I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 102 Chapter 0097: Mysterious origins, the four giants of Golden Sunshine [Important foreshad

Bahuang Realm, Jinmen.

Rosen suddenly appeared in the empty warehouse wearing power armor.

He staggered slightly.

The power armor was released after stabilization.

The sound of pneumatic opening and closing appeared, and Rosen's face turned blue.

After exiting the power armor, he took out an "oral liquid" from the [Consciousness Space] with a flick of his wrist.

He tore off the aluminum foil seal with his mouth, raised his neck and drank it all in one gulp.

The sweet liquid poured into the throat.

This is [Anshen Oral Liquid], a medicine from the wasteland.

It has a calming effect and can treat neurasthenia and neurological insomnia.

Those brain-controlled fighter operators whose [brain cell activity peaks] are off the charts often take this stuff.

It can relieve similar symptoms of mental overdraft and improve sleep quality.

After drinking the oral solution, Rosen sat cross-legged and breathed in for several rounds.

My physical and mental state immediately recovered a lot.

Then Shi Shiran stood up and took out the radiation elimination liquid spray, and applied radiation elimination treatment to himself and the power armor.

Let’s not talk about whether radiation is harmful to warriors.

Rosen would not leave radioactive contaminants around at will.

At the very least, you need to understand the situation before deciding what to do.

Traveling through a wasteland environment with high radiation levels, various items will inevitably be contaminated.

As for the English Concession that had been hit by nuclear grenades before, Rosen had no obligation to deal with it.

He doesn't yet know what changes nuclear radiation will cause to demons.

Anyway, those two nuclear grenades don't have much U-235, and a few breezes can dilute the radiation.

Any attempt to talk about toxicity regardless of dose is a hoax.

He can only take care of himself.

After a brief process, he took back the white and green-painted Haihua daily version of the power armor into the [Consciousness Space].

Immediately he changed into a set of black shorts and trousers.

After everyone was ready, Rosen left the warehouse and walked toward Zhang's martial arts gym.

What he misses now is the food cooked by Aunt Wang.

If we say that Rosen was a blank slate with a pure heart and few desires.

His heart was as gray as the sky in the wasteland.

But now, this white paper has some color.

Living in this troubled world in the Bahuang Realm, he could feel the peace of mind that he had not seen for a long time.

Delicious meals, clean water, fresh air, and a peaceful dormitory are all helping him reawaken his emotions.

Wasteland world.

Shenhai City, Xingmin District Kaide Building.

This building was the tallest building in Xingmin District before the war.

After the Great Destruction, a third of the building was shattered and collapsed.

But the remaining parts still stand on this gray and defeated earth.

But no one knows that there is a large shelter that is not open to the public about 800 meters underground just below the Cade Building.

There are several vertical shafts leading to the ground on the spacious platform in front of this shelter.

You can also reach the subway station above, and use the underground rails that extend in all directions to reach most of the unblocked areas in Shenhai City.

The shelter is enclosed by a gear-shaped gate.

There are double tracks inside and outside. The door is eight meters thick and is a mixture of lead and titanium alloy.

The walls of the entire shelter are more than ten meters thick.

It is composed of concrete layers, steel mesh, alloy plates, lead plates, etc. that are embedded with each other.

The perspective passes from the ground through the deep elevator shaft, and finally converges on the door of the shelter, and you can see the number painted on it.


There is also a double Z mark in the center of the door that was obviously painted on later.

Because there are still "tear marks" left by the paint slipping off.

Besides, there are no signs.

The door to the shelter is now fully open.

Soldiers wearing black-painted T-30 power armor stood guard on both sides of the gate.

Many construction vehicles are driving in and out of the shelter.

There was a rickety figure wearing a black cloak standing so abruptly in the middle of the platform, as if he was out of tune with everything around him.

At this time, a soldier wearing a communicator hurried up to the figure and reported loudly.

"Doctor, Brood No. 3 in Shanjin District has been destroyed."

"The blood seed implanted in the mother nest has failed, and the spore concentration in the entire area has decreased by 19%."

The rickety figure heard the words and slowly turned around.

The old face is covered with layers of folds.

It is worth mentioning that his pupils were strangely black and white.

The left chest is extremely bulging, as if there is a lump.

