The slave of gold, Prina Lumen, who obediently agreed to cooperate, stepped forward and raised her staff.

“Prince of Oz, that staff… … .”

“In a sense, it could be said to be more valuable than a staff made from the branches of the World Tree.”

Among the wands of wizards, the best is definitely a wand made from the tree of the World Tree.

However, Prina’s wand must be more valuable than that.

Her wand was not made of common wood or metal, but of a strange bluish material.

It was probably made with the bones and scales of the [Sea Dragon] Harbart.

If you see that frost is forming even though it is not in a state where mana has been blown into it, it must be that the material itself is cold.

In any case, dragons only have eight arms.

Possession of such a thing could lead to its existence itself being targeted.

Giving something like that to a child who doesn’t know the world… … .


The magic that Prina showed off for the first time before her first appearance was [Magic Bullet].

The [Magic Bullet], which has been imbued with her cold mana and becomes chilly with just that, embroiders the twisted space here and there, creating a meteor cluster.

It is probably a work to check how the space is twisted.

“48 points.”

“Are you even scoring?! Rather than that, why is it the only score?”

“It hurts us too.”

Of course, since the space is distorted, [Magic bullets] fired wildly into the air and hit us as well.

“Well, it’s still a magic bullet, right? Can everyone stop this? I know that… … .”

Prina protested in a passive manner.

Well, there is some truth in her words.

Even if you actually get hit, it won’t hurt that much.

Moreover, if it was at the level of me or Lucia, responding would not be a problem.

but… … .

Tia entrusted me with the education of ignorant Prina.

That’s the meaning of asking me to accompany her to <Spellage>.

In the first place, there would be no problem even if Tia moved directly to acquire the qualifications of an elder-level magician.

For her, a round trip of this distance would take no more than a few hours.

So it was left to me.

“Sup… … .”

Breathe in and prepare.

For Oz, who is known to be arrogant externally, it is not a problem to teach such a newbie about the world.

There is a very simple way.

“Look at Lucia. I just lost my temper and ate it.”

You just need to give it a shock that is strong enough to remind you of it forever.

That is, if you bother.


Lucia hid behind my back and nodded.

Also Lucia. It’s to the point where I don’t want to look like they’re sympathizing with me to see if they’ve accurately grasped my intentions.

“A cat is killed by a stone thrown carelessly like that!”

… … acting right?

You’re probably right. I believe so.

In fact, Lucia should be able to block at least [Magic Bullet].

However, the reason why he is so angry is probably because he spread confusion by unleashing potentially dangerous magic.

isn’t she a soldier?

It’s clear that you think it’s important to manage your weapons.

“If you’re going to use magic that could cause damage to your allies, isn’t it basic to deploy your allies’ defenses?”

“The head of the academy is suspicious that you don’t know such common sense.”

“there… … Can you both stop? That’s because I was all wrong… … .”

The ignorant [Ice Castle Witch], Prina lowered her head as if she had become a treasonous criminal as she looked at Lucia and me in anger.

Seeing her come out in such a low profile, it seemed that this lesson would last a long time in her.

The whip was enough.

Now is the time to tell you how.

“And the method is ignorant. If it were me, I wouldn’t even need to wear a verification method.”


“like this.”

intermediate magic

[Gust Piercing]

I deploy magic for Prina, who seems to be questioning.

The wind spear flies across the twisted space and flies in a straight line to the opponent’s location.

“Did you see it?”

“Well… … . But are you blocked?”

Of course, it was impossible to pierce the shield of an elder mage with intermediate level magic, so it was blocked.

When the magic I deployed reached the opponent’s vicinity, it was torn into several branches and scattered like a breeze.

“It was a demonstration to show, not to subdue.”

“Even if you say so… … . I don’t know how.”

“If anyone could see it, would I be a special person for nothing?”

[Contemplation] is my unique ability, just like Prina’s characteristic cold mana.

With [Contemplation] activated, my eyes clearly see the distorted state of space.

After overdoing it to see through the barrier of <Pongrae Mountain>, its performance has become more outstanding.

Now, if it’s a moderate amount of magic, you can understand its characteristics just by watching the spell being drawn.

“So, how are you going to imitate that special person?”

“It would be a way to make good use of your uniqueness… … .”

Cold mana.

If it was, it would have been able to guess the direction by adjusting the temperature in the air and then pouring smoke or something.

“And if you’re ignorant, there’s always a way to be ignorant.”

Prina has the ability.

There is also knowledge about it. But because I lived alone for a long time. No, because I lived with someone who didn’t need to care about Harbart, I couldn’t pay attention to the people around me.

Simply put, she is separating herself from the other person.

Other buildings, terrain, and civilians were not thought of.

It was unavoidable because there was no need to think about it.

“If you’re going to take action to check the space like before, it doesn’t matter if it’s not a magic bullet, right?”

At the same time as he said that, thick mana flowed into the air.

