“Yes, squad leader, as you wish! I’ll go! The students in the class will be amazed by your beauty. Mary patted her chest in response.

Being able to run errands for class leaders is the joy of class leaders like Mary.

Soon, the classmates were summoned.

The female class leader said majestically: “Today is the last gathering of our school’s graduating class. Even if it is a separate banquet, our teacher will also come over. You all cheer up, behave decently, and behave decently. Also, I’m reminding you! Since this party is special, all the classes in the graduating class of our Compulsory Education College are held together! ”

“People from other classes, right next to us! Everyone, this time it represents: the honor of our ninth (fifth) class! ”

“Who’s going to screw up! Hugh blames me, the squad leader, for not giving face! The female squad leader said imposingly.

The female class leader in Su Xiaowei’s class is named: Zhao Lengleng.

As her name suggests, she treats female classmates with lower status than herself and average family conditions, all of them are coldly reprimanded, love to make small reports, and are ruthless. It can be said that people are a piece of ice!

However, when treating teachers, as well as treating some wealthy classmates and social people in society, this Zhao is cold and more enthusiastic than anyone! Simply, don’t be too!

Typical image of a scumbag.

However, because he is good at working and scheming, he is loved by the teacher. This Zhao Leng has been a squad leader for nine years! Sort of, a popular figure in the class.

In the nine-year compulsory education school, she can also be regarded as a well-known female class.


This time, Zhao coldly came over in a BMW 5 series sedan to highlight his different status.

At this time, Mary counted the people in the class and said coldly to Zhao: “Report to the class leader!” Now, most of the people in our class have all counted. Now, though, one person is missing! ”

Mary exclaimed.

Zhao was cold, his eyebrows were raised, and he looked very embarrassed.

“Who is it! I’m not making three orders! Are classmates not allowed to be late? Could it be, I, the squad leader, don’t talk anymore! Zhao shouted coldly and angrily.

“Yes: Su Xiaowei! This girl, who has not come so far, obviously did not put the squad leader in your eyes! ”

“Squad leader, do you want to deal with this girl well!” Mary, said grimly.

“Abominable! Be sure to punish her well! ”

Zhao coldly ordered.

Now, though, the vicinity of this castle hotel is so lively!

It was crowded and numerous.

A black Chevrolet sedan drove over.

Out of the car, a middle-aged woman with glasses came out of the teacher.

This is the head teacher of the ninth (fifth) class.

Also, Zhao Leng has been the object of stammering and fawning.

“Head teacher, good!”

Zhao ran over coldly and enthusiastically.

“Hmm! This year’s graduating class reunion, hard work for you! ”

“Leng Leng, you are the most outstanding squad leader I have trained!”

The woman’s head teacher said with a smile and a kind face.

In particular, when the woman’s class teacher, looking, Zhao was cold, deliberately hung around her neck – BMW car keys, it was even brighter.

The woman’s head teacher said enviously: “Cold! You young people are really getting better and better. At a young age, he was already driving a BMW! Teacher and I, I am a lot of age, but I drive an ordinary family car of a hundred thousand – Chevrolet! “

“Teacher, I heard that you can be promoted this year. The deputy director of the Academic Affairs Office in the school seems that the teacher has already been nominated! ”

“Teacher, it can be said that the potential is great in the future!” Zhao was cold, did not dare to be arrogant, and said modestly.

“Huh!” The woman’s head teacher smiled and was noncommittal.

She has been a class teacher for so many years, and she receives red envelopes almost every year, which can be described as very black! Moreover, it will change the method and charge some make-up fees!

Her salary on the surface is not high, but the gray income is not less.

Once she gets her wish and becomes the deputy director of the academic affairs office in the compulsory education school, God knows how much money she will be greedy for.

On weekdays, in order to play her eyes and ears, she just deliberately drives an ordinary family car!

“Teacher, the private room in the hotel has been booked. Hurry up and take your seat, reception and other affairs, I will arrange it! Zhao coldly waved his hand and beckoned Mary.

Mary humbly took the head teacher to the private room.

After waiting for the class teacher of the ninth (fifth) class to go to the box, Yin Subai, the class leader of the ninth (sixth) class, who had always had a grudge with Zhao Leng and cold, dressed in a princess long dress, took several classmates, and walked towards Zhao Leng coldly.

“Zhao Leng, you are really swaggering!”

“A stinking slut! Drive a BMW, don’t drive a BMW! Also put the key, around the neck, do you want to be in the limelight? Yin Subai, facing Zhao coldly, said sarcastically.

Zhao was cold and cold, and his neck was raised: “Hmph!” How to drop? Envy, envy, hate! Yin Subai, you, the squad leader, are also in vain! ”

Yin Subai shook his head and took out a Mercedes-Benz key: “This is the key to the Mercedes-Benz E-Class flagship sedan, I’m not bad at you!” ”

“So, put away you, haughty attitude!” Yin Subai said coldly.

“But I heard about you, you are on nine (five), and up to now, there is another classmate who has not come!” This is the last reunion of the graduating class! The classmates in your class really don’t give you the face of this class leader! ”


Yin Subai scoffed.

Zhao was cold, and his eyes were cold: “Hmph, the affairs of my own class do not allow you to interfere!” I will teach my men a good lesson! ”

“You don’t need to worry about this!”

Just when Zhao was cold, the words just fell!


A roar of engines that bombed the street came!



The sound of bombing the street echoed around.

Cool, crazy dragging, incomparably pulling supercars, driving at great speed!

Boom, very awesome!

Zhao Leng and Yin Subai, these girls, were all incomparably surprised!

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