Chapter 117

Narak King Keremion has been expanding his territory and power ever since he built the fortress.

The power of the Narak King was overwhelming, and the undead knights commanded by the Narak King were able to use magic while possessing intelligence.

The number of undead soldiers reached tens of thousands, and the number of troops continued to increase until now.

‘… It’s more demanding than the Shadow Dragon.’

Of course, it wasn’t easy to deal with the shadow dragon’s shadow magic because it had excellent mobility and restraint.

But at that time, the Shadow Dragon was vigilant and was able to fight advantageously with the Demonic Sword of Light, El Tesoic.

The light of El Tesoicb would not be fatal to the Narak King, and since he had already retreated once, he would never look down on the Kingdom of Alain.

‘It’s not like the troops are small.’

Although the Undead Soldiers were weaker than the Undead Knights, they were able to push with as many troops as they could.

The undead knights consisted of thousands of knights and knights of the Nara, and they were the main forces of the Nara King.

In particular, the Hell Knights had no choice but to be quite cumbersome to command the troops in detail while holding a menacing force.

‘Even if you leave out the troops… The Narak King is too strong.’

Even if the forces of the Alain Kingdom dealt with tens of thousands of undead instead, only the King of Narak would remain.

Even the current king, the Cetinos Quasar, could not defeat the Narak King.

Besides, Narakwang doesn’t grow old or get sick like humans, so he doesn’t get weaker either.

Above all, since he was dealing with the earth demon sword, Gerganber, his power would have been stronger.

‘Can we unite and win?’

Herself, Harnette, Enrite, Serran, Oz.

Currently, five demonic sword users were gathered in one place.

It would not be disadvantageous, but victory was not assured.

If they added the condition that no one was hurt or killed, they could have been defeated.

‘Can this be compared?’

In the original story, the three of them, Seran, Hanette, and Enrite, fought against the Narak King.

Even though the purple shrine and the silver phantom thief intervened in the middle of the battle, they were unable to defeat the Narak King.

In the end, King Narak loses more than half of his troops and hastily retreats.

‘If I and Oz join… Something will change.’

Of course I wasn’t sure.

Narakwang could have been stronger than expected.

In addition, since there were tens of thousands of undead with them, it was possible that they would not be able to face the Narak King.

‘The Narak King hasn’t attacked since that day.’

Narakwang suffered a second retreat and did not come out of the citadel anymore.

Although the number of troops increased little by little, it was not possible to return to the number as before.

In the end, the Sillaz Knights went directly to the fortress, and after a fierce battle, the Narak King was destroyed.

‘… I have to take it away quickly.’

The Narak King did not let go of the Earth Magic Sword until he was about to die.

In the end, the Demonic Sword of the Earth disappeared along with the Narak King, and even a trace of it could not be found later.

‘We need at least one more magic sword user to gain an advantage.’

According to the original content, only four demonic sword users should exist.

Hanette, the white apostle, the protagonist, and the three princesses of the kingdom of Alain.

However, as he intervened, the number of magic sword users increased by two, and he was able to defeat the Shadow Dragon.

It was an unexpected result, but this should also be seen as a possibility he had created.

‘I may not be able to find the other one, but… It’s not a serious problem.’

It was enough just to retrieve the demonic sword of the earth and store it.

It would be better than being used by strong demons or vicious humans.

In addition, since Enrite also used the demonic sword of wind, she should be able to partially utilize the demonic sword of the earth.

‘The really big problem is drinking.’

In the first place, it is only described that the demon was annihilated by the one who handled both the demonic sword of light and the demonic sword of darkness.

There were no signs of resurrection or that there was actually resurrection.

Therefore, it was impossible to predict the demon god, and it was impossible to know how to respond.

‘… I’m a little nervous.’

As I was thinking of the demon, another demon naturally came to mind.

A demonic beast that made the continent of Karonbelaz tremble in fear and was able to keep the demons in check.

Clearly, the traces of that demonic beast were left everywhere as the four major disasters.

‘Isn’t it possible that even the dragon will be resurrected?’

The Four Great Plagues retain the form of dragons, but in reality they simply imitated them.

As much as the shadow dragon’s body is made up of shadows, the other four major disasters were also made of special materials.

It is so rare and bizarre that in some ways it should be seen as a true witchcraft.

‘For example… The three great demon lords combine to become a demon god, the four great calamities combine to become a perfect dragon… … .’

Shion tilts his head in thought.

If you approach it from a theoretical point of view, you cannot see that it is very wrong.

Because the three great demon kings were born from demons, and the four great disasters were born from dragons.

After special conditions are established, wouldn’t it be possible to do it in the reverse order?

‘Then if I get rid of everything, won’t demons and dragons resurrect?’

Of course, the three great demon kings and the four great disasters must be erased from this world.

It just created an additional possibility for the demons and dragons to be resurrected.

Maybe I should kill them quickly even if I overdo it.

‘If I don’t have one, I might not be able to resurrect.’

When an object is broken, it splits into several pieces.

