183 – EP.33 Easter Egg-9

Shards of iron and the remains of a destroyed wall are scattered on the floor.

Atop it, the four divine beasts were making faces of satisfaction.

“It’s almost all broken… !”

“Let’s try harder.”

“Not long.”

“Ugh, I want to break some more… ….”

They broke the maze they had made to escape and sat down.

The high-difficulty escape game turned into a wall-breaking game in an instant.

I don’t know who the creator of the maze is, but I offer my condolences.

‘More than that, it’s strange that they’re making a fuss like this and no sanctions are imposed.’

I just popped up a warning window asking me to stop destructive behavior. No action was taken.

There is no one other than Yata who would go over gracefully even after seeing such an act of foul play.

It’s normal to be punished for something, but there’s no sign of that yet, so I’m anxious.

My premonition today was not good, but I still wanted to believe it one more time.

“Hey guys? It looks like it’s broken, so why don’t you find an exit normally from now on?”

“Yes? Wouldn’t it be better to destroy everything that was broken… ?”

“Yes, but isn’t it strange that nothing happens when you destroy it so openly?”

“You don’t have to worry too much. It’s because I’m destroying it while being wary of the surroundings. There is no pretending to be present or traps.”

“But… ….”

“I will protect you in case of emergency, so you can rest assured.”

“Thank you for that, but… ….”

“Yuu, try it! It’s so much fun!”

“Ummm… ….”

In the end, I couldn’t argue anymore and left the divine beasts to play as they pleased.

After all, I already broke the walls of numerous mazes, but breaking more didn’t seem to change anything.

If you wanted to stop it in the first place, you had to make it stop in the first place.


Tia broke one more wall while jumping up and down excitedly.

The moment when a new road was created and I was about to go through it.


Suddenly, a siren sounded and the surroundings turned red.

At the same time, a large warning window appeared above our heads.

[Currently, the destruction rate of the maze is over 80%. Accordingly, the maze is discarded.]

[Please escape the maze within 5 minutes.]

My hunch that I finally succeeded in hitting the target. There was no time to rejoice.

Until now, there was no particular time limit. However, when we broke the wall excessively, we had a time limit really out of the blue.

You have been given the difficult task of escaping the maze in just 5 minutes.

‘But what will happen if I can’t escape within 5 minutes?’

I thought the maze was being disposed of, but I couldn’t figure out how to dispose of such a wide maze.

It’s so wide that it’s difficult to incinerate, and it must be difficult to break it down one by one.

What kind of method…….

“Yuu, look here! A huge red dot appeared here!”

“The red dot… ?”

A laser pointer that dyes Tia’s entire body red.

It made my anxiety skyrocket like crazy.

[Nuclear attack detected.]

It’s strange. Didn’t nuclear weapons disappear from history by divine beasts?

But I don’t understand why the nuclear attack was detected.

Bewildered, my head didn’t roll as quickly, but I quickly realized why.

‘This was a virtual world… !’

I forgot an important fact after living for a day.

Adaptation is such a scary thing.

“Break it! Hit them all up quickly!!”

Even though I knew that I would be resurrected even if I died, I didn’t want to die by being hit with nuclear weapons.

It was a world where the sense of pain fully functioned even in virtual reality, so I had no choice but to be in a hurry.

So I took out the sword I had only used once before and swung it at the wall.

As a human being, the act of trying to cut through an iron wall with a sword itself is ridiculous.

Unfortunately, however, the sword I was holding was a famous sword made of Fenrir’s teeth.

Although it was an imitation composed of data, its performance was equivalent to the real one.


Even though the power is not properly applied, it cuts through the iron wall in front of its black eyes like tofu.

Soon, the iron wall split into two pieces, revealing the space behind the wall.

“…… Is this secretly funny?”


I had been anxiously watching the divine beasts from behind, but it was quite fun after I did it.

As soon as she learned the true taste, Tia was happy that she had a friend, but I couldn’t just be happy.

The cause of the current situation was the destruction of our divine beasts.

“Miho, do you know which direction the exit is? Let’s get rid of all the walls blocking it and go!”

“I’m sorry. I had sensed the wind coming from the exit just a moment ago, but it suddenly disappeared and I couldn’t pinpoint the exact location.”

“What… ?!”

“Isn’t it possible that the composition of the maze was intentionally changed at the last minute?”

“Ugh! You fell victim to Yata’s cunning.”

Yata didn’t know what we were going to do.

I knew it, but I deliberately did nothing and just stood by.

Then it must have been digging a trap to properly feed us in the end.

And we fell right into that trap.

“Wouldn’t it be fine to destroy all the walls… ?”

“It’s impossible. It’s been an hour since we entered the maze, and we’re 80 percent broken, right? It says it takes 15 minutes to destroy the remaining 20%, but we only have 5 minutes.”

