the curtains around.

A scene often seen in classrooms. Among them, there was only one person who caught his eye, Miho, who was staring out the window in solitude.

“Ah… ….”

I thought they would be waiting for me with the same coercive attitude as before, but my expectations were spectacularly wrong.

Miho creates a mournful atmosphere like a lonely lunchbox on the desk.

She was sitting alone with a pitiful expression on her face.

Miho’s appearance made my heart pierce like a needle, and it made me deeply reflect on myself, who was only trying to avoid Miho’s jealousy.

After imagining that Miho would have been in that state throughout lunch, the guilt made me even more tormented.

‘I was really selfishly thinking of myself.’

When she left her classroom, she saw Miho with her own eyes as she was lonely, but was thinking of avoiding her.

You stupid bastard, if you could see his pathetic heart, he would probably be staring into the sky.

It may be a bit late, but I decided to stay by Miho’s side even now.

Apart from favorability, it must be something I should do as her partner.

“Miho… ….”

“Ah…. West, are you back?”


“Really? Then tell me in detail what kind of b*tch you had a delicious meal with…….”

Miho’s hand reached under my chin to prevent me from running away.

I quickly grabbed Miho’s hand and pulled it to the back of my waist.

“Ah… !”

Then, I put my lips on Miho’s lips as they were being pulled together and put them together.

Forced kiss. It was an ignorant act to be prepared to be slapped on the face if he did it to a woman he did not know.

But at least you won’t be slapped by Miho.

“Hmm… ♡”

In fact, Miho didn’t show any rejection reaction, but instead, she accepted her kiss meekly.

I showed a look of bewilderment, but more than that, a feeling of joy flowed into me.

After about a minute passed, I moved away from Miho, carefully parting her lips.

I saw Miho’s expression of regret at this, but for a moment, Miho dyed her face bright red and moved her lips.

As if the current situation was unbelievable.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to surprise you. I thought it would be better to show it through actions rather than just words.”

Expressing things with words is something I do often, so there won’t be much inspiration.

In other words, if I whisper to Miho that I love her, she may be happy right now, but later on, it will be remembered as a way to escape the situation.

As it piles up, someday the words I love you may arouse feelings of doubt rather than joy.

But the kiss she gave me now had a completely different meaning to her.

It was the first time I hit on in a relationship where Miho led one-sidedly from 10 to 9.

Kissing her directly, of her own will, within her.

For Miho, who always only attacks, my kiss will be no different from a fatal blow.

“Seo, Seo-Bang… ? Now, this is not a dream, is it?”

Suddenly, Miho’s tone returned to normal.

How flustered can you even overcome the game’s system?

“It is not a dream.”

“…… Then, did the West really kiss me directly?”

After hearing it, even I felt ashamed, so I just nodded my head without answering.

Then Miho covered her mouth with her hands and was ecstatic.

While making a water path at the end of both her eyes.

It was a bit bittersweet because it was a part where I was able to see how much I didn’t show affection until now.

‘Even if I’m afraid of Miho’s jealousy and infatuation, I still have to show affection like now.’

With that in mind, I wiped Miho’s tears from her eyes with my finger.

“Ah, Mr. Seo… ♡”

Miho is completely happy to be held in my arms.

Her fox ears and tail were missing, but I was reminded of her figure waving like a broomstick.

“Sorry, I didn’t pay much attention to you normally.”

“No. Even at this moment, I am very happy.”

As she gently brushed Miho’s back hair, she flinched and buried her face in my arms.

Did you want to convey the heightened joy to me as well?

The arms that were wrapped around my waist grew stronger and tightened.

“Wait! If you stimulate the stomach so strongly… !”



My hungry stomach clamored for food.

An embarrassing belly button clock sound to let others hear.

It’s better than the sound you get when you have an upset stomach, but the fact that you’re ashamed is the same.

Rather than that, with what face should I face Miho…….

As I was thinking about her, Miho moved away from me and handed me the lunch box that was on her desk.

“Are you in the market? It’s a little cold, but if you don’t mind, please have a lunch box I made for you.”

“Are you okay?”

“Sure! In the first place, I made this lunchbox because I wanted Seobo-nim to eat it.”

To let me know Even though I made an embarrassing sound, Miho took care of me with a faint smile.

Unable to refuse Miho’s favor, I opened the lid while receiving her lunchbox.

Contents consisting only of my favorite foods.

The composition of the side dishes is neat and the food is made in the shape of a heart.

It was literally a Korean table full of affection from Miho.

“Here are the spoon and chopsticks.”

“Thank you. Then I will eat well.”

“Please enjoy your meal.”

Place the side dishes one by one on top of the rice and serve them in a spoonful.

He lifted the spoon with the rice and side dishes mixed together and brought it to his mouth.

Before I felt sorry for the slightly cooled rice, the side dishes that ran amok in my mouth made my tongue happy.

Miho’s ceaseless effort and sincerity were felt in the dishes that tasted delicious even though some of the taste buds were not normal.

“How does it taste? Please let me know if there is anything missing.”

“No, it is absolutely delicious.”

“Is that so? Thank god!”

My heart is pounding.

While I feel grateful for Miho’s heart that always cares about me, I look back on my usual self.

As I felt at the student cafeteria, there are many cases where even dishes that are reputed to be delicious feel tasteless to me.

That’s probably because he’s lost half of his sense of taste.

However, Miho’s cooking was strangely delicious, and he usually ate it completely.

Even though Miho took care of me that much, I didn’t know it and always said, “I ate well.”

After realizing that, the guilt came over me again and I stopped using chopsticks.

“By the way, Mr. Seo, why have you been hungry all this time? Didn’t you eat at the restaurant?”

“Ah, that’s what…” ….”

I told Miho everything that happened in the student cafeteria.

Unexpectedly, the food at the restaurant didn’t suit my taste, the fact that I couldn’t eat properly because I was talking about you with Cor.

Miho was listening to these stories with a smile the whole time.

No one would hate the fact that he cares about himself so much.

However, as soon as she entered a story, Miho’s attitude and expression changed 180 degrees.

Since the gentle smile has turned into madness, all who see it are stunned.

“So, the reason Seo Bang-nim smelled of eggs right now… ….”

“Yes. That bully spilled egg soup on my head. Does it smell worse than that? Should I wash up in the bathroom?”

While I was sniffing at the sleeves of my clothes that smelled like eggs, Miho suddenly stood up from her seat.

Then she turned her steps straight out of the classroom.

“Seobang-nim, I’m sorry during the conversation, but I’ll go somewhere for a while.”

“Huh? But lunch break ends in three minutes?”

“Don’t worry. I’m thinking of finishing it before the end. So, Mr. Seo, please enjoy your meal here.”

“Now, what are you going to do for a moment… !”

Miho leaves at the same speed as light before I can reach him.

I couldn’t help but stare at her back.

“Heh heh, this is really….”

I’m afraid my snout sent a delicate life to Shinsoo’s side.

Since I unintentionally created and sent a killer, there is no turning back.

As I turned and looked out the window, I resumed chopsticks.

Clear skies without a single cloud, it was perfect weather to die.

And under that sky, I could see the garden I had been to in the morning.

‘In case of emergency, it might be more convenient to throw it as food for a brown bear… ….’

It was exactly one minute later that the fire alarm went off throughout the school.

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