If you want to return the object to its original state, you have to put the pieces back together.

However, if even one of the pieces disappears, the object loses its complete form.

‘Since I killed the Shadow Dragon, I don’t have to worry about the 4 major disasters. The 3rd Demon King… … .’

Shion is determined and shows a sharp look.

I had to take this opportunity to punish the Narak King at all costs.

You shouldn’t leave any fragments behind for the Demon God to resurrect.

‘If it is resurrected imperfectly… … .’

Shion gets up from her seat and prepares to go out.

It seemed that I should discuss it with Enrite.

If it’s a demonic sword of light that has passed through a long time, wouldn’t it know something.

‘It’s just fine. If the white apostle goes out, the Setinos quasars will gather.’

Of course, it was not possible to gather all five people.

Each of them was carrying out an important mission, and a sudden change would lead to chaos.

The plan had to be carried out carefully and covertly.

‘Still, I’d like the golden swordsman or the blue sage to come… … .’

* * *

The capital of the kingdom of Alain, a secret rendezvous point.

Enrite was waiting for him to come while still wearing a robe.

You can meet the other Setinos quasars if you visit them yourself, but you had to summon that one yourself.

If you were in a remote area, a lot of time would be consumed using a fairly cumbersome method.

‘Gold and blue should be here.’

The golden sword and the blue sage were playing an important role.

One was the ruler of the kingdom of Alain, and the other had been maintaining the balance by standing at the center of the Magic Society.

If they were to leave, there would be disruptions to the country’s governance and management.

‘Purple must protect the front line… … .’

Of course, in case of an emergency, the purple shrine would come running right away.

But I had to time it well because I couldn’t hold on to it all the time.

The morale of the allies will drop little by little from the moment the purple shrine disappears.

‘Shion Regard will understand.’

Shion had made a separate request about this, but could not give a definite answer.

Even a Cettinos Quasar can’t handle everything the way it wants.

He also had to follow the set procedures and methods, so he was just trying to find the part where he could compromise as much as possible.

‘But… There is nothing wrong with that idea.’


Judging from their experiences as demonic swords, they could have been resurrected as Shion said.

He had guessed the resurrection of the Demon God, but he could not foresee the dragon’s resurrection.

In addition, considering the incomplete resurrection, wouldn’t the 3 demon kings and the 4 major disasters turn into more threatening monsters in the future?

‘How much time is left.’

El Thesoicb awakened, and he himself became stronger.

Five magic sword users gathered, and they had already annihilated the Shadow Dragon.

Even now, many preparations have been made, and the Setinos Quasar is still in good shape.

Nevertheless, it was not relieved, and on the contrary, only the upcoming crisis only became clearer.

‘What can I do… … .’

Sensing the presence, Enrite slowly looked away.

There was only darkness, but a faint magic flowed out.

It was intentionally exposing one’s magical power, and it was also to make known one’s own existence.

“You came pretty quickly.”

“Allies are calling, but we can’t be late.”


Kaden slowly appeared wearing a mask.

Since the movements of the demons had calmed down, they returned to the capital to report and rest.

I had the idea that I should meet Enrite at least once, so I quickly came to the rendezvous point after being contacted.

“At that time, I was grateful. I was able to respond quickly to the Shadow Dragon.”

“I was a little surprised to hear the news. I didn’t know the Shadow Dragon would die.”

“… I was lucky.”

“You mean the Knights of Lihines are lucky?”

“It is as you say. Without the Lihines Knights, I wouldn’t have been able to kill the Shadow Dragon.”

“Hmm… … .”


Kaden shows curiosity and approaches Enrite.

Enrite kept her mouth shut and just watched it.


Kaden seems to go back and forth around Enrite a few times, then returns to his original position.

“Has it changed a lot?”

“Are you talking about hair and eyes?”

“That too… I feel different. Well… How to say… … .”

“… … .”

Enrite noticed the reason and showed a faint smile.

I wondered if he intuitively accepted the fact that he had changed from a demonic sword to a human.

Maybe because he has such a keen sense, he can carry out infiltration and reconnaissance missions.

“Should I say that I have become a little more human? Oh, don’t get me wrong. You have always been human.”

“… I’m feeling it too. You have become a human now.”

“Oh, good laugh. Yes, if you have such beauty, you should be smiling.”

Enrite slowly withdraws her smile and looks at Caden.

Now he had to make a request that Kaden couldn’t help but hate.

It’s not going to be easy, but maybe you should try it.

“I have to collect the silver, Cetinos quasars, but it is not easy. Can’t you at least cooperate with me?”

“I can help. What can I do for you?”

“… I want you to raise your sword.”

“… … .”


Kaden instantly falls into silence and reveals a cold gaze.

Few people knew that he could use a sword.

It was a secret that only the golden swordsman, the purple shrine, and the white apostle knew.

“His Majesty also acknowledged you. Can’t you use sword skills?”

“… … .”

“It is for the sake of His Majesty the King and the kingdom of Alain. Won’t you lend me your strength?”

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