I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 99 Chapter 0094: Mysterious Forces VS Golden Sunshine Street [Please subscribe] [Update]

Chapter 99 Chapter 0094: Mysterious forces VS Golden Sunshine Street [Please subscribe] [Update II]

The place where Rosen was before was suddenly shrouded in a large amount of dust.

Then the blast and the howl of the arc flash appeared.

The huge power of the mass bomb destroyed several floors.


A new round of collapse occurs.

A small part of the already dilapidated building collapsed under the bombardment.

You must know that the buildings that can still stand in the city are definitely very strong.

But even so, a small half of the building was still destroyed by a single blow from the electromagnetic cannon.

Three kilometers away, a hover tank with two medium-sized scroll engines deployed underneath slowly turned past the electromagnetic turret flashing with electric arcs.

Inside the tank, two soldiers wearing black combat uniforms looked at the holographic screen and reported to the communicator.

"Successful hit."

"The radio reaction of life in the target area disappears."

As an advanced land combat vehicle, the hover tank does not require many crew members to achieve combat effectiveness.

Powerful detection equipment can cover a radius of several kilometers.

Just as Rosen guessed, he couldn't see the other party, but the other party could most likely see him.

The detection capabilities of both sides are not at the same level at all.


"Keep suppressing the Jinyangguang District Crusade Corps."

"Stop their burning attack on Nest No. 3 and lead them to the 'Fire Pit' for strangulation."

A reply came from the intercom.

The hover tank rotates its turret before it is completely corrected.

A trailing anti-tank missile shot towards it.

A hexagonal light shield like a honeycomb appeared on the surface of the tank, accurately blocking the missile.

A prompt also appeared on the holographic screen inside the tank.

[Defensive force field attack]

[Remaining energy reserve reduced by 7%]

"These post-war bastards!"

With a curse, the main driver drove the hover tank and fired the electromagnetic cannon at the other side.

This area was completely covered by various explosions.

Whether it is a corpse or a mutant, they will tremble under the collision of steel.

Through the floating dust, one could see a total of seven hover tanks operating at the scene, as well as two larger "Black Vulture" four-legged heavy tanks equipped with beam energy particle cannons.

If you look far away, you can see that along the line of fire between the two sides, there are already three floating tanks lying down. They are burning with blazing flames, like metal torches.

Accompanying the armored troops were more than thirty T-30 power armors painted in black.

They were armed with heavy recoilless rifles and 20mm four-barreled cannons, and were frantically unleashing firepower.

The barrages were so dense that they could even draw eye-catching tracks in the dust.

This mysterious force all has a double-Z emblem in its livery.

Very powerful in combat.

Most of the equipment used was pre-war standard armament.

The opposite party was the second mobile battalion of the Jinyang Yangguang Street Crusade Corps.

Thirty-nine T-33 heavy-duty power armors formed a formation.

The power armors at the front are holding force field shields, and the power armors at the back are also different.

For example, there is a support type with six electromagnetic mortars on its back, a firepower type with two machine guns on its shoulders, and a strike type with nine 107mm rocket launcher nests on its back.

These power armors have the mark of the little sun on their bodies.

That is the emblem of the Golden Sunshine District.

The T-33 is a heavy-duty power armor that can be produced by the neighborhood. It has stronger defense, higher firepower modification potential and better load capacity than the T-30.

But as a trade-off, they were not equipped with scroll engines.

Even the speed of the bipedal sliding device is not as fast as other power armors.

Therefore, this power armor can be adapted to most light and medium weapons platforms.

Has great DIY potential.

It can even be equipped with suppressive weapons such as small-mass electromagnetic rapid-fire cannons.

In addition to power armor, there are about two hundred soldiers wearing Z3 exoskeletons following behind.

Behind them are equipped with the "Jianfeng" universal weapon carrying system.

A .50-caliber heavy machine gun is mounted on the end of the robotic arm as additional suppressive firepower.

Many exoskeleton soldiers also carry anti-tank missile launchers on their shoulders.

In terms of personnel, the Golden Sunshine Street side undoubtedly has the upper hand.

But they have fewer armored vehicles.

There are only four armored vehicles codenamed "Stalkers".

It is equipped with a small electromagnetic gun capable of firing 2KG mass bullets.

There are also two heavy tanks that look square and have double-layered turrets.

They were one of the main battle tanks of the Northern Uyghur Alliance before the war.

Codenamed "Bear", its armor is very powerful. The electromagnetic armor that uses the Meissner effect can bounce back most metal projectiles, including electromagnetic guns.

To deal with it, only beam energy weapons can play a certain role.

But even if it penetrates the Meissner effect defense measures, its own armor is forged from type A high-strength homogeneous steel, and its main purpose is to have a durable leather.

As a price, the energy consumption of "Bear" is outrageously high. Not only does it have to assemble more nuclear fusion cores, but the frequency of core replacement is also very high.

This tank was probably found in the ruins of the war zone in the Golden Sunshine District.

After the Great Destruction, the three poles invaded each other's territory.

Under such circumstances, the two sides can be said to be evenly matched.

A lot of destroyed power armor was left along the way.

Dozens of Golden Sunshine soldiers wearing exoskeletons died here forever.

At this moment, the commander of the Second Mobile Battalion of the Golden Sunshine Block Crusade Corps was sitting in one of the "Bear" tanks.