This makes him look a little weird.

The soldiers who came to report did not seem surprised.

He nodded calmly and said in a gentle tone.

"I see."

"The Golden Sunshine District is more difficult to deal with than the 'Intelligence' system predicts."

"What is the situation with the transformation of brood nests in other areas?"

"When will General Wolf plan to launch an offensive against the High Energy Particle Research Center?"

"We still have a lot of preparation work to do before our sleeping partners in other areas wake up."

"One day, we can reconnect with our hometown!"

Hearing the word "hometown", the eyes of the soldiers who came to report turned red.

Then he lowered his head and answered truthfully.

“The rest of the brood nest renovation went smoothly.”

"There has been no reply from General Wolf yet, and the updates are not clear yet."

"That's right, Doctor."

"The A3 biological research group has made a breakthrough discovery on the tropism modification of FEV virus."

"Experimental markers I to IV all showed directional gene mutations."

"But we don't have many blood crystals in hand to activate the FEV virus."

"It is difficult to cultivate new blood crystals on this planet."

The soldiers who came to report were obviously this guy's confidants.

At the very least, it's a secretary-type role.

The wrinkled old man known as "Doctor" raised his chin slightly to indicate that he understood.

"This is why we want to transform this planet."

"The difficult shuttle caused the timing to be disrupted. I don't know how much time has passed in my hometown."

"This weak body severely limits our strength."

"But there is no way."

"His Majesty the King spent too much energy in sending us to this world in order to preserve the bloodline inheritance."

"That one is really too scary..."

He said with a sigh, and a majestic figure could not help but appear in his mind.

The power of the Yang God that destroyed heaven and earth can still scare him to this day.

Even though it was just a memory, it still made him tremble.

Thinking back on it now, it's like the rumble of thunder echoing in my mind.

After a long silence, the old figure came back to his senses.

"Fortunately, through soul devouring, we know that this world has a power called technology."

"This is our chance."

After a slight pause, he continued.

"Send a small team to the shelter controlled by our companions and try to wake them up in advance."

"We need more power to fight the lingering bugs after the war."

"That's what's holding us back from changing the world!"

"There are still many secrets in this world waiting for us to discover!"

The soldier nodded, performed a chest caressing salute, and then turned and left.

On the spot, the doctor raised the corners of his mouth and showed a sinister smile.

The two sharp and curved canine teeth glowed faintly under the overhead lighting.

If you cut open this guy's left chest at this time, you can see that the aging heart is surrounded by nine apricot-sized blood crystals, and each blood crystal has eight black lines.

All blood crystals are wrapped in muscles and connected to the heart by meridians.

It can be seen that they are barely surviving in this world.

These guys are like black shadows, blending quietly into the dark side of the world.

In order to survive, they will do whatever it takes.

Golden Sunshine Neighborhood Committee Headquarters Building.

There were only four people sitting at the table in the huge conference room.

They are the actual controllers of the four major consortiums.

Luo Feng, chairman of Luo Shi Machinery Industry, is sitting in the north.

He looked serious, wore a decent suit, and had a trimmed mustache. He looked like a middle-aged gentleman.

At present, most of the mechanical products in the neighborhood are industries owned by the Roche Consortium.

Most of the accessories used by third-party workshops are also supplied by Roche.

In the machinery industry, they have a monopoly position in the Golden Sunshine District.

Opposite is Hong Yuanting, the general manager of Aier Biotechnology.

This man has a very strong physique, with strong muscles holding up his shirt, but his face is quite gentle, and he wears gold-rimmed glasses.

Biological products, gene-enhanced pharmaceuticals, drugs and related research institutes in the neighborhood are basically under the business scope of Aier Bio.

As a well-known biopharmaceutical company before the war, they even had in their hands the mother copy of the FEV forced evolution virus, or the original strain.

Sitting in the east seat is Li Weida, the director of the 20813 Arms Manufacturing Factory.

He was the original colonel commander of the 20813 Pan-Asian Joint Unit stationed in Shenhai.

After the war, the 20813 Manufacturing Factory was established with the remnants and weapons and equipment production lines.

Li Weida seemed to be the oldest person present. He already had white silk on his temples.

