I Became the Demon Lord and my Territory is an Uninhabited Island

Episode 09: The New Year's Day at New Year's Holiday

New Year's ... Japan has a name called Shiwashi, but I remember that I was busy in my previous life.

I just don't know where the world is, but the village was not busy or noisy.

The snow is piled up, and work outdoors can only be done by lowering the snow on the roof of the barn, and there is no particular job that can be done indoors. Repair homes and stables before snow falls, or create preserved foods. Make salted dried meat before the harvest festival.

The barley-like items that are made are brought in by tax, but the amount brought is small, and everyone lives without starving. Even if hungry people appear, it is a tacit agreement that they help each other because they are small villages. Because everyone in the village is kind, it's kind to the flowers.

The school is closed when it snows, and when the snow stops, the teacher in the village plaza announces that "it's school from tomorrow."

I tried to kill time in winter and make an internal job to earn extra money.

Buy vivid pieces and make deformed stuffed toys, rolled roses and knitted mats for bears and rabbits.

I remember this because my mother was a hobby.

Yeah, I was a little tearful when I remembered, I didn't think after my death. I guess my family was annoying. What would you explain to your neighbors if the cause of death was choking because of mochi? Sorry, dad, mother, sister.

Bring dead trees from the forest and carve them with a knife.

Yes, it's targeting a black bear, which may be common in a wooden grandpa's house. I could create an image, but I didn't have the technology to shape it, so it just turned into wood chips.

A sculptor who is fabulous with art-sized people.

I buy broken glass at a cheap price and make accessories.

Since glass manufacturing technology is not well established, the images seen on the TV of the previous life were somehow dug out from memory and made into dragonfly balls.

Kore was melted appropriately with fire magic and wound around a rod-shaped ore. At first, it was difficult to cool slowly, but hot sand was used as a substitute for a cooling agent in a pot that was picked up.

By the way, money is a thing that has been saved by selling unedible parts of prey caught by hunting to butchers and barbers.

I bought a used knife and it was a bit rusty, but I picked up a fine clay stone from Kawahara and polished it.

I made a knife from magically made obsidian and noticed that it disappeared in about an hour. It's a magical thing that disappears when its magical power runs out. Magical gold, silver and jewelry can't be sold. It's a shame.

I have tried and errored various things since that hunt, but I can hardly imagine what I can do, what I used as a matter of course depending on modern society is a tremendous amount of technology ...

Well, I do a lot of magic based on that, but it's different when it comes to making things.

Well, I spent a month slowly after snow began to fall like this.

Livestock has plenty of food and seems to have it until early spring when the vegetation grows, so don't worry.

I used to live with my family until last year, but it seems different from this year because I grew up to drink.

`` Calm, today is a meeting place from the night, it is a festival to drink all night because it is a New Year's festival, I can be late but I will definitely come '' and I think that I will spend my time relaxing every year But I just thought.

Until last year, I spent a relaxing time at home, eating a bit of a luxurious meal and spending the same year in the year. This year, I'm forced to join ...

My head hurts when I consider the harvest festival. Rather, there are many anxiety factors that I want to say that my headache hurts.

"Calm! Over here!"

Wurst's voice reverberating in the tavern, and looking closely, there are almost all the boys in the class. It is rather completed. Girls are also drinking hard.

"Oh, you guys, aren't you all this side until last year?"

"It seems that couples who have been brought up by their father from a very early age, or have married couples or who are not married, are coming?"

Okay okay, somehow, I got the possibility of being made for the New Year's Festival.

I thought it somehow, but replied, "Oh ..."

Then, Speck brought me the beer, and the signal of toast resonated.

Gogogogogogogogo! "Ah ~ bitter!"

This time it's bitter, I can't drink it! If you can drink for free, you will drink more and more!

"Hey Calm ... how about hunting?"

It seems like Shinken with eyes sitting is involved, and when drunk it is involved. It's usually easy to get along with, but once you drink it, it becomes useless.

Who is Gap Moe? However, if a man drinks and it becomes a gap moe, it is good if he does not say "I am a good person if I do not drink alcohol." Well, it's okay because those two kids. Violence is useless?

"Oh, I'm getting used to it and getting caught. Thank you very much."

"Sorka, ok, ok, let's go into the forest together."

I will drink while answering appropriately. You can't be drunk on the face.

"There is no alcohol in the Calm Cup! Bring it!"

Speck is still ... Is that drunk?

When I brought alcohol, I laughed and laughed, saying "Hahaha-ha" while turning around on one leg without spilling dexterously.

