I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 109 Chapter 0104: Use a real man’s way to solve problems [Please subscribe] [Update]

Chapter 109 Chapter 0104: Use a real man’s way to solve problems [Please subscribe] [Update I]

One characteristic of heavy-duty locomotives is that their engines sound louder.

Wherever these bosozokus go, there is noisy noise and choking exhaust fumes.

The overall style looks very flashy in the wasteland and does not meet the pragmatic needs of walking in the wasteland.

Therefore, the bosozoku are nicknamed "mobile sluts" among wastelanders.

But having said that, the general combat effectiveness level of Bosozoku among Predators ranks in the middle to upper range.

Those who owned motorcycles were called "knights," while those without motorcycles were called "require."

Bosozoku often engage in large motorcycle hunting.

There is an independent hunting assessment for new knights.

They are required to go to a specific place at a specific time and kill a specified number of ghouls or alien species.

Compared with ordinary predators, Bosozoku usually show a stronger desire to fight, and their overall organizational strategy is more radical.

So when the two heavily loaded locomotives drove towards the workshop, Rosen woke up first.

The surging roar of the fuel engine was as loud as the sound of gongs and drums beside him to his keen senses.

He had a terrible sleep.

The banging sounds coming from the backyard separated by a wall almost never stopped.

Li Qi's transformation was more efficient than he imagined.

Before he fell asleep, Li Li had already re-covered the Shenguang-2 generation beam energy particle cannon installed under his left arm with a thick armor plate.

Power armor modification does not seem complicated, but in fact there are many ways to do it.

The most important thing is to maintain the good operation of the three-proof system so that the sealing within the body is not affected.

This is a delicate job that ordinary wasteland mechanics may not be able to do well.

Shaking his head, he stood up and sat on the rotten sofa.

The two bosozoku at the door were pacing impatiently and waiting.

Despite their rude words, they did not break into the workshop.

The banging in the backyard also stopped.

Li Li was wearing the leather hat and holding a torque ratchet wrench with a small amount of oil in his hand. He looked very unhappy.

After closing the backyard door, she came to the door of the workshop. Looking at the tall and short bosozoku, she scolded them fiercely.

"Idiot, turn off the motorcycle!"

"And that piece of junk that exploded, don't you see it's still smoking?"

"You didn't remove the fuel tank? Damn it, if it exploded it would blow my workshop away."

Rosen was sitting on the sofa and couldn't help but curl up his lips when he saw this scene.

Living in the Iron Tomb Camp, it would be a strange thing if he wasn't a bit aggressive.

The two bosozokus did not get angry when faced with Li Qi's scolding, but obediently turned off the motorcycle first.

Then he picked up a fire extinguisher and sprayed it on the damaged motorcycle behind him for a while, then he quickly removed the hot modular fuel tank.

Seeing this, Li Li turned off the laser defense device.

"Whose car broke down again?"

She pouted.

To ensure that you are not disturbed at the Iron Grave Camp.

Li Qi once showed his skills in front of the boss of the oil machine gang.

Therefore, the current two parties can be regarded as a close cooperative relationship.

She is the mechanic designated by the boss of the Oil Machine Rampage Group.

Not only is every repair charged as usual, but you are also protected by the Bosozoku group while you are in the camp.

At least she wouldn't have to worry about running out of work while staying in the Iron Tomb Camp.

Since Li Qi relied on skills to make a living, and her figure and appearance were not in the bosozoku aesthetic, she was not harassed.

The two bosozokus are one tall and one short, one strong and one thin.

The one who spoke was the thinner Bosozoku.

"That's Leader Morton's car."

"He will use it at noon tomorrow, so hurry up and fix it."

But Li Li frowned.

"Let Chief Morton pick up the car the day after tomorrow. I have an urgent job on hand."

At this time, the two-meter-tall, muscular bosozou urged in a loud voice.

"Fix our car first."

"As for the urgent work, can't we just find any excuse to delay it from the cargo owner for a day?"

The tall bosozoku looks like a typical Nordic style, with angular facial contours.

His whole body was filled with a savage aura.

Hearing this, Li Qi was about to say something.

Rosen appeared behind her and said loudly.

"I am the owner of the goods."

As soon as these words came out, the two Bosozoku immediately focused their attention on Rosen.

It is different from the relatively polite attitude towards Li Barley.