There was a cigarette hanging from his ear, and he was wearing an unmarked military green shirt.

The last one was a middle-aged woman wearing a black OL outfit.

She is Yu Jing, the person in charge of Haoyouduo Food Co., Ltd. in Jinyangguang District.

Before the war she was a district manager at Trust-Mart.

After the war, he coordinated the warehouse supplies of many Trust-Mart supermarkets and included most of the nutritional mix making machines.

Currently, Trust-Mart Food Co., Ltd. controls 70% of the plantations of mutant fruits, mutant melons and other mutant cash crops in the neighborhood.

The four major consortiums cooperate closely in all aspects, including food, clothing, housing, transportation and weapons production.

After joining together, a military-industrial complex named after the neighborhood was formed.

Whether it is chairman, general manager, factory director, or person in charge, they are just symbolic titles.

In fact, the four of them are the actual controllers of the Golden Sunshine Block.

In the conference room.

The silence that lasted for several minutes was not awkward for anyone.

They seemed to have long been accustomed to such an atmosphere.

Luo Feng had a cigar in his mouth and was looking out the window with squinted eyes.

The strong Hong Yuanting looked at the limited edition BP on his wrist, flipping through something unknown, looking very focused, and occasionally holding on to the gold-rimmed frame.

Li Weida maintained an upright sitting posture, closed his eyes and rested with a calm expression, but occasionally took out the cigarette placed behind his ear and put it in front of his nose to sniff gently.

In front of Yu Jing was a can of canned yellow peaches without any label.

She picked up the yellow peach with a toothpick and ate it in small bites, the corners of her mouth slightly pursed revealing a sense of satisfaction.

Ashamed to say, she bought this can from Golden Ear.

As an oligarch who supplies nutritional mixtures and various mutant plant raw materials in the Golden Sunshine District, I have to say that this is definitely a irony.

Time passes quietly like this.

Until the holographic projection lit up in the middle of the four-sided conference table.

It was a dignified female image wearing glasses, and she was also the smart housekeeper of Golden Sunshine Street, with an intermediate level of AI.


"Your Excellencies."

At this time, Luo Feng put out the cigar in the ashtray, sat upright and urged.

"Qiu Jin, let's make the story short."

His words made the dignified woman in the projection nod slightly.

Then he replied.

"All combat data of the Crusade Corps has been fed back to the neighborhood server."

"The current statistics are in."

"This operation against the Brood Nest in Jinshan Light Industrial Park was successful."

"The Crusade Corps suffered 657 casualties, including 392 killed, 83 seriously injured, 148 slightly injured, and 34 missing."

"721 sets of Z3 exoskeletons were lost, and 733 destroyer rifles were lost..."

"57 T-33 power armors were damaged, including the support type..."

"4 Stalker armored vehicles were damaged and 7 tracked supply trucks were damaged..."

"Captured 5 hover tanks and 2 Black Eagle quadruped tanks..."

The intelligent AI named Qiu Jin reported a large list of block loss data in the battle.

Since the family in Jinyangguang Street has a big business, the four people present couldn't help but frown.

Just by conquering one brood, they lost so many soldiers and ordnance.

To know about similar-sized brood nests, there are two more in Shanjin District.

Not to mention those super nests located in the city center.

Of course, such a huge loss is also related to the mysterious force behind the scenes.

The opponent's powerful armored forces gave the expedition corps a huge headache.

After receiving the [Shenhai City Alien Nest Assessment Survey] some time ago.

The neighborhood planned to launch a crusade against the Shanjin District Brood.

The mother nest is also called the "nest of alien species".

Often born in high-radiation craters left by tactical nuclear bombs.

It's a weird thing.

Like both living things and dead things.

It can also be said that the mother nest has two contradictory characteristics.

Its frame is like a skeleton, and inside there are "organs" composed of a large amount of organic matter.

But it itself emits no radio signals of life.

The most terrifying thing about the mother nest is that it can retain the DNA information of various alien species.

As long as enough nutrients are obtained, different species can be hatched.

This is also the reason why many alien species, which obviously do not have the habits and organs to reproduce, are still being killed in the wasteland.

It is no exaggeration to say that the existence of the Brood itself is unreasonable.