Looking from the front, "Is it too drunk?" The tension is higher than usual, but I cleared it with "Well, it's Speck."

In addition, my classmates are showing one side that I do not usually show ... I'm afraid of drinking.

The scary thing is lily of the valley, remembering and looking at the girls' group, she is quiet and eating meat as usual. I haven't runaway yet.

Don! When he turned his glance without hearing a whine, he saw the slightly stylish meal falling, rolling up the skirt fully, and squirting when underwear was visible. I fixed it in a hurry, but it seemed like I was watching a few people, and I was blown away, and I was staring at the lily of the valley chewing the meat, isn't it unreasonable?

In addition, Ghoul's Gardenia was embarrassed while being said to be "cold and Kimochi" and was troubled by her chest and massage. Cyclops Granade disappeared outdoors on a snowy night while saying "hot!", And everyone was drinking as expected.

Lily of the valley seems to keep you from getting drunk too much because of the last time, but like me I was entangled, drunk, decided to get a drunk combo as a classmate, glanced with a red face and grinning Cheek the meat.

The possibility of getting involved with drunken momentum emerged, but rather changed the strategy there?

I increased my drinking pace and started to eat salty dried meat and forcibly get drunk ...

I learned [Skill / Poison Resistance: 2]

Oops! Now! Now! Is sake a kind of poison? ? Is it God's will that keeps you from getting drunk! ? Meet that Frank God! Return the effort you have been drinking until now!

The cloud has become suspicious since the date changed ...

"Wow ... I think you're a junior junjuhyon!"

Mr. Wurst, let's stop drinking now, I'm not turning around, my brain is terrible.

"That's right! Drink more!"

Shinken, don't cross your shoulders in front of the drunk girl. I think girls don't feel like that because girls are looking at me here and I'm normal.


Speck, don't squeeze your head on your knees. Do you mean stroking? You look like a dog.

"I'm drinking, I'm drinking! You're drinking!"

"But I'm not drunk"

Don't get involved too!

"That 'right"

Do not piggyback Gardenia!

It can't be helped, because it just became resistant to poison 2 and at the age of 30 I was drunk drunk with sake, so I understand the direction of drinking ...

Dare Katasukete!

Then the lily of the valley came in front of me and grabbed the chest, and the surroundings became quiet.

It was the same at the harvest festival, right? This is definitely coming?

When he thinks, he starts drinking alcohol, stops drinking halfway through the mouth, and brings his mouth closer.

"Please ... calm down, lily of the valley ..."

Yes ... the worst pattern than last time.

It's impossible, I can't escape, this child is stronger than me!

"Ike Suzuran"

"What if you decide?"

Gardenia Mir, turn your hand around your neck and do not hold your head. There are four happy things on your head from the left and right.

You can hear the hatred glare of the boys and the voice of "Poooo", and the girls hear the yellow voice of "Kay".

I'll show you the color of the resistor with "Noooo".

I guess ... It's like an aunt on a show that doesn't laugh at the end of the year, or a deluxe person. Until I swallow it, I don't seem to be releasing my mouth, so I swallow it.

Are you satisfied? Lily of the valley.

I think maybe the highlights are gone now ...

After dawn ... 4 hours ...

I'm surrounded by drunks. I want to ... stop thinking ...

I noticed that I was inspired by me and Lily of the valley. I'm looking forward to tonight.

Since then, "It was tough ... I want rubber gloves in this world."

At first, while Shinken was laughing and talking, she suddenly became expressionless and the dam broke down. Looking at it and avoiding in a hurry, the debris flow jumped a little on his feet.

Wurst who saw it piggybacked and broke.

Speck, who was near Wurst, escaped and fell because his feet were staggering. The place where it fell down was a debris flow created by a dam breaking down.

Mir and Gardenia are pointing at you and laughing, don't point at the person. Did your parents tell you?

grown up! Don't look at it with a big laugh! Chic Chaumet.

Please help lily of the valley with dry meat.

Am I supposed to embrace them? Tears will come out. In two senses.

I learned [Skill / Emergency Avoidance: 1]

Well, yes, I certainly felt danger, but ... Skill that I remember even though I just avoided debris flow ...

For the time being, I lay down and deal with the debris flow so that the dam broke can be broken again. Lily of the valley leaned on the meal and gardenia, so I left it for now. It's 2 hours until dawn, so it's fine, some adults are still drinking.

next year. Ah, it's already this year ... I didn't know this god, but prayed so that this year's New Year's Festival, which has more than 300 days, is not the same.

And slept.

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