They looked at each other and smiled cruelly.

"very good."

"Then you can come back the day after tomorrow to pick up the goods. Is that okay?"

The strong bosozoku said with his big yellow teeth grinning.

And the thin bosozoku looked at him with evil eyes.

Rosen looked at Li Li, who shook his head slightly and hinted at something with his eyes.

Obviously he didn't want him to get into trouble with the Bosozoku.

But Rosen narrowed his eyes.

He replied in a firm tone.

"Of course there is a problem."

Hearing his answer, the strong bosozoku couldn't help laughing.

"This is the Iron Tomb Camp, the territory of our Oil Machine Rampage Group!"

The thin bosozoku warned sternly.

Rosen shrugged.

"Then what?"

"Are you going to do something unruly to me, an ordinary merchant?"

Such a fearless attitude made the two of them feel a little guilty.

"Which business group do you come from?"

I saw the skinny bosozou restrained the violent expression on his face and put on a smiling face and asked.

He had already thought about it. If Rosen came from one of those large traveling business groups, then it wouldn't be a bad idea to give in.

If the other party has no background, he will inevitably suffer some hardships.

As long as no lives are lost, the reputation of the Iron Tomb Camp will not be affected.

Controlling the camp is certainly equivalent to owning a cash cow.

But the biggest difficulty for these bosozokus is maintaining the reputation of the camp.

They even took the initiative in the past few days and drove away two groups of looters that had been lingering nearby.

Guests in the camp can die anywhere, but they cannot die in the camp and surrounding areas.

"I'm not from the business group."

Rosen said bluntly.

He planned to launch an offensive against the Blood Wolf Regiment the day after tomorrow.

Before that, we have to meet No. 7 again.

The commission itself is time-sensitive and he cannot waste too much time.

The transformation of power armor is crucial.

This is the equipment he relies on most in the next action.

At this time, he must not retreat.

And Rosen didn’t want to make Li Barley too difficult.

After all, Li Qi's final destination is the Iron Tomb Camp, and he can hang out anywhere and is very free.

Therefore, in such a situation, it is best for him to come forward and solve it himself.

Rosen knew it.

No matter how violent the oil machine gang was outside, they did not dare to go too far in the camp.

As for whether he would be retaliated against after leaving the camp, Rosen didn't care.

Once we really leave the Iron Tomb Camp, it’s still unclear who will deal with who.

"Not from the business group?"

"I advise you to be more knowledgeable."

The skinny bosozoku threatened.

The burly bosozoku standing next to him said otherwise.

"Qi Jun, calm down."

"We are not bandits."

He gently patted the back of the thin bosozoku named Qi Jun with his big hands like cattail leaf fans.

Then he turned his attention to Rosen.

"How about this."

"Let's do it the real man way."

"What is the level of your genetic enhancement?"

His tone was slightly gentle, but Rosen could hear a hint of cunning hidden in his words.

“What is the way of a real man?”

Rosen narrowed his eyes and asked.

The strong bosozoku answered unhurriedly.

"Hand-to-hand combat or arm wrestling, you can choose one of these two."

After that, he took the initiative to remove the polymer body armor from his body.

Then he lifted up his vest again, turned around and showed the special needle scar left by the injection of strengthening medicine on the spine behind him.

"Look clearly, there are only traces of the E-type gene enhancement injection on my back."

"You can get your hands on a standard exoskeleton, so there's no reason why you can't go down the block and get a shot, right?"

Different genetic enhancement agents will leave different injection traces, which are the best proof of the level of injection.

He didn't ask anything about Rosen's intentions during the whole process, as if he regarded this as a piece of entertainment or a reason to gag Rosen.

Type E genetic enhancement is the most common level of genetic enhancement in the wasteland.

First of all, it is because E-class genetic medicine has the lowest possibility of side effects.

Secondly, its injection price is relatively affordable.

The D-level gene enhancement potions above must not only have E-level gene enhancement as a prerequisite.

And the injection price reached more than 1,000 dark crystals.

Before the injection, blood samples and other biological information must be left on the block for documentation.

The most critical thing is that gene-enhancing agents above level E are unstable.

Taking Class D as an example, the fatality rate reaches about 10%.

There is also a 5% chance of losing consciousness and turning into a violent monster similar to a mutant.

The higher the level of the genetic enhancement agent, the higher the fatality rate.