“Wouldn’t it be better to speed things up a bit?”

“If you know exactly the direction of the exit, it will be possible by the margin. However, 5 minutes is too short when you don’t know the direction of the exit.”

“So what?”


I tried to find a way to break down the wall, but I couldn’t come up with a suitable way as time is running out.

If at least I had been able to use the abilities of the gods, I would have been able to come up with a countermeasure.

However, with everyone unable to use their abilities, the situation was truly the worst.

‘A good way… the way… Ah!’

In this situation, I thought of the best thing I could do.

And the way I have to risk everything.



“If we live to return to reality, let’s have a good time together tonight.”

“Ah… ! West ♡”

At my words, Miho was ecstatic and her face blushed.

On the other hand, the other divine beasts suddenly tilted their heads, not knowing why I was saying this.

“Chairman? Do you know that those words are death flag remarks?”

“Yeah, I know. That’s what I said.”

“Uh, why… ?”

Instead of answering, I took out the recorder from my pocket and showed it.

Alice finally realized my meaning and looked at me with her eyes wide open.

Yes. The death flags are correct, but not everyone’s death flags.

It’s a death flag that only kills me.

“It’s okay, if I sacrifice myself, it will end.”


“Sorry. Because time is running out Please stay away from me now.”

“Yeah, but… !”

“Come on… ! You can’t make the shiplord’s sacrifice meaningless… !”

“President… ! President… !”

Cor, who keeps Tia and Alice far away from me, befitting her quick-witted woman.

I looked at Miho as I thanked him with a light nod toward Cor.

Only Miho was around me, and Miho also realized why I said this.

“You might regret it?”

“I have no regrets. If everyone returns alive, that’s enough.”

I have already prepared for the sacrifice.

So, without hesitation, I bite the recorder and exhale.

“hahahaha! Ha ha ha… !”

Miho, who was in estrus, was the strongest.



A dark space.

The sound calling me from inside flows into my ears.

“My dear, wake up.”

“Ummm… ?”

“Mr. Sleepyhead, if you don’t come to your senses quickly, I will eat you instead of the fox?”

At that word, my spirit returned to my senses and my body jumped up.

“Did you sleep well?”

A black-haired woman smiling at me and waving her palms.

The space that was thought to be dark turned out to be illuminated by a faint scarlet light.

“Hey, Yata?”

“Right. It is the crow that Nanggun has been looking for so long.”

“Where are you?”

“Somewhere, the deepest part of the laboratory.”

Just before Miho broke all the walls in heat and escaped from the maze, the time was just about to run out.

I was swept away by the explosion and passed out, but it seems that I was lucky enough to find my body inside the air-raid shelter outside the maze.

“What about the others?”

“If you’re talking about Nanggun’s pet, it’s back to reality. Because I cleared the game.”

“You cleared it? Didn’t it end when you saw the ending with me?”

“Ahahahaha! I’m sorry for deceiving you, but there was no ending like that from the beginning. The present moment, where I and Nanggun are facing each other, is the purpose and ending of this game.”

Yata smiles cheerfully and apologizes.

The light atmosphere was still there, but it didn’t feel like lying.

“Did you need a place to talk just the two of you? Then there is no need to make it into a game, right?”

“No, I had to play this game to convince my husband.”

“Persuasion? What?”

“That’s right, that’s what Nanggun wants to ask me from now on.”

Yata poked his finger around my heart and accurately pinpointed my feelings.

Ever since I experienced last night’s dream, I’ve been frustrated all the time. I came to Yata to relieve the stuffiness.

And Yata knew this from the beginning.

“I will tell you directly. Please don’t try to find out, and throw away the beads you’re carrying right away.”

“…… Why?”

“Because the moment you know all the facts, it will be painful.”

“Is this a situation that will adversely affect everyone?”

“That’s not it.”

“Then you don’t have to persuade me so seriously.”

As if that wasn’t the case, Yata shook his head vigorously and looked straight at me.

A serious expression with no playfulness at all, a Yata when expressing his sincerity.

“It shouldn’t be halfway. As long as he doesn’t give up, he will suffer unconditionally.”

“…… Then it’s impossible Still, as long as it doesn’t have any adverse effects on other pets, I’m fine with that.”

“Please don’t look at it only from the perspective of the nanggun. No one wants to see someone dear to them suffer! It’s the same for our priests!”

“My thoughts were short, sorry.”

“…… Are you okay. More than that, didn’t you spend a happy time with our pets through this game? I thought we would have enjoyed each other without lacking, but aren’t you my husband?”

“It was fun.”

“Then throw away that marble. And don’t ask me about forgotten facts! Aren’t we happy when we’re alone? Is that enough?”

“Yata… ….”

For the first time in my life, I saw Yata’s sad face.

She begged even as she, who had never been desperate, moistened her eyes.

Seeing the crow like that, she was shouting hundreds of times in her head that she would give up.

