I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 106 Chapter 0101: The past is gone, return to the Iron Tomb Camp [Please subscribe]

Ottok is an expert in weapons.

Before the war, he was an orbital airborne trooper of SAC and received professional military training.

Back then, he set foot on this land wearing the Strike Assault lightweight power armor of the Covenant Community.

I am familiar with many types of power armor equipped by SAC.

At that time, the Pan-Asian Alliance was the imaginary enemy of SAC.

How to deal with the T-series standard powered armor is naturally also part of the training program for orbital airborne troops.

Before fighting the enemy, the first thing you should do is understand the enemy.

Therefore, Ottok has often explored and played with T-series power armor in virtual reality.

After Rosen nodded and agreed to this weapon matching plan.

Ottok was also quite emotional.

In fact, after the war, there were still a lot of power armors living outside.

It’s just that compared to a big force like the neighborhood, it’s difficult to achieve scale.

Especially in the years after the war, it was often possible to find still-usable power armor from the ruins.

However, it is now the nineteenth year since the Great Destruction.

The batch of power armor found in the ruins earlier were basically lost due to various battles and consumption.

Ottok has not encountered the business of transforming power armor for a long time.

For wasteland survivors, life after the Great Shattering doesn't seem to have changed much.

But the passage of time is still everywhere.

No matter how rich the inheritance is, there will come a time when it will be exhausted.

If we wait until a hundred years later, human beings will still be a piece of scattered sand, and I am afraid that they will eventually be annihilated on this planet along with the traces of past civilizations.

You must know that alien species and ghouls are still mutating.

Affected by this, there are currently two systems of chronology in the wasteland.

One set is still the original AD calendar, which is currently late June of 2196.

But with the decline of civilization, the meaning of the AD era has become increasingly pale.

Without historical heritage and sense of belonging as support and comparison, the current year AD is meaningless.

Another set of chronological rules is the Great Destruction, which is currently in its 19th year.

Compared with the AD Annals, the Great Destruction Era is more like a memorial and remembrance of the past.

Most survivors don't care how many years pass.

At this moment, Ottok suddenly felt enlightened.

Unknowingly, he had stayed in the old soil of the Pan-Asian Union for nineteen years.

Even the memory of my distant hometown has become blurry.

What impressed him most was not his drug addict father, nor his devout religious mother.

It was his grandfather who liked to carry an old-fashioned lever shotgun and a wild beard, and his old Aire Valley terrier Porter.

Rosen, who was sitting next to him, leaned on the sofa and drank the last sip of beer from the bottle.

His gaze shifted from the holographic projection in front to Ottok.

Seeing that he was slightly distracted, he didn't say anything to disturb him.

He just put the wine bottle on the table calmly.

The crisp collision sound brought back Ottok's thoughts.

"Sorry, you reminded me of some past events."

He came back to his senses and said slightly apologetically.

Looking back, after the Great Destruction, the few years when the Golden Sunshine District was first established were the real wasteland era.

The chaotic situation, the ubiquitous land reclamation team, the fanatical pursuit of weapons...

It wasn't until the first wave of alien species broke out that all the survivors realized that the outside world had long become a forbidden zone for humans.

Those years were his busiest years.

Of course, at that time, Otok was not the largest weapons dealer on the block.

The past is no more.

And after meeting the vigorous and vigorous Rosen, he regained a trace of his old feelings.

He raised his head and looked at Rosen and asked.

"When do you want it?"

"I can directly help you send the weapons and accessories needed for transformation to the Iron Tomb."

"The kid would be happy to take on this kind of job."

In response to this, Rosen first took a look at the time on BP. It was currently noon.

After thinking for a while, he took the initiative to ask.

"Are you ready for today?"

"You don't need to deliver the goods. Just package the things and deliver them to the safe room I rented before."

"I have a secret channel to bring those weapons into the Iron Tomb camp."

Rosen had his own plans. Whether it was power armor or the weapons provided by Ottok, they were actually relatively sensitive materials.

Out of his distrust of the oil machine gang, he did not intend to use conventional freight methods to bring things in.

Ottok showed a strange expression, but after pondering for a moment, he nodded.

"No problem at all."

"It'll be ready in two hours."

In the end, he didn't ask any more questions.