When the corps soldiers in the neighborhood are injecting high-level drugs, they need a fully armed power armor team to guard them.

Therefore, most people will only choose to inject E-level medicine to improve immunity and physical fitness.

Before Rosen could speak, Li Li grabbed his wrist first.

Even he and the strong bosozoku had both been injected with E-type gene-enhancing drugs.

But the conditions between the two parties are still unequal.

The opponent's physique is so strong, and his strength after the buff must be much greater than Rosen's.

Unexpectedly, faced with such an obviously disadvantageous proposal, Rosen did not flinch. Instead, he felt happy.

His eyes also became eager to try.

Turning his head and giving Li Li a confident look, Rosen disengaged the exoskeleton.

"Then let's arm-wrestle."

Still wearing a bulletproof mask, Rosen said calmly.

Hearing this, Li Qi could only shake his head helplessly.

Be prepared to contact the medical robot for him.

That strong bosozoku's name is Haytham Lopez.

He has Nordic ancestry. He slept in a small shelter for more than ten years before the war and woke up five years ago.

He is a famous strongman among the Bronze Knights of the Oil Machine Rampage.

If you arm-wrestle with him, you won't die, but broken arms often happen.

After Rosen also revealed the scar on his back that was uniquely left by the E-type strengthening agent, he and Haytham came to the workbench.

Stand on both sides of the metal table.

The thin bosozokus Qi Jun and Li Qi jointly serve as referees.

The two of them each used one arm to hold one side of the table corner, and the other hand was placed together.

Hailsham looked at Rosen with a playful look, and his figure had grown a full circle.

The arm circumferences of both sides are also very unequal.

Qi Jun, who was standing next to him, had an excited expression on his face, while Li Ji couldn't bear to look directly at him.

But strictly speaking, this "real man" way of making decisions is indeed very common in the wasteland.

And everyone will tacitly abide by the results.

"3, 2, 1!"


Seeing that both sides were ready, Qi Jun started counting down.

Then the wrestling officially begins.

Hailsen had a confident smile on his face, and his strong arms gradually gained strength.

Qiu Jie's big arm muscles bulged out with distinct outlines.

The blue veins were bouncing, as if praising his strength.

It was obvious that Hailsham was very experienced in arm wrestling.

The real arm-wrestling is all about continuously applying force rather than pulling to the end in one go.

But soon his expression suddenly changed.

Because Rosen's arms didn't move at all!

This is still the case even if he reaches the limit of power.

Rosen, who was silently gathering strength for his arm, felt the pressure exerted by Hailsham.

This kind of power far exceeded the level of E-level enhancement, but it was still not enough in front of him.

It is estimated that Hailsen's single arm only has about 300 kilograms of strength.

And Rosen has the blessing of the martial arts realm. When he entered the body tempering realm, his single-arm strength exceeded 650 kilograms. This was a crushing game.

After a few seconds of stalemate, Hailsen's face turned pale.

"Stop playing tricks on this guy, damn Hailsin, use your strength now!"

"Could it be that stinky bitch Rose who emptied your body?"

When Qi Jun saw Hailsen grinding and whining, he thought it was because he was not exerting his strength, so he couldn't help shouting loudly.

Li Qi, who was standing on the other side, saw the clues and couldn't help but look strange.

There was no waiting for Hailsson to exert all his strength to crush Rosen, the "skinny monkey".

The next moment, something unbelievable happened.

The relatively slender arm actually broke off Hailsham's thick arm.

Arm wrestling is a game of muscles and bones.

The pain caused by the stalemate made Haytham cry out in pain.

In just an instant, his arm was pressed down.

Rosen could have broken his wrist, but let go at the critical moment.

He pulled his thick arm away violently, and Hailsham covered it with a look of shock on his face.

When Qi Jun saw this scene, he almost jumped up.

"What a joke!"

"You cheated!"

"It must be a bionic mechanical prosthesis!"

He jumped up and down anxiously.

"Shut up, Qi Jun!"

"He didn't cheat."

Hailsen's forehead was dripping with sweat, and he actually took the initiative to speak for Rosen.

No one knows better than him the terrifying power contained in the guy in front of him.

That is truly erupted from the physical body.

After saying that, he extended his other hand to Rosen.

"My name is Haytham Lopez, you can also call me Wolverine."

"You're a real man."

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