“How Oz-nim came back a day later… … .”

“I have no face, Arrieta. Come on, Noah. I apologize to you too.”

“… … I am a unilaterally beaten victim. Even if you try to implicate me as usual, it doesn’t work?”

“That’s right.”

That’s why it’s annoying.

It’s just one hit. I’ve been hit a lot with magic, but today I’m exceptionally fussy.

I am currently being taken into custody for the use of magic and terrorism and violence last night.

I couldn’t even explain to Arrieta about Princess Stasia and <Tenebris>. If things escalate for no reason, the treatment of Lucia becomes dangerous.

If there is any pressure due to this incident, Lucia will have to bear the responsibility.

So, naturally, the situation had no choice but to end like this.

So, the middle process was blown away, and only the result that I hit Eleanor and Baekyang remained.

In fact, I wonder if there would have been any difference in the result even if the intermediate process was left… … .

Yesterday, I think I was tired in many ways because the density of what happened during the day was too thick.

I am originally a gentleman

“Rather than that, was this under the jurisdiction of the leading department? Entrusting a scary place like a prison to a student… … .”

“Ah, come to think of it, Oz-sama has been to this place once, right?”

In the past, he was imprisoned for the murder of Gerard. At that time, the professors took turns monitoring… … .

Well, even if the environment is a little better, isn’t it a prison-like place? I never imagined that they would give a student permission to a place to detain such a person.

“hehehe, heresy questioning is also the church’s area of expertise.”

“… … .”

It’s cute to scratch your head and talk like you’re embarrassed, but the content isn’t cute at all.

That innocent face is starting to feel somewhat scary.

“… … How long will I be detained here?”

“Um… … . I do not know. That depends on my capacity.”

“How about until the semester starts?”

Eleanor began to say outrageous things with a mischievous look on her face.

This child is also right to be upset.

Should I have stopped punching anyway? Did you just have to hit it with magic like usual?

But when it comes to pain, no matter how much you think about it, the latter will be more painful.

This was my own consideration!

“Oh, that’s nice!”

“Arrieta… … ?”

Arrieta affirms Eleanor’s words. Are you saying I was so wrong? No, I was wrong.

“Then you can go on a date with me alone until the semester starts.”

“… … .”

“… … .”

It’s cute just to hear what they say, but it can’t be more scary than this because it blends in with the uneasy environment of prison.

Normally, Eleanor would have said something, but even she was staring at it with her mouth open, perhaps in shock.

“… … The saintess has a surprisingly shady side. It’s a little bit, but I feel like we can get closer.”

“Don’t even talk like that to yourself.”

People who show a crush on me are completely normal.

Is there any problem with me?

“It’s nice to see a new side of the saintess, but I’ll ask for mercy, so please just release the teacher.”

“Are you benevolent? As long as Miss Noah is okay, it doesn’t matter.”

Arrieta nodded with a soft smile.

“But at least three days. Even if the victim is given leniency, it does not mean that other sins disappear. And there is one more victim?”

“… … .”

But at the same time, he said it emphatically.

Even if the victim wishes for leniency, it must be said that it cannot be tolerated even for causing a commotion in the middle of the night in a place that is not a training ground.

However, unlike usual, there are also feelings that are too strict.

“Then, please stay calm until then. Mr. Oz.”

Arrieta said that and gently held my wrist.

I could tell by the touch of her hand. My hands were shaking.

The phantom pain that I had forgotten about because of the overlapping incidents was trying to eat away at my body again.

This was the reason Arietta held me back.

“I will.”

3 days she said.

That’s probably the time it takes to get my body back to normal.

* * *

3 days wasn’t that long. If I had to ask, it would be more accurate to say that I wasn’t bored.

Should I say it’s more cozy than being outside the prison?

Thanks to Arietta’s intensive treatment, along with the vigilance of the lead team, the anxiety and phantom pain went away to some extent.

Arrieta spent a lot of time with me, as if trying to make up for the time she couldn’t spend at the Vatican.

While tea and snacks were lined up, they chatted and calmed their mental state.

If it wasn’t for the prison, it would have been a pretty decent date, but it’s just a pity.

“Have you come out, Master! Here’s tofu!”

“Uh, yes.”

For some reason, the process of being released from prison is completed by accepting the tofu that Eleanor, who has a spleen appearance, offers.

More than that, where else did this kid learn this stuff? It looks strangely close to crime, is it because of your mood?

“Eleanor, have you been quiet while I’m gone?”

“Master tends to look at me like a child who was put out by the water.”

“A child is small even on a scale.”

The things you do are a bit problematic to call them cute.

“therefore? You’ve been quiet, right?”

“little… … .”