Rosen shrugged and then added.

"In addition, prepare enough supporting ammunition for me, as well as a nuclear fusion core with a diameter of 20CM to 50CM."

"30 strands each for 20CM and 30CM, 10 strands each for 40CM and 50CM."

"As for the debt, let's record it first."

"I will pay you another dark crystal in three days."

"It will be deducted from the general ledger at that time."

When Ottok heard this, he had a bright smile on his face.

"no problem!"

After reaching a consensus, Rosen left.

After he left, Ottok sat on the sofa for a long time.

After about a quarter of an hour, he stopped laughing.

"Funny boy."

"I still don't know where he kept those weapons."

"Even Golden Ears keeps his information strictly confidential."

Shaking his head, Ottok didn't think much about it. It was just his personal curiosity about Rosen.

Putting down the bottle of wine, he stood up and summoned the bodyguard who was as sluggish as a violent bear. He opened the heavy security door of the warehouse and began to prepare goods for Rosen.

More than two hours later.

Rosen, wearing the Z3 exoskeleton, walked out of the Golden Sunshine District.

Following the direction in memory leading to the Iron Tomb Camp, the bipedal sliding system was activated.

Regardless of the cargo being carried, moving forward on the sliding system is much faster than riding on that bumpy crawler truck.

Flexibility lies here. When encountering road obstacles or needing to take a detour, the exoskeleton is very convenient.

Except for the occasional ghoul or two saved along the way, there were no twists and turns along the way.

After two or three days, the Iron Tomb Camp became more lively.

After the initial wait-and-see period, those cunning businessmen and wastelanders confirmed that the Oil Machine Rampage Group did not interfere with the camp's business, so they felt a little relieved.

Camps changing owners often happen in the wasteland.

Sometimes the people who occupy the camp are the kind of stupid young people who are fishing in the marsh, so the traveling traders who come and go are also in bad luck.

That's why when Ottok brought Rosen here before, the camp seemed relatively deserted.

At the checkpoint at the camp entrance, there are many businessmen with two-headed oxen trucks or crawler trucks waiting for inspection.

Rosen went directly to the single inspection channel.

Waiting here are wastelanders wearing leather jackets and various light weapons.

There are also a few soldiers who are doing well who wear several pieces of armor or polymer body armor.

Most of these guys have been injected with E-type genetic medicine, and they look at the outside world with cautious and fierce eyes.

Wearing a brand new Z3 exoskeleton and equipped with a Blade weapon carrying system, Rosen looks particularly cool.

Especially compared to other wastelanders.

It even made the guards of the Oil Machine Rage Group almost mistakenly think that he was sent by the Golden Sunshine Block.

After a few simple explanations, Rosen was not challenged.

Even when he passed the checkpoint, he keenly saw the cannons on the surrounding sentry towers quietly aiming at him.

Just wearing a nice exoskeleton got him so much attention.

If he came to the door wearing power armor, wouldn't he be under close surveillance?

Entering the Iron Tomb Camp, it was much busier than the previous few days, and there were many stalls along the street.

What is sold above are all kinds of mechanical parts found in the ruins.

In addition, there are stalls selling nutritional mixtures, and the prices are slightly higher than those in the neighborhood.

Lively shouts and discussions were endless.

A large amount of black smoke rose from the workshop area not far away.

Countless smoke pillars gathered in the sky above the Iron Tomb Camp, like a smoky beast.

Rosen restarted the sliding system and drove towards the management office of the workshop area.

He did not go to the [Steel Gear Machinery Workshop] immediately, but found the manager responsible for the camp rental, and spent thousands of dark crystals on the annual rent to rent a small and medium-sized room near Li Qi's workshop. workshop.

I readily paid and signed the agreement.

Rosen received an ID card and several coupons for discounts on camp tax.

Finance and taxes can be discounted, which shows how perfunctory these guys are.

With his ID card, Rosen opened the workshop he rented.

The cement-hardened floor was covered in dust.

There are also two dark piles of discarded mechanical parts in the corner.

The circuit here has been disconnected for a long time, and Rosen has not applied for power supply yet.

Anyway, this place is only used as a transit warehouse.