One of the original intentions of the creation of the Neighborhood Crusade Corps was to wipe out the Brood.

Because the existence of the mother nest will greatly increase the distribution density of heterogeneous species in the area.

A strange alien nest can easily pose a threat to the neighborhood.

For example, the terrifying alien wave ten years ago.

Back then, tens of thousands of alien species carried hundreds of thousands of corpses and launched a mighty attack on the streets.

The Golden Sunshine neighborhood is almost gone.

The controllers of the four major financial groups turn pale every time they think about it.

It was a nightmare scenario.

Since then, Jinyang Yangguang Street has been working hard and not daring to slack off.

Every year, a large amount of money is spent on the development of military force.

The performance of many weapons has exceeded the pre-war level.

Including the Magic Eagle aircraft that showed great power on the battlefield was a product of the post-war period.

Compared with other pre-war fighters, it may not be the most advanced, but it is definitely the most suitable for the environment around the Golden Sunshine District.

The powerful weapon mounting capability allows the Magic Eagle aircraft to carry out devastating fire coverage strikes on a certain area within seconds with only one formation.

Defeating the Brood is no simple task.

In the past, a lot of casualties had to be paid.

But it will never be as serious as this time.

And all of this is caused by that mysterious force.

The birth of the brood is a mystery, and the number of new broods created over the years is less than the number destroyed.

Originally, according to the plan of the Golden Sunshine District, the entire Shenhai City would be completely wiped out in ten more years of preparation.

Recover all urban areas and establish a real base city.

But now the situation has undergone serious changes.

The mysterious force with the double Z mark actually has the ability to transform the Brood.

And enable it to release some unknown spores.

According to the latest results from the Neighborhood Institute.

This kind of spore can stimulate all creatures with dark crystals in their bodies, greatly enhancing their physical activity and aggressiveness. At the same time, there is a certain chance that several rice-sized red stones containing unknown elements will condense in their bodies.

Affected by this, the dark crystal energy standard in their bodies will be reduced by several levels.

Further research is still ongoing and it will take a few days for the results to be available.

The recent battle caused millions of dark crystals to be lost to the neighborhood.

After listening to Qiu Jin's report, everyone frowned.

Li Weida was the first to speak while sniffing the cigarette.

A calm and deep voice always makes people feel an inexplicable sense of security.

"What do you think?"

As he spoke, he raised his head, with a coldness in his expression.

"About that double Z mark."

Luo Feng, who was sitting next to him, stretched out a knuckle and tapped the table rhythmically.

"It should be the pre-war forces."

“Maybe it’s an official organization, maybe it’s not.”

When the word "official" came up, he gave Li Weida a meaningful look.

After all, he was a member of the Pan-Asian United System before the war.

But Li Weida snorted.

"At least in the sequence I know, there is absolutely no double Z logo!"

"But there is no doubt that those guys had pre-war reserves to back them up."

"During the deterrence period five years before the war, all forces were actively building shelters."

"No one knows how many shelters are still open on this planet."

"The water is deep in here."

Luo Feng smiled noncommittally.

At this time, Hong Yuanting, who had been silent until now, forced out a stiff smile.

"When the seized equipment is dragged back to the neighborhood, we will know who our opponent is this time."

His words made Luo Feng and Li Weida, who were slightly quarrelsome, relax slightly.

"Yuan Ting is right, everyone should stay calm."

"Although the loss this time is serious, it has not reached the point of breaking our muscles and bones."

"But in order to cope with the crisis that may break out, I suggest that we each take some of the private soldiers under our command and add them to the corps."

"We also need to increase the intensity of propaganda and treatment for conscription."

"The weapons and equipment warehouse is plentiful, but what we lack is manpower."

"In addition, special funds are allocated from the district's finances to place an order with Roche Machinery Industry to add more combat robots to supplement combat power."

At the end, Yu Jing glanced at Luo Feng specifically.

The latter's look was quite surprising.

Well, again, many plots and settings are gradually unfolded over the course of the book.

Please do not make arbitrary assumptions or make assumptions.

Furthermore, the protagonist’s perspective is not the same as the narrative perspective in the book.

Therefore, if the protagonist wants to know this part of the information, the plot needs to advance.

Finally, as expected, there should be another chapter today.

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