The first thing I thought was that I was breastfeeding. I haven't seen my eyes yet, so I'm probably just saying so.

I think it's not a reptile because I'm breast-feeding, but I can't rely on it because it's a different world.

Six months later, the situation was understood

I have mixed parents and my blood is so mixed that I do not know what race I am. By the way, it's a humanoid.

Skin color is dark blue, eye color is red, hair color is black, name is Calm, man. (Thank God! You will not be insulted in the fantasy world!)

The house is not poor, but it doesn't mean it can afford.

There are no humans in the village

Not a little magic


My father's skin is indigo and it's almost like a human, and it looks like a lizard (a lizardman or a scale).

My mother has white skin, red eyes, and webs on both hands and feet.

Well, it looks like a humanoid, my father is my skin, my mother is my eyes, and I don't know where the hair color came from. I think if I meet my grandparents, I haven't seen my grandparents yet.

Fortunately, the name of the previous life, "Nagi", is pronounced like English, so I don't care.

I learned about this situation when my parents talked and my mother hugged me and took a walk in the village.

Strengthly, I can't walk long yet, but I think I'll be able to walk in about the latter half of the year, so I decided to see him for a while.

Six months later, baby food has increased. It's like a very thin porridge, but not rice. Is the bread returned with hot water?

By that time, grabbing and walking increased, and the range of action expanded, but mainly indoors. My parents have said, "I'm fine."

The inside is an uncle who lived in the previous life for 30 years, but now he is a child of these people, so I decided to try to behave as a child as much as possible.

Six months later, I was able to understand and speak, and I couldn't fall even if I walked. I do not yet understand the characters. I can't find anything like a book in my house, so I haven't seen any letters yet, and maybe the literacy rate is low.

By the age of three, I started playing around the neighborhood of my house.

A child can be called a childhood friend. Living relatively close, almost human in appearance, with horns slightly above eyebrows. It's close to the Japanese sense of "oni".

This childhood friend is shy or shy, has a very small number of words, and is more and more like a Japanese with black hair and black eyes. The name is lily of the valley, a cute name like a flower.

I don't know if it's this world, this country, or around this village, but I'm supposed to go to a school-like facility from around the age of five.

Also, the demons are precocious or about two to three times older than their actual age, from about 5 years old, to about 10 years old and about 20 years old.

Appearance is high school student from middle! The contents are children!

"Oh, I'm Arachne's" fig ", a teacher of literacy and calculations, yaw. A good child would have to work hard for two to three years, and a little difficult child would have to work hard for three to five years. Yaw. There are other teachers who teach magic, so we have a greeting at the magic time.

Arachne is a spider in the lower body and a human in the upper body. There is a lot of exposure of the upper body, but is it OK for children to be educated? Don't you wear anything around your chest, just wear a cloth? It's good now, but if other boys grow up, it will be a lot harder.

For me with a healthy adult male mind, it's already out in various ways. I have a problem with the eye.

Also, maybe because the child is a partner, the language is strange, I feel like I'm making and talking. It's so dignified, it's a shame that it's a silver hair shortcut. Well, say Gap Moe.

The navel and neck are too sexy and your eyes will flicker. This is the man's sex, isn't heespiercing too much?

At the end of the fig class, after a short break and sitting down, the potted houseplants in the corner of the sunny podium suddenly start to move and jump up and down on the desk.

And suddenly the tree was transformed into a humanoid.

"Thank you, Brigke of Doriad, who teaches the basics of magic. I'm good at soil and water attributes, but I can teach you a lot of basics."

Doriad is so famous that it remains. It seems to be the spirit of a tree, but living in that tree seems to change its skin color. Something like birch. Later, I can't hide anything. They grew up in the planter, putting their feet around the shin.

"By the way, this child is Geiger-chan, his assistant Mandragora."

When Mr. Birke pulled out the grass like weeds growing at his feet, a girl about 20 cm in height shouted like a strong scream like death metal and a sound like scratching a cloudy glass It came out. Everyone in the classroom fainted on the spot.

I learned [Skill / Stun Resistance: 1].

Just before fainting, something like an announcement flowed into my head. Is this the "preferential treatment" that God said?

It seems like there are other teachers, but on the first day my main introduction was self-introduction.

The content of the class is like this.

Easy reading and writing.

-Simple calculations.

The basics of the magical basics.

Classes at school in the morning and home help in the afternoon. It seems natural in this village, where there are not many wealthy families. The school seems to be closed during the harvest and the seeding.

I thought that literacy rate was low because there was no such thing, but when I went to school, there was no such thing. It simply wasn't in my house. It may be in a wealthy family.

Even simple reading and writing is thankful to me now. I can speak any words, but I can't read or write. In fact, my parents have never seen much reading or writing. Shopping is a verbal transaction.

Poor quality probably because it is close to symbols like Cyprus syllables.

Well, it's like a Japanese kanji or symbol, so there's no problem with how to remember this symbol is this reading.

A simple calculation is that if you have completed compulsory education and you have gone out of moderate high school and college, you will understand even if the world is somehow different. However, the currency of this world is still unknown.

When she was shopping, she used a lot of copper coins, and she even used silver coins. There is a high possibility that there are gold coins, but I have not seen it yet.

Magic is the same as reading and writing, it's a fumble. There is only knowledge of magic in games.

And even the magic of fire attribute was different depending on the game.

I lived a natural life without magic, and should I be able to learn magic that seems to be useful for my life? Originally science was more advanced than magic, so let's try to apply various magic with it. I hope I can remember it.

While thinking so I decided to sleep.

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