However, the stuffy mind made me unable to open my mouth easily.

Seeing me like this, Yata reluctantly opened her mouth on her side first.

“Actually, it’s hard for me to tell you.”


“Even if I know the future, it is a story that even I have no way to know the past that someone intentionally erased.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“…… In the world of divine beasts, there is a divine beast with the ability to erase existence itself. To be precise, it is an ability that isolates it into a separate dimension, but those who are affected by that ability are forgotten in the world. Not only the past, but all the traces left by existence disappear in an instant.”

“Disappear… ? If so, please!”

“Right. The existence that made Nanggun frustrated because he couldn’t remember it was erased by Shinsoo. That’s why I don’t know about the erased existence either.”

“Then what is this marble?”

“I don’t know. Just by ingesting the marble, I saw a future where I knew all the facts and suffered like crazy.”


“The distressed nanggun began to weep constantly and have excruciating heartaches. We were worried about her, but as the days went by, the disease that settled in her heart was not getting better.”

In the end, in order to heal my mental illness, I ended up fighting a divine beast that erased existence, and the future after that became invisible, Yata said.

You cannot see the future of beings isolated in another dimension.

Because of that, even Yata didn’t know whether I would have returned alive after challenging the Shinsoo, or whether I would have died in another dimension.

“But if you close your eyes just this time, it will be over. Then you can reach a happy future without having to fight! This is why I became so desperate.”

“That’s it.”

Yata likes to gamble, but hates an uncertain future.

General gambling is like an uncertain future. However, there was no uncertain gamble for the crow who could see the future.

However, this time was an unusual event, and it was an uncertain gamble for Yata.

It was impossible to know whether the end of her future would be the happy ending she wanted or the bad ending.

The reason why I prepared this game was to persuade me not to choose an uncertain future.

“I’m sorry for being a selfish woman. But I…….”

“It’s okay. Aren’t you saying everything because you’re worried about me?”

“…… Huh.”

I smiled at her as I wiped her Yata’s water from her eyes with her hand.

It was quite refreshing to see her, who used to always play pranks on me, worrying about me so much and acting childishly.

It just means that you shouldn’t take this incident lightly.

Maybe it will be a more difficult road than the days of Rasvir Kingdom.

At that time, it was a hopeless story that a kingdom experienced, not me, and I, who lived in it, suffered hardships.

However, this time the story came from me, not from the kingdom, so it was clear that the pain I would suffer would be the worst ever.

My body trembles just imagining it. So it might be better to follow Yata’s advice.

“I’m sorry, Yata. Still, I don’t think I can go over without knowing the truth.”

“…… Why?”

“That’s right, a future in which there may be certain happiness despite uncertainty is better than a future in which there is no certain happiness.”

“…… You know everything.”


Anyway, no one knows more about myself than I do.

There is no such thing as ‘me’ living happily while ignoring the lost past.

Perhaps there is a ‘me’ who constantly regrets the past without knowing the truth and plays happiness.

Is that certain happiness? Will I be able to make other Shinsoo happy even though I am not even happy?

At least I don’t think so. That’s why I couldn’t pretend I didn’t see it.

Even if it’s a dangerous thorny path that could lead to death, I’m willing to walk on it to do the best for my pets.

“Then come out here and promise me one thing.”

“What do you want?”

“No matter what happens, do your best to make me happy. I won’t let you go unless you promise me.”


Even if Yata didn’t ask for it, that was my intention from the start.

She held out her hand to her, holding only her little finger and her thumb pinned.

Because it’s more trustworthy to promise with your little finger than to make a promise with words.

But when Yata saw her sticking out little finger, she started to laugh out loud.



The moment I tried to take back my pinky finger, which I had pushed in as if it were childish.

Yata, who was only laughing, jumped at me and hugged me. Then he brought her face closer and kissed her lips.

Her body temperature reached even hotter than her fingers.

I came to the subconscious realization that this is Yata’s way of making her promise.

“I made a promise, so I have to keep it?”

As soon as he finished speaking, Yata kissed him even deeper. At the same time, cracks began to appear in the space we were in.

I realized that the long game is finally coming to an end.

It’s time to come back to reality, it’s time to face the forgotten reality.


“Seobang-nim, I think it will be difficult to endure until night. So let’s go straight to the bedroom♡”

“Ugh… ?”

I came to face the reality that I had forgotten for a while.

“I will not accept objections. Don’t even think about getting me excited about it!”

“Wait a minute! I’m still ready… !”

“There is no need to prepare your mind. It’s over when Seobang-nim’s body is ready♡”

Miho’s hand came out of nowhere from behind, grabbed me by the nape of my neck, and dragged me into the bedroom.

From noble mtl dot com

Like a butcher leading livestock to the slaughterhouse.

And on this night, Miho in heat made me howl all night like a cattle.

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