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Highly recommended: Another part of the Little Dragon, Feilu V. I。 P work: “Fantasy Warring States Science and Technology Arms Emperor”, hot and refreshing, crushed all the way, never abuse the lord, peerless beauty, all receive! Peerless fierce general, all collected! Those who disagree, kill them all! Compete for world domination, passion, everything is wonderful, all in: “Fantasy Warring States Science and Technology Arms Emperor”!

。。。。。。 、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、

“Hundreds of sisters?”

Mu Yi, secretly spoken.

However, we are cultivators, dragon essence tiger fierce!

Hundreds, just hundreds!

One word: dry!

Bottom line: do it and you’re done!

“Husband, how do you look? If, if possible. Let’s have a wedding now! ”

“People, it’s already impatient!”

“I want to spend the night with my husband!”

The king of the daughter’s country said impatiently.

Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, Sha Monk, they are all dumbfounded!

“Master, you are awesome!”

“One night, just run a queen!”

Zhu Bajie, sighed.

“Hey, hey, where, where!”

“It’s just, just do it casually!”

Mu Yi, laughed.

After that, Mu Yi said to the queen of his daughter’s country: “Go and prepare for the wedding!” ”

“Those sisters of yours, female entourage, must choose good-looking ones! 907 is gentle and lovely! Crooked dates, I don’t want them! ”

The queen of the daughter’s country was very happy to get Mu Yi’s promise.

The queen was so happy that she nodded repeatedly.

The queen is also very powerful in the country of her daughter.

Loved by the people!

As soon as the queen said that she was getting married, soon the whole country took action.

It’s just one day.

In the palace, a luxurious wedding scene was set up.

Many citizens of the daughter’s country come to join in the fun!

People, all come and look at the queen!

Many ministers of the daughter country are also here!

The scene is lively!

Mu Yi wore joyful red clothes and strode over.

According to custom, the queen of the daughter country is in the palanquin.

Inside the palanquin, a group of female warriors carried over.

Sun Wukong, hehe smiled: “Master, it’s time for you to play!” ”


Mu Yi strode over and lifted the curtain of the sedan car.

Inside, the queen is sitting with a red hood.


Mu Yi, laughed, and directly hugged the queen.

On the avenue leading to the dormitory, flowers have been paved!

On both sides of the road, there are daughters in the country, beautiful as flower girls

The Queen is also very committed to her promises.

This time, the queen’s dowry is very rich!

Not only the female warriors, but also the gold and silver jewelry of the car.

Also, some of the queen’s good sisters, female entourage who have played since childhood.

They are also beautiful, white and beautiful, tall!

After Mu Yi took the queen, these hundreds of beautiful girls followed behind.

They are all the dowry products of the queen, according to ancient customs, in the future, they are all Mu Yi’s “private products”.

“Bless Lord Queen!”

“Blessing – Lord Tang Monk!”

“Blessings, Happy Queen’s wedding!”

The citizens of the daughter’s country on both sides of the road shouted their blessings and shouted from the bottom of their hearts.

The entire daughter country was immersed in joy.


Zhu Bajie, looked at it, and also smiled: “Senior brother, look, let’s go, the master is really powerful!” ”

Easily, get a queen! “

Zhu Bajie, praised.

Sun Wukong, scratched his head, laughed: “That’s nature!” Master, definitely better than us! ”

The sand monk is an honest man.

The sand monk muttered, “But, our master, on weekdays, eats fasting and praying Buddha!” So many women, today on the evening, to spend a candle night in the cave room! Can our master eat well? ”

“The ancients died on the belly of a woman, too much!”

“I’m afraid, the master’s energy is not strong enough!” (ccch)

The sand monk said worriedly.

One stone stirs up a thousand waves!

Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie, they also nodded one after another!

Feeling, something is wrong with this!

After all, this is like a flower, hundreds of girls!

This cave spends a candlelight night!

How does a master, an ordinary monk, lose weight?

Sun Wukong, flew over.

Sun Wukong, stopped Mu Yi, and quickly shouted: “Master, master!” Don’t do that, so many people! Do you want to, I’ll lend you my wishful golden hoop rod! “

“Master, my Ruyi Golden Hoop Rod is very good, very powerful!”

Sun Wukong said with a smile.

Mu Yi scolded: “Mess with things!” ”

“Don’t believe it yet, your master?”

“Your master and I, powerful!”

Mu Yi, with a wave of his hand, swept away Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong, there is no way, can only go, but intimately reminded: “Master, everything must ensure the body!” ”

“Xiao Yiqing, the tree is in ashes!”

“Master, you must ensure a good body in everything!”

Sun Wukong, solemnly reminded.

“Alright, alright! ~”

“Goku, you don’t want your mother-in-law’s! For the division, there is a sense of proportion! ”

, Mu Yi, waved his hand, and scolded with a smile.


At night, the cave house is full of candles!

Mu Yi has already cultivated the Northern Underworld Divine Skill to the peak!

Mu Yi, with a little flexibility, separated this from this “Northern Hades Divine Skill”: [Yin and Yang – Complementary Dafa! 】

There is [Yin and Yang – Complementary Dafa]!

Mu Yi is more powerful than eating the Dragon and Tiger Great Supplement Pill!

The more courageous the war!

Collect the yin qi of heaven and earth, blend water and milk, and complement each other!

Mu Yi’s face became more and more rosy, and his spirit became more and more vigorous!


The next morning!

Mu Yi, refreshed, walked out of the dormitory!

Right at this time!

Suddenly, the system’s prompt sound came as promised:


“Congratulations to the host, completed the side quest one: marry the king of the daughter’s country! A mystery gift has been placed in the host’s storage box! ”

“Later, please host and see for yourself!”

The mystery gift has arrived!

‘。。 、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、。

Voice over: [The protagonist “Mu Yi”, bowed to the readers, bowed and thanked him: “Announce a Q skirt number: [six, four, 3, one, seven, zero, six, zero, 2], welcome readers, come and chat about the water group. Make suggestions and so on. “】o(∩_)o_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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