The drone launched in advance provides a bird's-eye view from an altitude of 2,000 meters.

He is a middle-aged man with oily hair and wearing a carbon nano combat uniform.

His expression at this time was angry and serious.

"Damn these niggas!"

"They are playing with fire." The deputy battalion commander sitting next to him frowned and agreed.

After a slight pause, he added.

"The concentration of unknown spores in the area has reached 27%. The mutation level of the mother nest is 11%, and the situation is not optimistic."

"According to the latest sample analysis by the Neighborhood Research Institute, this spore has no effect on humans and will automatically undergo apoptosis and decomposition after inhalation. However, it has a significant activating effect on organisms containing dark crystals in the body."

"Next, experiments on living xenogenes are needed to draw more conclusions."

"Judging from the fact that they prevented us from attacking the No. 3 Brood Nest in the Arjin Region."

"The targets of these black skins are obviously those alien species and corpses."

The deputy battalion commander said loudly that it was obvious that the Golden Sunshine District was not ignorant of these mysterious forces.

The battalion commander raised his eyebrows, and the wrinkles on his forehead suddenly deepened by three points.

"This could be a big problem..."

"We need reinforcements, lots of reinforcements."

"Not only Shanjin District, but also several other urban districts in Shenhai City have similar situations."

"Although the opponent's numbers are not large, they possess a large amount of pre-war Pan-Asian joint standard equipment, and they are all well-trained professional soldiers."

"With such strength, it is completely possible to establish a large settlement or even a base city."

"But why do they do anything to the alien species..."

His question was also the doubt in the deputy battalion commander's mind.

But no matter what, the overall situation is evolving out of control.

There was a tendency on the scene to chase each other and keep changing directions.

Those mysterious people seemed to intend to lure the soldiers of the Crusade Legion away from the mother nest in the green mist.

The fighting between the two sides was very fierce, and people died every moment.

The precious power armors were destroyed one after another.

The cost of war is staggering.

The ruin-strewn ground was shaking.

The corpses that were attracted were torn to pieces by stray bullets before they even got close.

The slightly smarter aliens fled far away.

Just as the two sides were advancing along the main road near Haihua Daily Chemical Factory.

In the building that had been hit by an electromagnetic gun before.

The collapsed floor was propped open by a green-and-white-painted steel giant with one arm.

Bits of concrete fell in all directions.

The person who came was none other than Rosen, who had put on power armor.

He activated [Time Travel] and returned to the warehouse opposite the Jinmen Patrol Bureau.

Considering that he might face unexpected situations, he did not return immediately.

Instead, he first dismantled the Z2 exoskeleton and took out the newly acquired T-29 power armor.

Then insert the 20CM diameter nuclear fusion core prepared in advance into the power slot of the armor.

He opened the power armor from his back and got into it.

As the armor closed, there was a chill on the back of the neck, which was the nerve connection at work.

Various data are projected on his retina.

When the nerve connection is completed, the entire powered armor seems to become a part of itself.

An indescribable sense of security welled up from my heart.

After getting ready, he took out the gadgets that he asked Otok to help prepare before setting off.

Among them are small life radio shielding devices.

There is a drawback when this thing is activated, that is, it will affect the radio detection results of the mechanical dog within the range.

If you enter the "black cage", you will lose your "eyes".

You can't have both.

But now he has no need for detection. To be on the safe side, he should turn on the radio shielding and return to the wasteland.

Five or six minutes passed after everything was ready.

Rosen took a deep breath and traveled back to the wasteland.

He appeared in the collapsed ruins, and the power armor squeezed through the concrete slab weighing more than dozens of tons.

The powerful mechanical force allowed him to escape easily.

The reinforced coating prevents the paint on the surface of the power armor from peeling off.

Glancing at the ruins behind him, he saw that such destructive power was definitely not an ordinary rocket or recoilless cannon.

Nine times out of ten, it is an electromagnetic gun of high quality.

Just as he stood firm, he heard a "rumbling" explosion from outside.

Hiding behind the ruins, Rosen quietly observed the situation outside.

The power armor's external scope has its own zoom capability.

He couldn't help but be surprised when he saw the two sides fighting and retreating on the nearby road.

Armored troops of this size and intense firefights are not common in the wasteland.

It is definitely not comparable to the petty fights of predators and the like.

Through observation, he quickly saw the emblems of both sides.

"what is that?"

He was no stranger to the neighborhood's little sun emblem.

What confused Rosen was the double Z mark on the other side.

This was a mark he had never seen before.

[Correction: Chapter 0092: The conversation of the mysterious man in black combat uniform: "Recently, people with golden ears seem to have noticed changes in the nest, and must complete the dispersal of spores before the end of the wind season." The golden ears in the text are changed to golden sunshine. Hereby Note that other content is inconvenient and has no substantial impact on existing content]

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Thanks to book friend [Pickled Pepper Rabbit] for voting 2 monthly votes

Thanks to the book friend [I burst into tears suddenly] for voting 2 monthly votes

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Thanks to book friend [ZHYX] for voting for 2 months

Thanks to book friend [Guangzhou Admiral] for voting for 2 monthly votes

Thanks to the book friend [about to be middle-aged] for his 2 monthly votes.

Thanks to the book friend [Yezi Drifting in the Wind] for the 100-point reward

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