Blue air currents illuminate the tangled roads. If you are in a visible state without the need to condense mana, just letting it flow like this is enough.

“Ah, I see…” … .”

“Because I am bound by prejudice.”

It is generally unimaginable to flow mana that has been condensed to the point of being visible.

If you want to light the way, you have a [Light], and if you want to intimidate, you just have to show how much your magic power is.

It would have been difficult to come up with the idea of simply letting it go like this.

It’s a shame because the current situation is special, because the most basic thing to learn when learning magic is to catch and refine flowing mana.

“Well, actually, it was a coincidence that I was able to think of this method as well. Still, if I were you, I would have found the right way.”

“okay. But is it a coincidence?”

“Yes, the fact that I was able to come up with this idea… … .”

Just as spilled water cannot be picked up again, the mana that has been spilled in this way slowly disintegrates in the air.

It has already left my hand.

“It’s because of Shinseon I met by chance.”

I’m at the level of taking my first steps now… … I know how to manipulate the flow of spilled water.

[Seonjutsu (仙術)]

Calm as a torrent

Coordinates the mana flowed remotely to perform a simple attack. In terms of power, it is on the level of a [Magic Bullet].

However, the biggest feature of seon-sul is to control the flow itself.

Like a shield that was spread using mana.

“Oh, dear. I was thinking of checking your skills… … .”

More novels at


When mana penetrates the shield and attacks the opponent, the opponent collapses like a puppet with a thread cut off.

“The durability must have been much worse than I thought.”

“… … What have you done?”

Prina nodded with an expression as if common sense had been broken.

I was like that too. I felt like I had seen something that could not have been common sense at all.

However, it was easier for me to accept it because I lived in a modern Earth where there was no concept of mana in the first place.

“Don’t call it a fortune teller. Unfortunately, it’s a forbidden skill to pass on, so I can’t teach you even if you stare at it like that.”

“I see…” … .”

Prina nodded as if she had seen something amazing.

To be honest, it can be said that the value of the sword I used and the staff she possesses are similar.

Such is the legacy of dragons.

“Then, shall we confirm our identity? Escape from this space too.”

“Ah, come to think of it, the magic hasn’t worked out yet, has it?”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

Even though the man had fallen, the space had not yet returned to its original state.

There must be many cases where the magic does not disappear even if the consciousness is cut off, but this time it was easy to guess.

“Because I didn’t get rid of that.”

“… … Should I stop breathing?”

Prina flinched a little as if she was frightened. It seems to see me in the early days. It is a reluctance to kill.

Of course I wasn’t that cute.

“It’s similar, but the term ‘breath hole’ isn’t quite right.”

Take off the hood of the fallen opponent and see a puppet inside.

“To begin with, this is not a wizard. Not even a person. This… … .”

“Prince of Oz, can you believe that?!”

Lucia, who was watching the situation from afar, shouted with a shocked expression. In fact, <Tenebris> would have known this much.

There was even a fairy tale openly, but don’t you know about it?

If it wasn’t for the fairy tale Spina showed me recently, I wouldn’t have known about it.

“Yes, this is one of [The Sorcerer King] Salem Sudra’s transcendent magic.”

A moving marionette doll.

It is one of the three trials given to Oz in the fairy tale.

“It looks like the King of Darkness will invite us directly?”


As the puppet’s neck is twisted, the isolated space is gradually cleared.

And this is very kind.

“long time no see. Salem Sudra.”

“A spoiled brat. This is Speller, not Skientia.”

“Are you okay, Your Majesty the King of Darkness?”


The place we escaped was not the place where the [Teleport Gate] was, but the office in the tower where Salem was staying.

Salem was sitting in front of a desk that was neither small nor large, in the middle of an office large enough to be compared to a library, examining papers with a nonchalant expression.

“Wow… … . wide.”

“It expanded the space. Considering the area of the tower, it couldn’t be as big as this.”

“Is it a law that looks different in the eyes of a wizard?”

Lucia looked around with her eyes shining like a cat that found a fish that had jumped out of the sea.

Aside from that, it’s also absurd magic.

The puppet I just saw was the same, but I poured all kinds of magic on it casually.

It’s not a magic that can be spread within this standard.

A series of processes of expanding the space, drawing a spell on the expanded space, and compressing it back into that space were repeated. It’s easy to say, but not everyone can do it.

Actually, it’s not easy to say.

With such a high level of magic, it would be difficult to explain it in words.

“As expected, being the king of wizards is amazing. I thought I was still great, but now that I see it, I am nothing.”

“The target is strange, but you are very competent. Prina.”

“You weren’t normal when you said that… … .”

I just have a lot of means.

It’s not just simple magic, but it looks like that because it has a lot of other skills with magic added.

That’s why Salem is more of a monster. He accomplished all these miracles solely through magic.

After looking around the group and the background, Salem put down the paper and said,

“Three years have not passed yet. Have you already come to challenge me? This guy and that guy are impatient.”