“Well, you are then.”

Even if I keep an eye on her, she’s Eleanor who breaks through the cracks and causes accidents.

As long as my watch is loose, there’s no way I won’t have an accident.

“You know what, Master? I haven’t seen Lucia since that day.”

“therefore? Did you even break into the newly built building because it was suspicious?”

The new building this time is the residence of <Tenebris> provided by Tia.

If Eleanor had a good sense of humor, it wouldn’t be strange to say that the place was suspicious and invaded without hesitation.

“I am also a teacher.”

it serves you right.

Eleanor began to nod in satisfaction as if she had answered correctly.

“We have a common corner.”

“No, I just got used to your behavior patterns now… … .”

Don’t keep putting them on the same line?

At least I’ve never had an accident voluntarily.

“If it wasn’t for the professor’s interruption, I would have been able to check inside, but it’s a pity?”

“Your head isn’t too bad.”

Rather, it should be acknowledged that he was bold enough to turn the professor into an enemy.

The professors of <Skientia> are at least SR level or higher.

Among them was Prudence Loa, an elder-level magician, and there must have been many people with as much skill as him.

“Who did you hit?”

“It’s a bit embarrassing to talk about it on the premise that I was victimized, but it’s true. Before I could rampage, I was subdued by Professor End Rod.”

“Like a high-level alchemy professor.”

He must be a professor I will never meet.

Alchemy subjects will no longer be completed. I am not confident.

It was like that at beginner level, but advanced level? tell me not to be funny

“Professor N would have had the worst compatibility with you.”

“Physics… … . Did you say that?”

“To be precise, your natural strength is on the side.”

“… … I’m angry.”

Professor End Rod is a sorcerer with knowledge in both alchemy and magic.

Alchemy knowledge is already at a high level at the point of being in charge of an advanced class, and magic skills are also advanced.

It is never an opponent to look down on.

In addition, he is the type who spends his time remodeling magic rather than acquiring the highest level of magic.

In fact, he must have skills similar to that of an elder mage.

And the magic he studied intensively was earth attribute magic.

Considering the original meaning of alchemy, there must be considerable synergy.

“Even though I prepared, I couldn’t even properly cut through intermediate magic?”

“That sure is great.”

Eleanor must have been quite concerned about physical force, given that she was attacked by me right away. He probably prepared a counterattack using mana at the time the opponent deployed earth-type magic.

Even so, if it was impossible to cut even intermediate level magic, that would mean Professor End Rod’s research achievements were worth it.

“Who are you praising now? You should praise me for working hard, right?”

“… … What are you so good at about balin?”

I don’t know what to do with Torajini because I don’t know why.

can i just ignore it?

“No, but you did that, so why weren’t you arrested?”

“I’m an honor student with high grades, so maybe you missed it?”

“Are you a f*cking racist?”

Professor End Road seems to be quite generous to students with excellent grades.

And unfortunately, Eleanor has the first grade in her first year among combat students.

What kind of worst synergy is this?

“Anyway, it’s clear that Lucia is in that building, seeing as the professor is blocking it herself.”

“No, there is a place in Skientia where students are usually forbidden from entering, so it’s too early to make a decision.”

“You don’t usually do that, do you?”

“You’ve always done that.”

It seems that there are more accidents that I don’t know about than I know.

Anyway, it would have been fine if she had gone through her own verification method.

I’m pretty sure Lucia is in that building.

“During the three days Master was locked up, I thought about it. Why did Master stop me that day, and why did Lucia suffer so much?”

“So you came to a conclusion?”

“I do not know. So, I was waiting for the master. What was I supposed to do that day?”

Eleanor doesn’t know. He probably wasn’t sure about the question of whether Lucia was the intelligence service.

And you don’t know what’s going to change just because you’re confident about that question.


“This is Eleanor.”

“… … Yes, Eleanor. Let’s go over a few things.”

Eleanor’s biggest miscalculation.

“You thought you were hiding it well, but probably 9 out of 10 people around you knew you weren’t a commoner.”

The illusion that she herself is hiding her identity well.

Eleanor was stunned by my words for a while, and then, as if she had remembered, she tugged at my sleeves and urged me.

“… … Well, come to think of it, I didn’t ask how my master knew my identity.”

“You’re asking too soon. Do you know how I recognized you?”


“I just saw it and knew it.”

Of course, I knew because I had knowledge in the game.

But even if that wasn’t the case, it wouldn’t be difficult to get to know her.

“How many people will not be recognized simply by cutting their hair short? I didn’t change my name, I just used my nickname as a pseudonym.”

“… … .”

“Perhaps, if there were people who knew about you from before, they would have noticed. It’s fortunate that Chrysos is a small country.”

