175 – EP.33 Easter Egg -1

It took 30 minutes to calm down Miho, who had become the incarnation of jealousy.

I need to get rid of 5 mutants before the club activity time ends.

“So you two were here trying to figure out how to get rid of that mutant monster?”


“I remember that the distance between the two of them was very close for that, right?”

“It’s like an accident caused by a fall while trying to pull out a weapon against the mutants. Look, the things around you are scattered here and there.”


Miho was still staring at me and Alice alternately with suspicious eyes.

That figure was like a married woman who suspected adultery, she was herself.

‘But now that I think about it, isn’t Alice also one of my pets?’

It wasn’t even an affair.

It is an indescribable feeling to be able to accept divine beasts as wives all at once.

“Haa… ! Chairman, wake up soon. It’s a waste of time to cater to such an ugly fox any longer.”

“…… What did you say just now?”

“It’s about not interfering with our work with other club members.”

“It seems that only poop-like noises come out of the rabbit’s mouth, which is said to eat its own poop.”

“Did I say something wrong? In the first place, now is our time alone. So, you, the third person, stop being rude and go away.”

The atmosphere becomes bloody with two women staring at each other as if they were going to kill each other.

I thought the relationship between the two improved after the Christmas incident, but it wasn’t.

Miho still hated Alice, and Alice also hated Miho.

The relationship between these two people was only a temporary truce, and that truce has now come to an end.

Alice is angry at having their time alone interrupted, and Miho is jealous of the fact that she was alone with a rabbit.

Now, these two are trying to ignite the fuse of war with the oil of dissatisfaction.

And it is my role to quickly extinguish the fire on the fuse.

“Now, both of you, calm down. What should I do if I fight emotions even in the game?”

“By the way, did this bunny say something stupid to me?”

“The fox ruined our intimate time first… !”

A fox or a rabbit, he appealed to me saying that he felt unfair.

These two have a good fit in a strange corner.

Anyway, I scolded them in a scolding tone with a sour expression on my face.

“Everyone made their own mistakes. First of all, Miho, you know that I hate being with other women. But Alice is now my precious pet. Wouldn’t you be kind enough to let it go?”

“Even if other companions understand, I can’t accept that rabbit. That rabbit is the one who secretly seduced Mr. Seo from behind and tried to become a pet.”

“The same goes for Yata. Yata even forcibly entered into a petting contract.”

“Yes, but crows have their own useful edge. Considering the value of using it, it has become a bit acceptable.”

“Gachira…. Then I think Alice is also worth keeping by my side.”


“Because Alice always has my back. She pretends not to be herself, but every time I go out, she secretly follows me and protects me.”

“Sashimi, Chairman… !”

Perhaps she really thought she had never been caught by me, Alice dyed her pure white skin red.

If you say that the person in question already knew what was being hidden, it is an appropriate reaction.

Originally, I was going to keep it only in Alice’s mind so that she wouldn’t feel ashamed, but now that the situation has turned this way, there is no choice.

In order to convince Miho, I have to tell all of Alice’s strengths.

Even the facts that Alice herself was deliberately trying to hide.

“If it’s to protect the West, I can do it too. You don’t have to borrow the rabbit’s hand.”

“You can’t always protect me. The other day, I was away saying I was going to meet an acquaintance for a while.”

“In that case, leave it to Cor….”

“Cordo Cor has its own business to do. If you ask, I’ll have to do it, but I don’t want to waste Cor’s time because of me.”


She couldn’t hide her bewilderment when she spoke confidently while staring straight into Miho’s eyes.

She wouldn’t have accepted it if I had said it in an excused way, but now I’m sticking to her stance.

Miho knows me better than anyone else in the world. So Miho must be well aware that I am sincere.

“Please, Miho. I want you to accept Alice as my pet too.”

“…… I’m sorry, but I can’t.”


“In return, I will give you a chance. If her rabbit proves her worth as her crow, then I will try to improve her treatment of her a little. Would that be okay?”

“Yeah, that’s enough.”

It’s not a good idea to keep harassing Miho for recognition.

For giving Alice a chance, Miho backed down quite a bit.

My pride won’t allow me to accept it, and if you refuse, you’re ignoring my earnest request.

In that sense, Miho chose the best compromise and presented it.

