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“The treasure of the Heavenly Court?”

Mu Yi was also very interested.

The treasure of the Heavenly Court is very tempting to hear, and you can imagine that there are many good things in it!

“Show me!”

Mu Yi said with a smile.

The Heavenly Court has stood for endless years.

The Jade Emperor is not a good emperor, this guy can be described as a capable person who scavenges the people’s fat and people’s ointment!

In some places in the mortal world, if you don’t pay him something good on time, this Jade Emperor will order his wind, rain, thunder and lightning gods,

So that they will not be in that place, rain, provoke a great drought

As a result, the common people in many areas have no harvest! The crops are miserable!

These are all counted, the Jade Emperor, this scoundrel guy, get it!

Internally, the Jade Emperor also ruthlessly exploited the immortals in the Heavenly Court.

Give good things to the Jade Emperor, pay tribute to the Jade Emperor, give the Jade Emperor good things, the Jade Emperor, give the immortals a high official position!

If, if not, if you don’t please the Jade Emperor, you will be sent at will, and you won’t get any reuse at all!

In addition, the Jade Emperor has accumulated wealth and fruitful things that ordinary people imagine!

These 907 Jade Emperors can be described as terribly bad!

In the Westward Journey World, it is a hidden big cancer!

Mu Yi, since he came shuttling and incarnated as – “Tang Monk”, he had the obligation to accept all the treasures of the Jade Emperor!

The Jade Emperor, seeing that he could delay time, nodded repeatedly, like a pug.

“Good drop, good drop!”

“Since, the mage is interested in my Heavenly Court treasure!”

“I’ll take Master Mage to take a look!”

Saying that, the Jade Emperor, nodded and ran to the front to lead the way!

Mu Yi waved his hand: “Apprentices, let’s keep up!” “

Jade Emperor, lead the way ahead!


The Heavenly Court is huge!

The Jade Emperor, in order to hide his treasures, also had ulterior motives and put a lot of thought into it!

The Jade Emperor specially placed his things in a very hidden place for treasures

At the back of the Heavenly Court Hall, there was a dormitory, built specifically for the Jade Emperor to rest himself.

Next to the dormitory, there is also a secret garden.

This (ccch) secret garden, there are many tricks around it, ordinary people, can not see through, can not enter!

The only way to enter was to cut the Jade Emperor’s finger and drip a little blood

With the power of your own blood, open: the secret garden.

Mu Yi, naturally, would not be polite to the Jade Emperor, and directly ordered Sun Wukong to cut the Jade Emperor’s finger!

Blood drips in!

Twinkle of light!

This secret garden is beginning to open!

A bluestone path, stretching while

Walk through this bluestone path, and you can resist where the treasure house is!

In the treasury, hides: all the treasures of heaven!

The wealth of the Heavenly Court is all here!


“Mage, at the end of the garden in front, there is a cave! The gate of the cave was sealed. Need, special spell, to open! ”

“Open it with a special spell and the door will open automatically! Mage, don’t, forcibly open it! Otherwise, it will cause the treasure house to trigger the automatic destruction system! ”

The Jade Emperor, reminded.

“What’s the spell?”

Mu Yi, asked.

“Master Qiyu, the mantra is: Sesame open the door, sesame open the door, sesame open the door, sesame, open the door!”

The Jade Emperor did not hide anything.

Mainly, he wanted to leave Mu Yi in the treasure house, delay time, and wait for Buddha Rulai’s rescue.

Moreover, the treasures in the treasure house of the Heavenly Court, there are many things in it!

The Jade Emperor also expected it, so he relied on: Tang monks and them, a few people, they will definitely not be able to take it!

Nowadays, in the Heavenly Court, some existing space magic weapons have not had such a large space!


“It turns out that the mantra is: sesame open the door, sesame open the door, sesame open the door, sesame sesame sesame, open the door! This is not bad! ”

Mu Yi, laughed.

“That’s easy!”

Soon, Mu Yi and the others walked to the end of the secret garden.

At the end, I saw the one that the Jade Emperor said – the cave!

“Sesame open the door, sesame open the door, sesame open the door, sesame sesame sesame, open the door!”

“Sesame open the door, sesame open the door, sesame open the door, sesame sesame sesame, open the door!”

“Sesame open the door, sesame open the door, sesame open the door, sesame sesame sesame, open the door!”


Mu Yi, chanted the mantra three times in a row!



The door to this cave has been opened!

The treasure house of the Heavenly Court begins to open!

Belonging, the Jade Emperor’s private treasure is about to fall into the hands of Mu Yi!

“Bajie, Goku, rush!”

“Go get it!”

Mu Yi, wave your hand!

In this cave, it really is: golden and brilliant!


It’s full of babes!

Zhu Bajie and Sha Monk can be regarded as high-ranking officials in the Heavenly Court!

For, these high-end treasures in the heavenly court

Zhu Bajie and Sha Monk are all like a few family treasures

Master, you see, this is high-grade immortal gold, which can create high-level immortal armor! “

“Master, the contents of this box are not good, they are all high-grade immortal silver, which can be created: high-grade silver armor, the defense power is amazing!”

Zhu Bajie, opened many large boxes in the treasure house!

Most of these large boxes, contained, are fairy gold and fairy silver!

These things are all the immortals in the heavenly court, the universal currency!

“Wow, Master, this is not bad! It’s the ultimate spirit stone! ”

“Spirit stones, which contain powerful spiritual energy, can help immortals cultivate quickly!”

The sand monk, from a corner of the treasure house, found a large number of spirit stones!

The Jade Emperor has a very high status, and the spirit stones collected are naturally not ordinary spirit stones!

These spirit stones are all superb spirit stones!

1 ultimate spirit stone, equal to 100 upper grade spirit stones, equal to 10,000 middle grade spirit stones = one million lower grade spirit stones!

And the superb spirit stones in the treasure house are piled up like a mountain, and the financial power is amazing!


Voiceover, [announce a Q skirt: [six, four, 3, one, seven, zero, six, zero, 2], welcome readers, come and chat about the water group. Make suggestions and so on. 】】_

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