As my words continued, Eleanor’s complexion gradually grew pale.

But her biggest problem is not just this.

It’s just that it’s still too early to make that kind of expression.

“It is the same as usual. If you were going to hide yourself, you shouldn’t have done such a thing. Of course, if you thought the royal family wouldn’t be able to do such a thing, it would certainly be a surprise strategy.”

but isn’t it? You’re just a natural-born geek. right?

“And your actions are all sloppy from start to finish. If you look at the manners you show at dinner, you should at least know that you are a noble.”

“That, that… … .”

“At least if you ask Baekyang right away, you will know that you are not a commoner.”

It’s cool inside.

It couldn’t be cooler than this to confidently spit out a topic that I couldn’t normally say and was dying inside.

But that’s it for today.

Tormenting Eleanor is fun, but why is Lucia suffering so much now?

“Then Eleanor. Eleanor von Chrysos. Let me ask you one thing. How did you, who is so lax, have lived undetected until now?”

Eleanor is lax. She was so lax that if she was from Chrysos right away, someone would recognize her.

So how did she stay undetected until now?

“Who do you think has been watching you all this time?”

“Lucia… … ? No, if Lucia is really an agent, the agency… … . You mean an empire?”

“Okay, so what do you think the process was like? What have you been doing to hide your identity?”

<Tenebris> is an intelligence service.

And they never come out of the water.


Because they do dirty things that should not be known outwardly.

So, what is the surest way to conceal information?

“Lucia is more dishonorable than you think.”

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Killing the person holding the information in their hands.

Just as Eleanor hesitated to talk about her identity, Lucia has no choice but to hesitate about her identity. Because I can’t be honest.

“Eleanor. Do you still consider Lucia a friend?”

“Absolutely! Even if Lucia was such a person… … !”

“But what about Lucia? The fact that you are royalty is a thing of the past for Lucia.”

“Then why?”

“Do you hate the royal family?”


“But Lucia hates herself for being dishonest.”

And that feeling of hatred accelerated when he met Eleanor.

Until then, she killed her emotions as much as possible and blended into the surroundings, but she met Eleanor and got her own color.

But she is a soldier.

So lies remain the status quo.

The close friend relationship between the two was established because they were lying to each other.

At least based on that, Lucia had been enduring her hatred.

“The truth can’t be that good.”

“… … .”

“We may be friends while wearing the mask, but it’s up to each of us whether we can be friends after taking off the mask.”

Eleanor stopped walking. I turned my head to the girl who was slightly behind me and asked.

“How about you? Do you still consider Lucia a friend?”

A guy who piled up lies to the point where he considered himself dishonest, a guy who tried to get away with that level of guilt.

Can I still call you a friend?

“Absolutely! I still consider Lucia a friend!”

“Then what about Lucia? Do you think I can be your friend?”

“… … I don’t know.”

can’t be quick

There is no way you can jump to conclusions.

Lucia had been deceiving herself all along, but now how can we judge her sincerity?

“Okay, then I’ll go ask.”

“Yeah? Obviously, even on that day… … .”

“That moment was. But it’s been 3 days. Don’t you think that’s enough consideration?”

We gave Lucia that much time. So now I’m going to have to give you an answer.


“Do what you normally do. I will help you this time.”

“hahahaha… … . Master sometimes seems even more reckless than I am.”

“A wizard must be free.”

I don’t know if Lucia has put her thoughts together, but it’s probably not her intention that she hasn’t been able to show up until now.

she is a soldier It is also a spy who blends in with the target and searches while hiding his identity. That her identity was discovered means that her mission itself has failed.

So what happens to agents who fail their mission?

In the worst case, you will be held accountable and your life will be lost.

Of course, that won’t happen as long as Diskre is the leader. Besides, isn’t Lucia an elite agent?

There will be no easy way to dispose of such high-level personnel.

Then it’s the worst, not the worst.

The result of her I thought.

“Let’s go see each other in person. I need to meet him and talk to him.”

It is the case that she herself will withdraw from this matter.

And that means breaking up with her soon. unilateral separation.

I have no intention of allowing that.

“Master… … . It’s nice too. I really like the teacher who did that for me and for Lucia.”

“Not necessarily. I am narrower than you think.”

“Hee hee, is that so?”

yeah i’m narrow minded

I can’t forgive him for selling my picture to the student council president.

So I’m going to pursue it.

I don’t like protesting through <Tenebris>.

Since I am an arrogant and self-righteous person, I will speak directly to the person concerned.

“Let’s go punish the evil cat who betrayed our expectations.”

Let’s stay with us and continue to apologize for this.

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