“Looks like there was a passenger. How did you send him away?”

“It may sound disappointing to you, but the limbs returned intact.”

It seems that Janus challenged Salem and the game was broken.

Well, the opponent is the opponent. Salem is the most ‘dragon’-like person in the world.

It’s not enough to lightly transcend the limits of the human race, it’s a monster that can reach the strongest race in the world, the dragon.

Needless to say, in the original work, even the ‘outside beings’ made the choice to bypass <Spellage>.

However, Janus ran away with all his limbs intact against Salem.

“That sounds really disappointing.”

I can’t help but think that Salem missed it. I can’t quite figure out what Salem’s intention is.

“therefore? What are you going to do? Will you try?”

“No, I just came to talk today.”


Surprisingly, Salem answered calmly.

I thought he would call me a coward or shout that he had no reason to talk to me, but he just nodded as if he understood.

“So this must be about it?”

Salem opened the subspace and took out a golden fruit resembling an apple.

It is the fruit of the world tree.

“There is that too.”

“That too’?”

“Yes, there is that, but aside from that, I just thought we should have a private conversation.”

“… … .”

Salem’s expression, which had been expressionless all along, crumpled for the first time.

I don’t know what that means.

Is it displeasure, or sadness, or anticipation?

It was impossible to read Salem’s expression even with my eyes with [Contemplation].

Salem, who had been wrinkling his face like that, quietly closed his eyes and was silent as if he was struggling.

“… … yes.”

And after a while, he opened his eyes and answered again in a calm voice.

Still can’t see anything in Salem’s eyes.

Just like the Oz I saw in my dream, these are the eyes of a person who looks tired.

I don’t know if his emotions have dried up or if he wants to do it himself, but it’s not something to look at.

“If you have something to say, do it.”

“Before that, we decide how to treat our companions. I want to say what I want to say on my own as much as possible.”

“Be alone… … . How dare you?”

“Yes, I dare.”

Only then did Salem take a look at the faces of the two people standing around me.

Seeing that gaze, Lucia and Prina must have been nervous, one side’s tail stood on end, and the other side clenched the staff tightly.

It is an easy response.

Salem, who looked at the two once like that, spoke in a surprised voice that was different from usual.

“… … These are unknown faces.”

“Who do you think you were?”

“I thought that if you came with someone, it would be a saint from the Holy See or some weird guy.”

“I know one, but how do you know the other?”

It’s Arietta’s side. Since the magic I was researching was a study about divinity, you might know.

But how the hell did Eleanor know?

“I saw it the other day when I went to Skientia. He wielded a knife without hesitation.”

“It’s a picture drawn in your head.”

“… … It may sound strange for me to say this, but you’d better go out with friends.”

“That friend is not a bad friend if you experience it for a long time.”

A homely conversation.

It’s surprising because it’s been a nonchalant atmosphere all along.

Eleanor’s influence is so great. It is a topic that can draw sympathy from everyone.

“So what did you two come for?”

“One side is a soldier on the Empire side. They are at my convenience.”

“Lou, my name is Lucia Punisher. As a member of the 8th Corps of the Imperial Army… … .”


“Eh… … .”

It is said that Lucia reveals her identity as a member of the 8th Corps when performing external missions.

But I heard right away.

While Lucia was weeping with a troubled expression, Salem turned his gaze toward Prina as if he didn’t care.

“That one?”

“This is the guy who is supposed to be my junior whom the head of the academy took on his way and asked him to register as an elder.”


“Oh, hello. My name is Prina Lumen.”

“A talented young person is always welcome. Did you say you wanted to register?”

Salem replied with a rare benevolent smile.

However, no matter how I look at it, I can only feel it as a fake smile.

It must be a skill acquired as a king.

“As for the conditions, support, and qualifications related to elder-level wizards, I will assign someone later.”

“Yes, are you happy?”

“You can do it normally.”

“… … thank you.”

Is it because I learned the world through books?

As if she didn’t know what to say in a place like this, Prina’s face turned red at Salem’s timid voice that followed, and she pressed her witch’s hat down deeply.

This is also a more interesting person than I thought. Compared to his seemingly cold exterior, he is a pure person.

“I’ll call someone right now. Right now, even if it’s just the appearance, they’re the heir’s companions, so they’ll give you a top-notch room.”

Salem kindly summoned people and sent the two away.

I saw his external appearance very well. The naturally decorated appearance makes it look like a sage.

However, after all, it was just an external image, so when I was left alone, Salem’s expression changed to expressionless again.

It’s kind of creepy.

“We have prepared a place where you can be alone as you wish. What do you want to say to me?”

“Let me point out one thing first.”

I’ve made a lot of assumptions since I decided to talk to Salem.

What to say, how to rush, what I really want to say to him.

After so many troubles.

I was able to decide what to say first.

“I am not the ‘Oz Quo Vadis’ you know.”

It’s about my identity.

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