After checking the environment in the workshop and preliminarily ruling out the presence of monitoring equipment, he briefly cleaned the floor, and then took out the batch of weapons provided by Ottok, as well as the white and green painted Haihua daily chemical version of T -29 powered armor.

Covering it with a layer of black cloth, Rosen clapped his hands.

The management of the campground is not strict.

It is no problem to transport it in quietly and transport it away quietly.

As for Li Li, it didn't matter whether she would be suspicious or not.

This is a wasteland, not before the war.

There is no point in getting to the bottom of it.

Smart people wouldn't do that either.

After he was ready, he left the workshop and locked the door.

Walk towards the alley where the [Steel Gear Machinery Workshop] is located not far from here.

The mechanics who had been too idle before have ushered in spring again.

The production needs accumulated in the past few days have been transferred to these days.

Basically, Rosen saw work in every workshop he passed along the way.

Walking to the door of the [Steel Gear Machinery Workshop], before entering, Rosen heard a not-so-violent quarrel.

Rosen stopped, pricked up his ears, and heard Li Ji's hoarse and determined voice.

"I've said it many times."

"Unless you get back my brother's belongings, I will not join any organization."

At this time, another deep and deep male voice sounded.

"Think about it, kid."

"You are a genius in mechanical engineering!"

"We will help you complete your colonization project."

"In addition, some bionic technology information will be made available to you."

"Do you want to stay in this simple camp for the rest of your life?"

"Until it is destroyed together with it one day in the future?"

The conversation in the workshop fell into silence.

Only the sound of machine tools was heard.

Ten seconds later, Li Barley's voice appeared again.

"My conditions won't change."

The low voice replied helplessly.

"All right."

"But you should understand that there are more than just Licker lairs surrounding the location of your brother's relics."

"Even if we want to conquer there, it will take a lot of manpower and material resources."

"And in order to ensure the integrity of the relics, weapons of mass destruction cannot be used."

"But I will try to convince them."

"I hope you change your mind too."

After saying that, the owner of the deep voice turned and walked towards the outside of the workshop.

The guy was wearing an unknown model of exoskeleton armor painted in light blue.

The armor plate on the chest looks angular and thicker than the Z3 exoskeleton.

The opponent's exoskeleton comes with a head helmet and an intelligent sighting system.

Seeing the integrated riveted structure, it is obvious that it has the ability to prevent radiation and poisonous gas.

It seems to go beyond the scope of an exoskeleton and is more like a simplified version of power armor.

Rosen has been doing a lot of "make-up lessons" these days.

But I still can't identify which type of power armor this thing is.

When this guy passed by Rosen, the visor turned and looked at him.

Even through the helmet, Rosen could feel the sharp gaze.

He stepped forward calmly, pretending that nothing had happened.

The machines in the workshop were "rumbling". If he hadn't had enhanced perception, he might not have been able to hear the previous conversation clearly.

He purposely walked around the alley for a while before returning to the entrance of the [Steel Gear Machinery Workshop].

Standing outside the workshop, Li Li was operating the machine tool.

Without rashly walking in, he saw the activated laser defense device.

So he stood outside and shouted.

"Li Barley!"

Hearing the sound, the red-haired mechanic looked back and did not stop his work.

He just freed up one hand to pick up the controller next to him and pressed it.

"come in."

Seeing that the laser defense device was turned off, Rosen walked into the workshop with confidence.

After handling the parts on hand, Li Li breathed a sigh of relief and raised his hand to close the machine tool.

"Zhang Zhenyu?"

She glanced at the newly dressed Rosen and asked tentatively.

"it's me."

Rosen admitted directly without mincing words.

Hearing his answer, Li Qi immediately relaxed.

She nodded lightly and stretched greatly.

"Do you have any more work for me this time?"

Summoning the refrigerator robot, Li Li took out two bottles of beer and led Rosen to sit at the workbench.

Faced with her proactive inquiry, Rosen did not deny it.

"Yes, I got a complete T-29 powered armor."

"But it doesn't have weapons modules."

"So I need you to modify it."

"All weapons are ready."

"I will send you the weapon matching plan using BP."

Rosen said straight to the point.

When Li Li heard that he had obtained a power armor, a look of surprise appeared on his petite and delicate face.

[I’m a bit busy at night, but if I can, I’ll try to finish the last chapter before 12 o’clock]

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