I was satisfied with Miho’s choice in my own way, so now it’s time to calm Alice’s anger.

“Alice, I understand why you are upset. But please refrain from saying too harsh words.”

“But… ….”

Currently, I am facing Alice with my back to Miho.

In other words, my face was placed in a composition invisible to Miho.

So, without voicing, I spoke to Alice with only her mouth moving.

‘The kiss I couldn’t make earlier, I’ll do it again later when it’s just the two of us.’

After reading the shape of my lips, Alice bit her mouth tightly without further objection.

I can’t answer because Miho might find out. Instead, Alice has expressed her willingness to know by bowing her head.

Since you understand my will, I will continue the time of discipline.

If you think about it carefully, Alice didn’t do anything wrong in this case.

It was an event with Alice, but Miho was the one who suddenly intruded.

However, the problem was that during the argument that followed, Alice’s tone was aggressive.

“Because you and Miho are both precious people to me. I don’t want my precious person to be cursed at. How would you feel if I was criticized by others?”

“I’m going to rip out the jaws of those bastards who cursed at the chairman.”

“…… Are you that angry? Because I feel the same way. I hope you refrain from criticizing the same pet as much as possible.”


“Miho, the same goes for you. Apart from acknowledging Alice, I will not tolerate harsh words being spoken.”


“Okay. Then this fight is over! I won’t ask for reconciliation, so don’t try to fight.”

Reconciliation would be like pouring oil on a fire.

I’m sure you’ll see ugly fights where you pretend to shake hands and try to raise your grip to inflict pain on the other person.

It was a video even without seeing it.

“More than that, you said you would give Miho and Alice a chance, but how would you prove your worth to them?”

“Even if you don’t, I have something in mind.”

“What is it?”

“You just said that there are a lot of monsters called mutants inside the building, right? And he said that the mission of the West and the rabbit is to defeat the monsters and destroy the stronghold.”


“Then it’s simply a matter of seeing who can get rid of those monsters faster and more. Since you said you’re good at protecting, shouldn’t you be able to quickly rule out elements that threaten your safety? Is it too hard for a rabbit?”

“No, that’s what I wished for.”

Although the bet seemed to be settled as Alice accepted the match, there were several things to point out.

“…… Miho, you have absolutely nothing to do with this mutation.”

“Don’t worry about that. Isn’t it enough to leave the [Censorship] Club I belong to and join Seo Bang-nim’s club?”

“There’s no way this game would allow that easily…… “


[Leaving and joining the club is currently set to ‘free’, so it is possible.]

Why is this part so realistic?

Anyway, even though one problem has been solved, there is still a major problem ahead.

“But no. Alice has a weapon, but you don’t own one, and she’s never even handled a weapon properly. Too risky…….”


Miho crushes a nearby desk with one hand.

It was a desk made of iron as well as wood, but Miho cut it into pieces like Styrofoam.

“Excuse me, can you repeat what you just said?”

“No, I didn’t know what to say.”

In this place, Shinsoo’s unique abilities cannot be used, but her physical abilities seem to be the same.

Otherwise, how can humans scrape a table with their bare hands?

Thanks to this, the plan to forcibly avoid the bad ending by running away was quickly folded.

“Okay, okay. You guys, whether you’re changing clubs or watching each other, do as you please. Instead, just stop doing dangerous things.”


“I’ll keep that in mind.”

The two answered in a light tone enough to question whether they heard me correctly.

Usually, this would lead to a terrible accident…… I’m already anxious.

“Then Mr. Seo, can you count the count?”


“Because the event has been decided. We should start right away.”

“…… Okay.”

I haven’t even seen my weapon yet, but the female corps are already fighting.

But it seems like breaking the mood to say let’s start after seeing the weapon, so I start counting down without much help.

“5… 4… 3… 2… One….”

While counting, both the rabbit and the fox turned toward the door, ready to run at any moment.

I’m going to have to stop in front of the door to open it and go out anyway.


“”Sigh… !!””


The two of them get along with each other and break the closed door with a blow to the body.

Expectations that have gone awry. Not long after, two voices were heard from the end of the hallway.




It was my misunderstanding.

It was the voice of those who fell victim to two people, not two people.

‘Can I properly complete the quest… ….’

Perhaps the seeds of the mutants will dry up before I can do anything.

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